"No Granny Smith. "Twilight, I won't fool around with you. But the past is the past. Stepping up on the pedestal, Shining braced himself as the personnel present in the room began to look up at him. The troops must stick to the mission at all times, and at all costs. Go ahead. "What is it you want?" "Your Majesty, may I present Snake Bite. "Cadance, is there anything else you wish to tell me?". Now they were ready to stand before her and say they were sorry. Wracked with grief, Applejack flopped onto her bed in tears, but not before hurriedly hanging up her trademark Stetson. With that, the Mane 5 began to move out of the treehouse, one by hesitant one. Anypony who attempts to resist or to rescue her is to be dealt with immediately. "Sergeant, Lieutenant Blade has given us orders to billet here for the time being. He was still her loyal assistant, and as such he would follow up on his role's job description, as well as the promise he made to himself to never leave her again, following his forgiveness by Twilight. They had the matter well in hoof anyway, or so Applejack's pride, stubborn as ever, was trying to convince her. Grinning evilly, Chrysalis held little care for such a plight. "You're a love-stealing evil thug!". At the same time, more dive bomber teams will hit the enemy's archers, attacking them from behind before entering the castle. ", "There is blind loyalty, Rainbow, and then there is experience. Why would her niece need to see Luna during her watch, and only to show her a spell she had learnt? "What is it honey? asked Velvet, feeling concerned. Yelled a voice from outside the door. Chrysalis made no response, physically or otherwise. Cadance headed back to the library to help Twilight and Spike cool off, Rainbow went back to her cloud house in Cloudsdale, the mission to repair the broken bond with Twilight stuck firmly in her mind. "You are dismissed. He remembered meeting a pony a few days after he had was cured. After throwing the doors open and shut with her magic, the lavender unicorn threw herself on her bed, crying every fibre of her pain out of her. Speaking of the latter, Celestia was wondering, on a side note, where she was during the Changeling invasion. Rarity, meanwhile, had a relatively peaceful journey back to her place of business, but she also had a feeling it would be a while before Twilight will forgive her and the other girls. Last time we merely harvested the love from the ponies and kept attacking. The Mane 5 were shocked to see that the baby dragon had taken on such a strict form, but Cadance remained unbowed by such an appearance. According to intelligence that was given to me just this very moment, I believe the Changelings are planning a revenge assault on the city. With no words, he awaited his orders. She asked me if I knew a spell she had recently learned. Twilight needs us, and we're getting to her one way or another!" "Which is why I suggest we hide in the Everfree Forest. But from too many mistakes, there's no love, dancing or cake. "Girls, remember what you learned. "And Shining? Celestia couldn't say anymore, and Luna could see it. Not the sort of difficult where Shining could not recall Night's exact words, but the sort of difficult where emotions and mentality were concerned. The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. Applejack wasn't the only one who betrayed everything she stood for, we did as well. "I'd love to. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. Soon to be thrice once ah' meet up with the girls to discuss a plan. With that, Spike began marching out of the room, tearing off his tuxedo as a symbolic reminder of the corruptive power of the wedding. Applejack's always been very punctual. "Very well" Replied Cadance. "Princess, I'm curious. It's too soon.". "Luna, guards, I wish to talk with Captain Armor alone. However, that was the least of her concerns. "But Princess, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Now, he felt like the world's worst brother. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. But they refused to believe it was anything more serious than wedding stress. All of this was still cooking up a storm deep in the annals of her mind, and there was little she could do to forget about it. Still, she tried her best to remain perky, and after having breakfast herself, she set to work stacking Sugarcube Corner's display case with treats and confectioneries of all shapes and sizes. If it comes without heart or feeling, I promise you that she will never forgive neither you nor her friends and the Princess. Fortunately enough for the elite Changeling spy, he did not have to wait long as around the same time Twilight and company had embraced each other in a hug, Blade soon reported back via telepathy. Spike looked up to see Twilight, her face as blank as stone. "Oh mah" Said Applejack, horrified. Spike's