Read popular avengers peter bleeding at school Fanfiction book in Webnovel. Peter is staying with the Avengers while Aunt May is on a work retreat, and hes not about to let this opportunity go to waste. Hey, Mr. Stark, where do you need me?. Biodad Tony & his little son), The Education Complication by @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars, Peter has an asthma attack during gym class (13 year old Peter & biodad Tony), Peter is Steves bio-kid, and after losing their apartment and going homeless, they get taken in by Tony, (Not technically asthma, but a breathing condition that mimics asthma and so well doneI rec this one every chance I get). When a mugger with a knife attacks a civilian across the street from Stark Industries, Peter does not hesitate to intervene, even if it might cost his life. What he doesnt add is that even if they did have it, most medicines dont even work on him anymore because his metabolism requires him to take such high doses. The signal cuts off then. For the mission, Morgan explains as though its the most obvious thing in the world. "Dad. It's dinner time!" MarleyTheHobbit, SkiversTheCrackSimp, i_ate_your_plants, ManyGayUmbrellas, fluffyjeans, CuriousL8e, wtf_did_i_write, bluelacedeye, imvoidmf, RatLover007, Accio_Me, DragonPlusWolf, Fortunecoookie, Elysia_is_my_beloved, AvidReaderOfAllWorks, artsyemmatoebeans, Atyyfanfictionfan, Beccatt, Daughter_of_Scotland, yourfavbrowngirlie, shezrob23, strkhollnd, PickUpUrPh0ne, thefemaleregulusblack, HopelessGodofMisery, CrazyMandarin, Astra_Pardusevich, becksf, Yume_swan, Skylar4739, NeverEnoughFangirling, ManDudes, Cuz_WhyNotz, mashkitkat, booisstupid, RF_rida98, bibisjk7, Moonstorm558, zzqqTaiwan, Alycohenn, Kumquat72, melodicraven, Sirperin, CM_03, DideRemi, pterodactyl_screech, RaiZel_yumyum, Onyxtarantula, paintedbluerose, FashionablyLateLadyLuck, and 754 more users Bruce and Tony made him some hearing aids with the capacity of his enhanced hearing, but without them, Peter has no sense of hearing in the slightest for the rest of his life. his voice became raspy as he called out for him. Ask Mr. Stark to patch me into the comms? beam me up, mr. chewbacca by @ironspider, (Peters lack of sleep and self-preservation gets him into major trouble on a mission), dont go, my darling (dont leave me behind) by @madasthesea. A little while later, the two cops come busting in. Two best buddies just hanging out together. Good. "Sorry for this part. The group had started out the field trip that day by picking apples in the farms orchard. Now, he ordered. In which Peter Parker gets stabbed with a knife laced with poison and Tony has to come and deal with the aftermath. The words trickled out of Peter's mouth before they'd really even formed, but Tony understood them. Chapter 13 Shabbiness Doesnt Matter by @yellowdistress - Tony accidentally injures Peter in a sparring match, but Tony is definitely the one more shaken up by it. WebMD will save me.. Tony adopts Peter after May is suddenly killed in a hit and run. by nat. 4. Biometric readings showed Peter had been shot three times and was falling. Pretty sure MJ is onto you.. "You did what?!" She checks him overshines a light in his eyes, draws some blood, and makes careful note of his vitalsbefore deciding hes okay to extubate. Or, Tony Stark talks a drugged-up Spider-Man through a kidnapping escape. or;Peter meets the rogues. mind the tags!). The mugger was webbed to the wall and Peter was laying on the ground. Yep, he definitely needs a blood sugar boost. He points a shaky finger at the tube and makes a questioning face. Hes being transported somewhere. Ned snorts. Tony hops into his suit and heads out to rescue Peter. Just feel weird.. 17.2K 344 238. by JakeyP99. Help me! Youre alright, kid. He lowers his hand sheepishly to find the marker instead. "Detectives Jake Peralta and Rosa Diaz. Morgan stays because she wants to see him wake up and smile at her like that, too. Michelles bored expression is replaced with a slightly curious one. Someone is shaking him by the shoulders. Second, this does get dark in some places. Not to mention his spidey sense is going haywire. Self explanatory but he is a Stark in all of them wether biological or adopted thought most of the time it will be adopted. flora funeral home rocky mount va. Jun 5th, 2022 . you heal me like the light of day by @searchingforstarss. Chapter 16 Peter stumbles a few steps over to the side of the path and leans forward, hands braced on his knees. And From his newfound spot on a rooftop, Peter caught sight of a flood of bad guys changing direction and headed towards a mostly-abandoned apartment building. One arm wrapped around his middle, Peter spits a few final strings of bile into the dirt before shakily straightening back up. Peter wipes a hand across his face and sees shes telling the truth. Chapter 15 Hurt Peter Parker; Tony Stark Has A Heart; Tony Stark Needs a Hug; Fluff and Angst; Sleepy Peter Parker; I mean come on; IT'S ME; mention of interwebs; Kidnapping; basically Peter gets buried alive; he doesn't have a lot of fun tbh; Summary "And I would hurry. 