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Well never understand Him, Fully trusting God has two parts. Did Jesus not sin because he is God and God cant sin due to being perfect or was he just different from all the rest of humanity in some way? For now, what we have isnt quite what it should be. Im 32 yrs of age and I was baptized at 15 yrs old when I wasnt truly ready. Feelings change, but truth does not. What happens to babies and young children who die? When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the penalty for sinall sins, for all people, for all time. But I know if it is explained to me and that i truly do believe in Christianity than I have no doubt in my mind I will do what everything it takes to go back on the right path. If you read 2 Corinthians 5 you can see that reconciliation is what we need. Its called apologetics. Dont even worry about tomorrow, let alone worry about the rapture. Everybody has sinned. Im happy to have been even a little bit helpful. Thanks for visiting my website. >> Do the rules change about sin or have we gotten the whole Gay and Christian thing wrong? Nobody is forced to visit GodWords and read what I write. There are a lot of things that Christians disagree on. Sep 14, 2014. That pre-Christians knew enough for salvation; and that therefore (from the perspective of salvation) the problem of the virtuous pagan disappears. Baptism is our participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus knew the Father, obeyed the Father, and died to show us how much God truly loves you and me. If not, youre not missing out. As you said in your response to Kal, So, the caring person who wants nothing to do with God gets their wish, what does that mean exactly? Still, its better to be safe than sorry with regard to choosing a faith community. I said ok, if he signed carpenter (because thats what he does for a living) would they cash it.? My guess is that youre in the wrong church. People will definitely be in Hell. Thanks for writing! Because of this, it seems what you need is more information about whether Christianity is true. Where is Elijah and Enoch and Moses etc then? He said it to me, in fact. Be blessed. This brought about a few changes in their lives. Im going to ask for your opinion.Why do YOU think iniquity was found in Lucifer?And why do YOU think Lucifer rebelled against God if he knew he would have no chance to dethrone God the Father?And what would you do IF Lucifer Ever DETHRONED God The Father which Im not saying that he will.But what would you do?! The Bible teaches that everybody already has all the information they need to know that God exists, to know what Hes like, and to be saved. Ill tell you how: trust God with your life. The thief on the cross wasnt baptized, yet he was saved. Dont fall for ideas that seem to make sense of the trinity but contradict what we see in Scripture. He believes, as many oneness folks do, that baptism only works if you do it exactly right. If im ready to be baptized in water, what are the ways to do of baptism. Not according to Scripture. Its another way to say that we trust God with our lives, which leads to being born again. Also, Im pleased to read about your desire to become more spiritually mature. If Jesus said to the thief on the cross that he will be with Him in paradise, then surely that says something to us who will die as reborn Christians, not so? Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Because we have no evidence in Scripture that He does that sort of thing, and because that would make God a deceiver, Im going to say NO. Its reconciliation. I pray that he will give me the strength to know when I have found a true church, where saints and sinners can pray together and be saved by Christs plan before our planet Terra is transformed into Hades through world peace and New World Order. He was an investigator, specializing in cold cases that nobody else could solve. Let me ask you: are YOU reconciled to God? It is at that point that the unrighteous will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. The question isnt whether baptism appears there, but what is SAID about baptism. He left out a crucial point, right? We have all chosen, at least at first, to do things our own way. There it is. He makes Himself known to them and they reject Him. Neither you nor I know what that woman looks like, but if you cooperate with Him you will be amazed at how youve changed. The traditional reason that Christians havent been cremated is that it would destroy the body, making it impossible for God to put the parts back together for the resurrection. If He says more to you, good. One would presume that they were sent there by the Father, rather than being free to wander about on their own. We have to TRUST God. This part is for you, Ayden. Your original question (on Facebook) included an article from the United Church of God. Do you trust God? Thank you. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Water baptism is a public declaration that youve made a commitment to follow Jesus, and that you want your community of faith to know it. You might not fit into that category. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. Eating pork I can prevent easilly. You and I probably believe some things that arent true, but that doesnt make us false teachersit only makes us incorrect. Does that mean that a caring and good person would go to hell just for not being religious even if they never did any crimes against humanity or anything really bad? Im grateful for your courage! >> Will God still consider you a Christian. Yes, obedience is important but we dont start out being obedient. It basically was chosen for me by my parents. I havent been baptized not because I didnt reject it its because I never had the opportunity. The Bible teaches that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. When buying shoes, its important to get the right size. Jesus says no one comes to the father except through me, my problem is I would rather rest with Jesus most sacred heart any day than be with a wrathful angry God.I ask Jesus to protect me and hind me in his most sacred wounds and his precious heart from gods wrath, anger, ultimate power, destruction and vengeance.My secret is out I do not want to be with God I want to be with Gods gentle, loving, kind, peaceful and only begotten son. The general presumption among most commentators is that our spirits will be reunited with our bodies. Some songs by BTS are really great. Im greatly concerned for you, because too many times Ive seen this exact situation end in tragedy. As long as we dont pretend that our wishes are the truth, and tell others that they should believe as we do, I think were safe. Thanks for taking part. Hi Tony What youve written gives me clues to some of those misunderstandings. Sometimes the parents need to apologize, or to explain their decisions, but its mostly the child seeing that they ARE a child, and that they should accept instruction and correction from their parents. They are raised with the idea that being a Plain Christian and just having Jesus in their Heart will get them to Heaven, i