request was greeted with a smile, but Cadance wisely remembered Twilight might not be too pleased to see him. Replied Chrysalis. He had no idea that Chrysalis had imprisoned her in the caves, or that her life was in danger, but now that he did, it was taking a bad toll on him. I can't help it. Don't come back until you're ready to be Twilight's friends again.". To Luna, that was both an outrage and a major injustice to the lavender unicorn, who had done so much for not only Equestria, but for them both. ", "I know Dad", sighed Shining. ", "Understood Lieutenant. I don't think I can trust them again, not after that. Twilight was clearly still in anguish and self-pity. The only reason we supported the wedding was so we can welcome Cadence, ours and Celestias own foalsitter and niece into the Sparkle family. Cadance was left with the job of escorting them out. "All I cared about at that point was being a bridesmaid, and the added honour of mingling with Canterlot's nobility. She knew they couldn't afford to say something that would upset Twilight. Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". ", "Anything to preserve the welfare of my subjects." "Indeed we are Princess." ", "Canterlot nearly fell, because of the collective incompetence of myself, Captain Armor and the Element Bearers. You're no fool. Shining shares the same pain I do. screamed Twilight Velvet from the kitchen. Unfortunately, like the Mane 5, Shining and Celestia, he fell for the same delusions that Twilight was still in the wedding hall, wallowing in her misery. asked Night with a hint of disappointment. "Yes Aunt Celestia. "I.Oh Luna.I don't know why we left her. She was crying tears of both despair and joy. "What is it Granny Smith?" "Right away your Majesty". ", "Yes ma'am. ", "Excellent. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. Still, somepony had to say it, and it fell to Rainbow to take up that mantle. It didn't take long for Velvet to catch on either. Afterwards, I will update her on the situation". SubStar One did not, and that was Rarity. If they were going to be of any help to Twilight at this time, they needed to be safe from anything, therefore Night felt this was for the best. Deadpanned Applejack. All passengers, the next stop is Ponyville!". A small part of the pink alicorn was disappointed about the lack of a hoofshake, but it was completely understandable. Replied Twilight lovingly. "Applejack, there's something Big Macintosh and I want to ask you.". Shining could only hang his head deeper from the truth in her words. Night and Velvet leaned in close; whatever news he had was obviously bad. As they made their way past Town Hall and through the daily market, nopony even paid them a passing glance. They heard me cryin' last night and wanted to know what was wrong. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction . The latter walked inside the study, where he found Celestia at her desk, filing through a mess of papers which lay before her. As the days passed, and my hopes turned into bitterness, you ignored it for the limelight, leaving me to succumb to my demons. "Oh Celestia, how are we going to fix this mess?" "Yes sir!" They have my permission to use tracking magic as well. I have a job for them.". How were they able to come to Twilight's aid the first time, when they did not the second time? "You really are my best friend Spike. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You're going to need it, because there are long and trying days ahead. For Twilight and Spike, it had felt like hours since they had left Canterlot for Ponyville, but in reality, it had only been a little over an hour and a half. "But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? Gasped Celestia speechlessly. "Y-yeah, sure." The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia turned their heads to the source of the voice. Replied Luna respectfully. This was the latter's ultimate redemption. "Your Majesty?" Behind him, the doors flung open to reveal Celestia's Royal Guards, with Luna following closely behind. Cadance, can you and the girls try talking to her? Said Chrysalis confidently. Back in Ponyville, morning had dawned over the town, birds chirping happily to mark the occasion. Marching up to the doors, still wearing his ceremonial Mareish Guards dress, Shining motioned to four of the eight throne room guards standing before him. Y'all have brought shame to our family something fierce. That wasn't the reason she was here. A mlt rnyai - Edward szemszg fanfiction (A dialogue Carlisle/Esme: Selfish by baphne The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (original title) Don't worry Twilight fans Don't worry Twilight fans. "I'll go and get Twilight. "As well as the sound of a bell!" Just please, do not chastise me. Even though he was going to have his flank handed to him, the last thing