6. A field trip gone wrong leaves Peter and Ned wandering through a seemingly endless corn maze. edit: so. Yelling. Bruce thinks that in trace amounts it wouldnt be an issue, but because theyd just sprayed that morning, there was enough in the air and on the crops to start a reaction. His boring second life just got int Please consider turning it on! The nausea returns full force and he gags, then chokes. "Excuse me, mister wireless headphones are not permitted in class. Ned raised his hand. He remembers us.. Just then the monitor starts beeping loudly and Peter realizes hes had the mask off too long. Friday turn the alarm off dammit! The AI complied, and he sighed in relief. Tonys not unfamiliar with the concept of paralysis, after Rhodey. Things like getting stabbed when he's just trying to protect people. "You, his friend. It was a clusterfuck of a day and that was putting it lightly. The accent was American, a dry, sarcastic lilt to it, and, yep, thats definitely Black Widow. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. Peter laughed. "Would my expect you too. Is he okay?, Uh Peter cut off as Mr. Stark strode over and knelt next to Captain America. Peter suffers from an asthma attack in the middle of the school. Just feel weird, Ned wrinkles his brow at him. his burning side hurt, and the scratches on his face stung as his tears slid down them. It should really be more of an elementary school activity, but their teacher had argued something about team building experiences and first-hand knowledge of agriculture giving the school a potential advantage at the upcoming tournament. His head is already healing, miraculously." Please consider turning it on! Do you need me to come and get you guys? she offers. Racing down the hall, Tony noted that the alarm and flashing lights were all over the compound and that the rest of the Avengers team were on their way to the conference room as well. Peter gets a laced drink intended for Tony while at a fancy event. "Rosa call an ambulance! "Will he be okay?" Peter needs me. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He may have to fight tooth and nail for every victory and he needs to find a way to stop Thanos, but hey, at least he has his friends! So I do believe I understand. I also ignored the events of Thor Ragnorok because I wanted Thor, Loki and Bruce in this story too. 738 guests whats up kid? The most infuriating part was that for once, he didn't have the answers. Honestly Im starting to think he just goes into shock on purpose to make sure we bring him along.. Gotta go!, Teenagers, Tony muttered under his breath. He didn't know what else to say, other than he was completely, utterly confused. chap 1 is up now and we will be updating daily over the course of this week! Crisp air, sweet smell of corn, ankle-deep mud he trails off. He punched him in the ribs repeatedly, pushed him to the ground and started kicking him in the nose. Peter doesnt even get a chance to see what he should watch out for when everything around him turns to black. 6. . He was sure hed only been asleep a short while, and it was Saturday, so he didnt have to work today. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. Every spider has its day (but today is not that day) by @frostysunflowers, Peter, its very important that you stay awake., Really? Morgan and Tony play along. Peter shows up at the compound in a bad state. (Or, Peter getting absolutely whammied and having no memory of what happened). Peter watched as the Iron Man suit contracted and folded itself off of Tony Stark, reassembling itself and looking to its master for direction. But No One Else Has an Inhaler! He whipped around as fast as possible and crossed the distance between them in two bounds, kicking the guy so hard he flew down Houston about three blocks before slamming into a building. I'm bleeding out for you, for you. Its okay.. Peter didnt catch the beans, Well, to be fair, Peter points out, his voice significantly more nasally than usual due to the wad of paper towels hes pressing to his heavily bleeding nose, you didnt really warn me you were about to chuck a can of beans at my head., But I did! the six-year-old defends. As his friend approaches, Peter can see that Neds eyes are red and a little swollen. "Because you didn't let him explain that his 'wireless headphones' are his hearing aids." avengers ignore peter while he's stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize) . Chapter 1 He yelped and ducked away from it, then snagged it out of the air as it passed. Subway. Peter caught a quick glimpse of the Iron Man suit plowing into a horde of fake military men a few blocks away. Oh my god! Neds eyes go wide. Peter stares at him with genuine interest, the fever flushed high on his cheeks. Unfortunately, things dont always go as planned. He