say there is so much more to be in Faith with Christ. They dont clear things up, but make things muddy. Check the Scriptures, my sister. Theres no question that I use stronger words than some are comfortable with. Isnt that what we all should do? The practice of infant baptism has some biblical support. When you find such a place, ask them when you can be baptizedand then do it. Its a group of beliefs about what God is like. There are 3 Steps to Salvation that Jesus declared that we MUST do! Jesus paid for all the sins of the world, but u have to accept his payment. The heart of the baptism conversation and inquiry to me is why are so many so-called Christians living lives that are not remotely reflecting Christ? Divorce, unforgiveness and disunity are just as rampant in the church as outside the church. Im not sure I understand the question, but Ill guess. I feel God will call you to get baptized when its right, and theres no need to rush. Every Christian should be baptized. We all learn as we go. What about peoples good intentionsis it enough to believe that doing good is good, even if we never get around to doing good things? Im Confused: It is, however, better than living our own way. A few years ago my Grandfather died he was a good man he served in the military and lived life good. Just do what God wants you to do, and leave the details to Him. The New Testament had not come into effect until Christ had died, (0ld testament vs New Testament) that is why the thief was saved but under the new law or New Testament your baptized to get into the death and blood of Christ. When a Catholic marries an unbaptized person, even in a Catholic ceremony, the Catholic spouse is not conferring the sacrament of matrimony on the non-Christian spouse. It is certain that the kingdom of heaven belongs To children such as you were in age, purpose and father, like our own boy who was summoned the moment he was bestowed. Who was in the world.? The way you phrased your question tells me that youve misunderstood the nature of Christianity. Please dont hesitate to write back, either here or in private. The Bible is like any other book when reading, you cant just pick out certain versus such as believe and you will be saved, you have to read it all and it comes together.God will help you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Cornelius and his whole household werent baptized, yet they were saved. My dead twin sisters are my guardian angels. If it were important, it would be in there. Look above: Jesus also died to demonstrate how much God loves us. Lets talk further about your hermeneuticsthe principles youre using to interpret Scripture. Wrong? I would also seek to honor your grandmother by making sure you know what you believe. But whenever they are around I cant play my music around them. I ask because I like to read Rob bells books and listen to his teachings a lot. The brutality of the Karan ( preachings of Ala ), or the King James Bible ( Preachings of God ) are telling us that True Justice, and all of its brutality, if truly righteous, is not a sin. I do not know his motivation, or his spiritual conditionso please take note that Im not judging Rob Bell. Is it because we want things we shouldnt have? Blessings. Many women simply believe that handicapped children are better off dead. At this point in time, nobody is in Heaven or Hell. Again, is it too late for me to be saved? It means that I try to feed my heart and mind things that keep it healthy. I believe that God commanded me and directed to one specific group of believers (Church), my focus was mostly on baptism knowing that this is the next step after being saved. This is a reply to your answer starting with: >> Do the rules change about sin or have we gotten the whole Gay and Christian thing wrong? Belief is all that affects condemnation though. The church is not a denomination, or a religion. Youre rightthe Bible never says that you cant be privately baptized. While "the wages of sin is death" ( Rom. Let me know if you have any other questions. You and I need to look for ways to serve others, and not focus on having God serve us by making us feel good all the time. His love is unconditional. For me, thats one of the best parts of following Jesus. Its not enough to know about God, or even to believe Hes awesome. They deny the trinity, the existence of hell, promote the so-called British Israel doctrine, claim that Christians should be Torah-observant (but only in the ways they think are best), teach that Jesus kingdom IS of this world (despite His direct statement to the contrary), believe there will be three resurrections of the dead, and so on. One of Jesus best students, John, explained it this way: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. If youre born again, ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you read. Eating from that tree and apple when told not to has resulted in being thrown from the garden and people enduring Gods wrath throughout history. This is why Muslims have always denied that Jesus is the Son of God, because to them there is no one like Allah, and claiming that Allah has a son would be like saying theres another one just like Allah. Theyre one. Nicodemus was puzzled, of course. In this case, God told Noah that he could eat anything. In fact, I would avoid even making the claim in public. Without that, youre just blowing smoke. I knew of Jesus, and I knew him as my Lord & Saviour most of my life. Im going to tell you something that may be hard to hear, Hannah. Ive been saved since i was 5 and Ive been having a lot of troubles in my live so far and all of these things happening have been taking my mind off of what truly matters. As with any troubled relationship, it takes two sides to make things 100% right. Thats why we can be so incredibly terrible. Its not a matter of being good enough, Leah. This is silly superstition, to be sure. Jesus said, the Way to the Father is through Me. I came upon your website by chance. I loved my Grandpas, and I hope theyre in Heaven when I get there. Do you believe that ALL of the nations were gathered before Jesus in 70? If it did, we could just make a checklist of things to do, and things to not do, that would make sure we get to Heaven. Make it a habit. You say that you believe in God very much. CHRISTIANITY So, when asking whether something is a sin, we need to look at the command to do, or not do, that thing. I also reject the concept of purgatory. I try to stay in the word because I find that the more I do I dont want to lie it down. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved. My job is to love them, not judge, and leave that up to God. Theyre both in the same verse over 50 times. Theres no penalty left to pay. The question isnt whether youve been dunked, but whether you trust God with your life. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Not only that, but He did it while we were against Him! He has revealed Himself to us in many ways. Do you think that with all the money that some not all megachurces spend on making a luxurious life for their pastor will one day haunt them in the form of bankruptcy or debt.