he would ever do, under pain of death, was defy his princess. "I hope you aren't hurt? Cried Pinkie. They had a job to do, and they would get it done. Together the unicorn and baby dragon faced the left side of the train, looking out the windows into the station as the train rolled to a stop, steam hissing from it's every orifices. We all betrayed you Twilight. Sorry I'm late. "Aunt Celestia, Twilight wishes me to inform you that she is no longer your student. Both Night and Velvet looked at each other nervously, before returning their attention to Luna. ", "First thing's first though, I should probably go check on Twilight, make sure she's OK. As for you girls, you should probably go home and get some sleep. For now it was just Twilight, huddled in a warm embrace with those she loved and held dear. "Well, OK, I'll take your word for it. Eventually, she reached the gateway to the family's apple orchard, most of the trees lacking the apples which commonly hung from their branches. "What gives you the right to question me, AJ?" Just then, Fluttershy entered the bakery. It was apparent that the Changelings had taken them prisoner.". ", "Just a few scars" Replied Chrysalis. He didn't like leaving Twilight so broken, but he didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either. ", "Of course we do!" We couldn't be more grateful for your help. This site and its contents are not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. "Yes. Don't forget what you have learned!". It was also revealed at the wedding that the impostor had put Captain Armor under a mind-control spell, with Twilight watching every second of it. Furthermore, the want of a hoofshake at this time would have been utter folly. Replied Shining sadly. something they needed to rectify, and fast. Celestia has since sent a delegation, made up of the Element Bearers, to Ponyville. The girls fell into an uneasy silence. I need to check with Twilight. Luna responded. She understood that Cadance was trying to play peacemaker, but the odds were against her, and the Mane 5 too. "Surrender now and you will not be harmed.". "If you think I'm gonna surrender, you're dead wrong Chrysalis. After a long moment of silence, Fluttershy managed to speak the question that hung on everypony's minds. I think the best thing to do right now is to leave them alone until they had time to take in what I told them. By the Creator, was Shining right when he guessed this wasn't over. The poor mare was exhausted, having gone through so much up to this point. Boomed Chrysalis, who fired an ice spell at Aegis, freezing him solid. "And any enemy that attacks us will have free reign to wreak havoc." It is with honest hearts that we apologize for abandoning you when you needed us most. Fer that, I will never forgive myself. "Sorry Cadance. Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. Also, we did not know it at the time, but their leader, Queen Chrysalis, had managed to somehow infiltrate the city, taking the place of the bride after locking her in the Canterlot Caves.". Ah' have experienced many things both great and terrible, but what y'all did is the worst thing I have ever heard in my life, and that's sayin' a lot. "Come in!" "Following your departure to oversee the wedding rehearsals, I was manning the watch as usual, until Cadance flew up to me. The Lunar Princess knocked on the door, Twilight Velvet wasting no time in answering. Both the senior Apples looked at Applejack sternly. "I understand your grief completely now, Sir Light and Lady Velvet, but while I empathize with your plight, I am not here to promise swift vengeance. Whatever thunder Applejack was packing was quickly silenced. There was no doubting it; his actions had inflicted severe damage on their relationship, damage that had clear knock-on effects as demonstrated by Cadance and Spike. Replied Luna. He was delighted Twilight was able to forgive him, but the question remained; would she be able to forgive the others? Finished Celestia. Velvet took a long look at Night Light, who nodded firmly in response. Raider! May I come in?". How will the mane 5, Celestia and Shining Armor bring Twilight back to . That lesson was to never ignore the concerns of your friends, no matter how small. Take care of yourself. "It's as simple as that. "Proceed Commander." You have already done enough as it is to destroy our daughter and so did the Princess and her friends, reminded Velvet, still in tears. "Oh shut up!" I want to make up for my actions at the rehearsal.". When it all comes crashing down, the night will fall. You want to say sorry? ", "But that's not true Granny Smith! The only thing she couldn't imagine happening, however, was a second invasion. Night Light turned to comfort his wife and left Shining to return to Celestia and carry on with his orders in shame. The sun princess spoke glumly. Replied