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Always calls if possible. When we first met we never really dated because we were younger and he was so nervous. Does He Really Love You - Answer these questions and you'll know if he loves you or is just keeping you around. I want to see you everyday of my life because seeing you is the only spark I need to obtain the greatness of dreamed of all my life. 300 miles is too far. And he texts me GOOD MORNING everyday (usually at 6am) for almost 2years now. We were looking for someone to have fun with and have a companion. We had our first brief meet up today, we talked we laugh and k felt like we have a great connection. I caught him off guard, he was ecstatic, he was the one who sought me out, we dated again, his reactions were genuine, and all the while I had my guard up because I dont know what this is anymore. Thank you! Like little girls. I should mention he has asked to meet up but I said no last-minute because I was hung up with assignments, I feel like its moving too fast. I said thanks, so we exchanged messages for a week. Anna: Yo be honest I didnt read your entire message. why is this so much better than texting? He was a friend of a client who travelled to our country on business. Confusing, Tonya, seems to me that its time to start depending on yourself instead of men. If he doesnt step up, move on sister. I dont want to overanalyze anything but when he told me that, it made me think that I guess hes really not into me as he says he is. Set the hour, minute, and second for the online countdown timer, and start it. Move on! Best to you. Forget worrying about being pushy. I brought up going out on a 2nd date and he was too busy to meet up because of his 2nd job. I dont feel that is the case anymore, nor did i deep down. Are you kidding me?? I know this all goes in hand whenever I like him enough to do this. . And once he got me its like he stopped trying altogether. So either hes not a grownup or not interested in a way you might want him to be. Some people are too nice to tell me that. Definitely felt good about her and would love to see where it goes if anywhere but kind of lost right now after her text message. 2 He's Online, But Takes Forever To Reply To Your Messages Image via Unsplash When you see that the guy's online and has read your message but hasn't replied, it's really frustrating. You know I believe strongly in being clear about your neeeds but I also want you to be realistic and not miss opportunities. texts decreased. Meaning - If you've been texting back and forth everyday non-stop with no missed time in between and that pattern abruptly changes then you have cause for alarm. But then this happenedI had just pulled up to my house when he texted me to see if I got home ok. If so, Proceed with caution and your self-esteem intact. If he shows up again in a REAL way meaning he wants to spend time with you maybe you might give him more attention. If hes not putting in effortand you read the articleI think you know the answer, Sarah. Hmmm, maybe you are in the friend zone. Its like when were together, I have no doubt. Hes just one guy that you dont know. I have this one guy that I met thru a mutha friend on fb. Do they act differently when you see them? But since last Monday our text messaging has been slow words before it was very funny and we were bantering back-and-forth pretty good she went to go visit her sister and I feel like I was more than annoyance than anything texting her while she was there she was having seen her sister in quite some time she kind of mentioned to me that shes just enjoying her company so I stopped text messaging her but its kind of killing me Id like to message her but I dont wanna bother her either Im almost people I have a Problem to bother people Point that Im annoying them. I napped after work too and was wide awake. I happen to have a land telephone line in addition to a cell phone. Im almost sure there is a plethora or at least (another one) of woman chatting with him. Please reread the article. All I did was sending a few text to cheer him on right before interview. Hello.. He also called twice after I asked for it (thank you for your advice! We chat almost everyday and I know he is busy and so am I, but I wish it could go futher. Hello. He didt respond to your requestyou should have let it go. I know because as a savvy millennial I am adept at vetting online identitiesno catfishing here! He followed with I miss ya. I fumed and texted, the next day, well, you have my number haha. I really like him but right now Im feeling patronized that I fell for his stupid lines. Anyhow, I have not heard from him since Sunday and was i too pushy? Which makes since bc he was diagnosed with aggresive type of Crohns which is an autoimmune disease. Will I have a very interesting thing going on with my friend from work weve been talking for the last two weeks and text messaging and we were hurt and hung out several times at her place shes made me dinner a couple times that is her roommate has and weve actually kind of had to intimate settings were sleep together. Texting is not dating. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again. Hugs. I asked him about it I asked him why he had so many profiles on facebook. Weve started talking through email, then message texts ( several a day), and phone calls as well. Doesnt really matter whats going on with him. That translates to you feeling safe. My question is what is he waiting on, its driving me crazy. Otherwise, he never would have shown any interest. I told him nothing of my past relationships, he sent a text saying he hadnt asked about my past marriage that one didnt get answered. Then he texted after the date. Now fastforward to 2 months into seeing one another one weekends and him calling every single day until 2 weeks ago. Ask him if hes willing to talk about how you two can come to some agreement on what works so you can continue. I havent really texted her since I havent heard from her . Understanding men does not have to be complicated. You dont want to get hung up on a fantasy. Bp. Something like: I enjoy staying connected with you between our dates. We both dont set expectations since he is far away. I started off just saying thank you; I appreciate your comments. Now he hardly texts and he has called maybe once and i missed the call. Non-verbal . and he said He will no longer work in my home country and he got transferred to another country soon. I like him a lot, and maybe even see him as a man I could truly love and have a happy life with. Hi Tea. Thanks for your kind advice and the time and effort you put on this site! I couldnt shake the feeling off. And if youre only giving him two days to call after getting your numberwell your expectations are out of whack. I met a man a month ago who lives in Colorado; l live in Florida. Please read this article, it may be something like what is happening with this guy. Determining that the best thing to do was consolidate, she poured the remaining expired milk into the good jug, much to her mother's chagrin. But: I did not expect anything from him, I just enjoyed my night with fun and meeting a nice guy and good kisses! We have text a lot, and he really doesnt live that far from me. I received a picture from him when we first started texting, but he said it was an old one. Devote your time to men who show up and who you can