shivers violently. Huh. Peter pulls his knees up to his chest and lowers his head down to meet them, eyes closed. Peters jelly laid forgotten once Tony left. And then you threw up and you were choking on it and I-I didnt know what to do, I just, I couldnt think and, Peters own eyes are stinging now. I'm not a kid. He glanced behind himself, spotting another water tower (why did Manhattan apartments have so many?) michellejones; spiderman; angstwithhappyending +22 more # 17. Complete. "Question number seventeen. You can take it off for a few seconds at a time, but if this monitor she taps on one of the screens starts beeping, it goes back on, understand?. "Hey, Spider-Man, Hey it's okay. 4. I understand that I heard a ruckus, and when I come to investigate, I saw you slamming Mr Parker against the lockers and trying to choke him. Tony was about to cut him off angrily. Im right here you know, Peter mutters, sticking his head in the frame. Later, after the city was largely cleaned up and Captain America was stable, Mr. Stark approached Peter, who was sitting on top of a medical van, swinging his feet idly. You brought butter?. Hes ready to prove hes not just some kid. What did he say?! Peter tugs down the mask again and gives them a weak grin. The nurse at Midtown was one of the cool ones. See? a numb road forward by @whimsicalethnographies. He was spinning, tumbling, and turning out of control, being flung in every direction. Captain America is hurt, Peter told the medic, jabbing a finger in the direction of the two Avengers. 22. "Aha!" 8. Tony Stark had called him that morning (seriously, Mr. Stark, it was a Saturday, who wakes up at 7 AM?) To Ned, she repeats, Whats wrong with him?, I dont know, Ned answers worriedly. Im on my way now. Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man PART 1 kind of embarrassing he thought as he made another failing attempt at pushing the giant slab of rock off of him. Big deal! ", Peter Parker dies after Thanos successfully snaps. And no matter how hard he tries to keep these things from the Avengers, they're always going to find out. His vision blurred, and a cry of pain escaped him, as the taser was pressed to his side, once again. Too bad you dont have laser vision or somethingwe could roast the corn. He gasps suddenly. The man brandished the gun pointed at Steves head. Worth a shot. But thats only their first problem. Visiting her friend.. Isn't that what Deadpool calls you," Peter's eyes widen slightly. Parental Obligations bywanderinghooves- Peter gets sick while May is out of town, and responsibility falls to Tony. Ned stands off to the side, looking bewildered. Can you talk? This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Peter shrugs. The signal cuts off then. Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. or: peter gets food poisoning & tony takes care of him. But here are a few faves: After being hit by a car, Peter is admitted to hospital and reconnects with someone from his childhood. Boss, Leeds has just been cleared by medical staff and is requesting entrance.. Tony split from the group and simply headed for the closest window once he was in his suit. When the bad guys converged on one spot, Peter knew it was bad news. Cap! Peter yelped, flinging himself forwards and shoving him out of the way. Reader Insert ; No quirk, but she still wanted to be a hero. I dont want to know. Ned is trying to talk to him, but his voice sounds muffled, almost like theyre underwater. Give me everything you have., Karens last signal was at 3.07am. Genre: Fluffy illness/injury, whump, hurt/comfort, humor, A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and@sallyidss for beta-reading and to @awesomesockes for plot, summary, and title ideas <3, SoTony snaps the single use ice pack to activate the chemicals and gives it a few shakes as he moves back over to the kitchen tablewhich one of you is going to explain what happened here?, Morgan shakes her head gravely side to side. . Wait, you dont have laser vision, do you? When its finally out, his throat feels raw. I forgot to call the dad.. We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space., Shed been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse, Peter goes on, so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. Stomach hurts, Peter mutters through clenched teeth. Are you guys, Before Peter could say anything else, he was suddenly assaulted by an explosion of sound and voices of all the various Avengers, and he nearly released the web he was hanging from in surprise. Hey, guys!, Mr. Starks voicewas tense as he addressed Peter. Oblivion rose up and pulled him into its grasp. Not on the mayonnaise clinic or even WebMD for that matter. The spider thingits a mutation, right? Ill put TWs in the A/N for those chapters. Peter tries to relax and let the machine breathe for him. But hes managing. Crying. Why he was sitting on the top of a random Manhattan skyscraper, Peter had no