the alabaster unicorn. Captain, may I talk to you in private?". Twilight is not in the mood to be messed with.". It was a difficult task to remember what Night Light had told him. While there was no conflict outside, there was conflict deep inside. ", "It even got to the point where Twilight had to make a problem herself." However, Blade ordered Snake to hold position for a little while longer, so as to not make things seem suspicious. Celestia smiled responsively. Rainbow cut in. "Lieutenant, I must inform the Princess of the attack on the settlement. "I'm sorry Rarity, but it seems Twilight was right. Replied Skoula, having taken some time to analyse the proposal. The Mane 5, with Cadance in tow, entered the main room of the library. Nodding to their sergeant, the Changeling troops assumed their disguises, as did Icy Tone and Snake Bite. Somepony would probably catch us. In the midst of her struggle to find an answer to how she failed to differentiate the impostor from her niece, tears began flowing from her eyes. The stallion was beginning to grow desperate, fueled by his intense remorse for his actions. So, after checking to make sure Sweetie Belle was still sound asleep, and after spending roughly 15-20 minutes fixing up her mane and tail (and applying her make-up), Rarity left for Sugarcube Corner, but not before eating breakfast and leaving a little something for Sweetie Belle to eat herself. Was the collective response from the gathered war room personnel. Shining Armor had left you. "Shining Armor, how could you be so unspeakably cruel to your own sister?! She was brought here to answer questions, and it was under those conditions that she decided to relent. "Guards, let's go. Do you realize, Princess, that had Twilight not found the real Cadance, who was also imprisoned down there, they could have both died? Celestia snapped in frustration. Stepping inside the library, she made herself comfortable. Do you have any idea..?". You may not be omnipotent, and on that matter, neither am I, but you of all ponies should know when something is wrong. That was an impostor with evil intentions, yet you let her facade fool you, and I know you sister. At the same time, I felt Celestia wasn't paying any attention herself, which only made me feel worse. ", "Yes. What do you think of that sir? And if that isn't bad enough, ya did not even say sorry to Twilight. "The operation should take 8 hours maximum, but it is currently unknown what kind of defensive capabilities the enemy possesses. So Twilight breathed into the small paper bag while the therapist casted more of her specialty magic on her to calm her down. Not only did Celestia abandon her, but she stabbed her with a proverbial dagger through her heart. Now ah' know it may seem pointless to be getting upset about trashed muffins, but the point ah'm making here is that the real Cadance would have loved what we did for the wedding. "Well.basically what happened is that Twilight was concerned about Princess Cadance, who was due to be married to our son, Shining Armor, at the time.You see Princess, the Princess Cadance that Twilight was so concerned about was not the real one. "I can remember spending most of the night cr-". She could feel her eyebrows and face contort into a mask of pure disappointment, even anger at her sister for doing such a thing, and she had no intention of relinquishing the emotions that were taking over at present. Furthermore, she did also upset the bride, my niece. Spike frowned. The Changeling Queen took her place at the top of the table, flanked by her loyal general. ", "So you thought it was right to break the heart of "your most faithful student", betraying her trust in the process? All this was as per Shining Armor's orders to get Canterlot back to working capacity. Everypony, meet Celestia.. You all know me for the Luna mobile, but now I have her sister: A 4th gen Pontiac Firebird. I appreciate you've come all this way just to try to make it up to me, but I'm not ready. ", "I failed the Element of Laughter because I chose not to cheer you up." Having settled in, Chrysalis decided to pass on some fresh orders to her officers. Princess Luna is here!". The Princess requests a moment alone with the captain.". Shining assured the company. One moment he was the groom, deeply in love with his bride and super excited for their wedding day. Night and Velvet gently descended to the ground, their bodies embraced by Luna's inoculation spell. "Who's there?" Replied Applejack spiritedly. They had spent the time chatting, while idly wondering where Applejack was. As the pink alicorn stepped inside, Twilight's heart melted at the sight of her face. Replied Velvet anxiously. Cadance sighed deeply. Celestia will retaliate, and it will be her intent to destroy us as a force once and for all. Things did not go as hoped for Applejack and the rest