meet, ok? Sorry, I dont know. Im moving on! He doesnt seem shy or anything like that. He said: I just got home from hockey, bit drunk, so no calling for me, I am going to sit on my couch. Hi July, Maybe hes just busy; I dont know. After the first few emails just telling him about me, he also said he was gonna marry me. But you already know that, right? Is it possible he is changing his mind? Guys dont generally do things just to be nice, but he isnt showing real interest. From what I can tell he has had his heart broken twice and that is the reason I think that he is afraid to have a relationship with me. So, believe it or not, I get to meet him in a month or so. If he says yes, propose three different times, and let him pick. In person. My method works well for me because it reflects my standards. He text me today saying I never told him I live with someone else. Lastly, i doubt this is really about texting. Go on and live your life. So weird. Of course, back in my mind I thought he must be serious. He started saying he would really like to meet in person, but he never asked for a date. It sounded like a classic rebound but as I kind of liked him and had no expectations I decided to meet him. I definitely dont want to chase him but what gives. Really, Im open to whatever we do, I just need a time to be ready by lol Please tell me your thoughts! We dont live really close but bave both said we would drive to see the other. I wish you the very best, of course. Run Micah, run!! Sure, its a possibility, dont leap to that conclusion right away, advises Chlipala. Although, right now, its a long-distance relationship. Hes interested in getting to know you and likely looking for a relationship. I am a older woman and not single but separated. I recently met someone online and have been dirty texting and also been trying to get to know each other. He must be seeing others, despite the texts where he says hes all mineand his focus is on making me happyanything for you. A lot of dating coaches say lower your standards and youll have more opportunities. Your wish for that kind of first date is lovely, and does sometimes happen. But he still txts me. And I like your plan to keep dating and being open to meeting other men in the meantime. If I dont go on there he may think no one else wants to date me!!! Then all of a sudden he ignored my txts but he made me think that he lost his job so I stopped txting him. I asked if things were heading to the friend zone. He messaged me later on POF asking when we could talk again. Its a type of falseconnection that sets up incredibly unrealistic assumptions and expectations. Weve texted since, at first he would text in the morning, or at lunch. He is a surgeon and I know he probably is busy. At some point I started talking about dating (apps) and asked if he is back in the game to get bit of an idea what he wants. When I did, he told me he was sick. If you want a little more, like a phone call first, its up to you to get off the texting treadmill and ask for what you want. You wont be losing anything. Good conversation. I asked him if something is up if hes losing interest or what the deal was and all he says is Im sorry sweetie, Ive just been busy I understand that yes he could have been busy he works 12 hours out of town and stays in a hotel for the week with his coworkers. Our next date is Tuesday for dinner I thought I might talk to him about it then. I really like what i see and hear from him and i guess the opposite is also true because he has always initiated contact (i never contacted him first) and we talk almost on a daily basis. But again, the only real way to know whats happening is to talk to them about it. Great job on the sure we can be just friends. I told him I needed more than a textingship. I got bitten big time by a charming, funny, flattering texter extraordinaire a while back. Bp. I respected he was busy and told him not to rush we could rearange. He kept addressing me as friend or my friend which I thought was a little weird. I never liked it too much it has no face. He told me about this right out the bat which was overwhelming at first but his honesty and upfront nature kept my attention and the situation with the baby momma to be was bad. Believe him the first time. We still texting, but hes still on line looking around . And even if I think I do know, Im loathe to guess. Good luck! He kept promising we would meet up again and thing would fall apart on either my end or his before even scheduling anything. It starts off greatthen he disappears. ( we did speak anout 3rd date doover lol), Why not? Most men, especially here, think I do too much in life, resent my education, that I have done more in life than they. Hi Sherri I said I would think about where to meet. I called and left a message. We initially were texting everyday for at least a week before we met because he was traveling. I have been texting someone I met on tinder for about 6 weeks now. We started texting. I asked him if he still wanted to meet, and he said definitely. On the other hand, I think its great that youre going to talk with him further to learn more. Bp, So glad I read about texting and phone calls in a 10days he has called me 2times last night he asked me what time I got up I told him all we did was text I asked he if he was going to call and he never answered I think I got the message thank you, Melinda. Youll have to decide if thats ok with you. Ask him if he is interested in getting to know each other better? Temp job ended, I text to tell him / say bye. At some point in the last couple of weeks I asked him if he was even interested. I always hope for the best. Am I asking for too much or should I just go find someone who matches my upbeat personality? I feel like we're dating, but. But unfortunately the dates I was gonna be in New York for work didnt coincide with his. We belly laughed the whole time, had a TON of stuff in common, great flowing conversation and we were both super attracted to each other. Breathe. And for the last couple years. Maybe a few in the morning and a few at night. Later we kissed and spent a very good rest of the evening. We talked off and on while we were both away and flirty conversation led to sexting. He made a joke on the last day we saw each other that hed call me to hang out when he gets back but Id probably be on a date. Hes a widower of about 18 months, took care of his wife as she was dying of cancer. Bp. A lot of times we fall for an IDEA of who a guy might be instead of who he really is. You have to go on all you know, which is that he stopped being in touch. He was just a bit forward, according to him. Dont go overboard, in other words. Like I say in the article: thats not a relationship. I said: why dont you give me a call tomorrow? Me: Thank you. It made me happy. He told me that he doesnt need to explain about our relationship because I can feel it myself. I told him I already moved on and its best he does too. Just want to know if this only to have a sexual relations with me, feels comfortable to be that open with me or wants something more serious. Is he being realistic or fantastizing? We text mostly but have had to amazing phone call. Texting sucks when it comes to trying to actually communicate. Now he tells me he misses me and wants me to be his girlfriend. It saves me from wasting time on losers and gives me more time with men who naturally fit my needs and style.