idea, but he shot a web towards the guy and ripped the weapon out of his hands. Fresh off of his breakup with MJ, Peter ends up running overtime on patrols to keep himself distracted and blow off steam. I've got quick healing, and am already back at studying for my physics final." What are you talking about Jake he was shot in the leg of course ha can talk." Are you alright?! Unluckily, the Avengers dont realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isnt inclined to tell them. Peter Parker and Peppermint Dont Mix by @spider-man-stan, In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve, A Poison That Never Ached byfriendlyneighborhoodash. "What is your name?" Super emotional and heartwrenching, with both physical and emotional whump, but also sweet and light in parts. As he straightens back up to standing, he sees black spots in his vision for a second. Hes on his third backpack this school year and hed only bothered asking May to replace the inhaler after the first time it had gotten stolen. She shrugs. Natalia Alianovna Romanov has bee. No, mfine, he grumbles. He had a feeling that they were connected. (never) by @parkrstark. Things like getting stabbed when he's just trying to protect people. "Of, sorry my moms calling me. Its nothingIm fine, Peter quickly denies. His cheeks flushing, Peter shakes his head. Thank you! You just told me his lips are turning blue, Michelle points out. He showed up in his suit and flew you out and onto the jet and I just I couldnt even figure out how to get out of the stupid maze! Peter heard the whine of repulsors and Iron Man landed next to him, its metal face harshly impassive. You know, this really isnt a good way to deal with stress. Peter told the guy as he shot another web, sticking him to the side of the water tower on the top of the building. He couldnt think for how cold it was. Most were in their pyjamas, like he was. Dont want that happening again. peter grunted as he pushed, the pole lifted and he gasped, letting go of the slab and the pole sliding down fast and welty through his leg. "Here's who loves him: An entire NYPD precinct, the CEO of a major company, a trillionare genius who's also Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor the God of Thunder, Loki the God of Mischief, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Iron Patriot, Star Lord, the most deadly woman in the galaxy, a talking tree, a talking raccoon, Ant Man, Drax the Destroyer, Captain Marvel, The Wasp Original, The Wasp New, And I'm sure there's more we're forgetting but we have to read you your right now." Fine. Who he was. Peter Parker acts like a spider, and he finds a little surprise (he can now make his own webs, just it really isn't him). Im more of a Granny Smith kinda guy.. "I know it's real. He loathed them with every bone in his body. The lights rose and Tonys anxiety rose with it. trick or treat by @ciaconnaa - Morgan decides to do a quick science experiment to determine whether or not shes allergic to strawberries while under Peters care. all he could think about was how he was probably going to die. Tony flew as fast as he ever had. Please just help Peter." Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). Peter is drugged while on patrol, but makes his way back to the Tower. It got worse when you ate the apples because they were coated in it.. You're gonna be okay. Its an unnerving sensationlike his lung capacity has suddenly shrunk and he can only get in half a breath at a time. 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. Forget Mr. HarringtonIm hanging up and calling 911.. multiple seizures. Nothing to freak out about! yknow what it doesnt matter just keep doing whatever youre doing. peter heard a click and guessed cap had stopped listening to the coms. BY . Hey man, he croaks out. Does that seem fair to you?" Peter groans in response. Strange. Peter doesn't respond. So when he stood up for himself, you took that as the it's alright to try and murder him!?" Figure out which way is out., Peter gives a half-laugh. The last thing he feels is Neds hand in his pocket. his voice became raspy as he called out for him. You had like, four seizures, man, he goes on, his voice thick with emotion. God, you guys are slow, she says as soon as he answers. Flash had quickly turned it into a game of seeing how many rotten apples he could discretely chuck at Peters head before Mr. Harrington noticed. [spider. God, a little warning next time. Peter muttered as he resumed going again. 7. He put them in immediately. He could hear it shatter a few dozen meters behind him. She began writing a detention slip. Peter felt uncomfortable in the vicinity of these two extremely powerful figuresboth literally and politically. ~one day later~ Peter was in his room chilling out when his phone rang. Uh, can we stop for a sec? he asks, his breath hitching. They turn around another corner and are met with a dead-end and a yellow sign stating You look Corn-fused!.