of the Mane 5. There were no villagers though. "Surrender? As a teacher, Celestia was extremely disappointed in herself. Glaring into it, the flame produced a vision of Twilight in her library, reading through the lumps of friendship reports she and her former best friends had written over the months. The Changelings could just walk right in, disguised and completely invisible to the ponies' eyes, and then strike when the time was right. It wasn't long before Chrysalis reached her throne room, where Captain Black Blade, one of the many mid-ranked officers in the Changeling Army was waiting for her, along with her royal guard. Page generated in 0.03 seconds With that, Celestia was beaten. Applejack stopped eating. In the last invasion, Chrysalis tried employing a policy wherein her troops would not kill, even those who fought against them. You must let me go with Cadance. The Cadance which Twilight had just met did not recognize said hoofshake.". "Let's go home Spike. ", "Gentlecolts, it pleases me immensely to announce the Element Bearers will be of no concern to our operation." "Dear sister, I have known you for a long, long time. "At ease." It doesnt matter anymore. Stepping through them was Spike. Velvet and Night looked at each other, shuffling anxiously as they did so, before deciding it was best if the former explained what happened. Lieutenant Fang, you are hereby dismissed.". Eventually, the spell reached its climax as both Night and Velvet were completely enveloped by the light. After thanking the runner, who left the war room immediately, Shining read the letter, which was sent from the village attacked by the Changelings moments earlier. As it stands, we have done enough already. Sobbed Celestia. Twilight, we stand here before you, remorseful and ashamed of what we have done. As she cried, there were three audible, but gentle knocks on the door. Twilight Sparkle is a 16-year-old girl who has just moved to Canterlot City with her family. She looked about ready to give up "But we were so close to getting her back! Shining expected Celestia to begin talking, but instead the solar alicorn rose from her perch before motioning to the stallion to accompany her out of the study. "That is true, but here's the thing Granny Smith." As for the stallion himself, he and his officers were gathered in the castle's war room, where they were coordinating patrol routes, reconstruction efforts and new areas of temporary resettlement. Oh, and by the way Twilight. It was clear what she had planned now that she'd taken her revenge on Twilight; for straight ahead, perched on the side of the mountains and lit by the evening sun, was the capitol city: Canterlot. The rookie's comment was met with a slap to the head by his commandant. "No Mom, I don't wanna go to flight school." Rainbow groaned groggily. Any information she could get at this time would be of great assistance to figure out how this happened. She has enough on her hooves without us being attacked.you may cast the spell Princess. "Whoa nelly, would y'look at that?" ", "Thank you Cadance. Shining proceeded to tell his parents of the events of the rehearsal, doing his utmost to retain his composure. Once the locomotive had reached a complete stop, the duo disembarked, bypassing the station building before heading towards the Golden Oaks Library. Bowing to his queen, Blade departed the hall, leaving Snake Bite alone with Chrysalis. He even refused to recall what he did to her, considering the price his actions carried placed a heavy weight of shame on himself. ", "No Fluttershy,I haven't. Barked Chrysalis. Night Light immediately hurried to the front door, before bowing to greet the princess. Said Applejack soothingly. "I guess I didn't sleep well last night. The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. The answer seemed glaringly obvious; Chrysalis had magicked Luna to sleep, before taking her back to her quarters to make it seem as if nothing had happened. Takes place during A Canterlot Wedding. "I have no time to lose. The greatest evidence of a life-changing event is one's memories, and at the present time, the memory in Shining's head was fresher than a baker's dozen from Sugarcube Corner. Muffins which ah' and the royal cooks had spent so much time working on! "I left Twilight, because I had no choice! The girls could only look at her with frank expressions. The Twilight Time Lord, Adventurequest Worlds : Twilight the Hero. "I will not leave anypony to fall victim to the same force that once held me, certainly not this night, nor any other. twilight runs away from her brother's wedding and ends up on earth in the 1920's. she there meets her only chance to fit in a new world. Well, when on that Nightmare Night I tried to connect with my subjects, it was Twilight who helped me to become more down-to-earth and kinder to my subjects than before.