It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. I visualized white, clean energy filling my body and then I pushed it out. I thought it was an awakening. In the hermetic traditions of Egypt and Greece, colored stones, minerals, and crystals were used in chromotherapy, also known as color therapy. When you become aware of it, the karma (positive and negative) of that life comes to the surface. From child to death we are all being imprinted by others and our environment as to what we belief. I stopped everything, meditation, VF.I thought may its to much. This is mainly because of some very scary experiences Ive had when I am completely relaxed about to fall asleep, and a couple of creepy out of body experiences Ive had. The consciousness of the people of earth is being reborn and the spiritual fires of freedom are blessing each one, each family, each nation and the world. I was standing in a small room with a small window. This information has been timely and helpful. There are certain characteristics that we read in one another at these levels of consciousness that can tell us much about a person before we even know him. We live in the crucial interval for Lightbearers to claim their rightful spiritual destiny, make up for lost opportunity with the violet flame, and help the world ring with freedom. Hi Rita before doing this violet flame I have been Yoganandas devotee for 19 years doing his Kriya Yoga technique and doing my spiritual psychological work and I now have very little issues as they have been cleared and worked on. I am declaring what I AM and transmuting what I am not all day long and soon then I will become what I think all day long that I AM OM Bliss Consciousness resting in all space one with my Bliss God! Thank you for your response. Namaste. So after another course I took ended I started reading the Pleiadian book in January and notice the reference and got curious enough to google it and the summit site plus others came up. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "afc02ac9727f082dcfe53fe949a28030" );document.getElementById("fa5933c6d6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Our mission is to share the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on the Violet Flame to create positive changes in the lives of people, in their communities and the planet. Required fields are marked *. The most dangerous flame would be the most toxic. As you do, watch the blazing violet flame slowly shrink into the center of your forehead, where your third eye is. It is not surprising then that violet connects us to the Sahasrara, or crown chakra within our energy fields which is generally considered the seventh primary chakra, according to most tantric yoga traditions. Thank you Catherine and you are helping everyone worldwide as well! Sometimes it helps to imagine this debris as chunks of wood or chunks of tarry substance breaking off from your electronic belt and crackling in the flame. : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. Slowly recite: I AM a being of violet fire! It seems to help more than just meditation music. I shine my Light and watch as the disease just disappears having no Cosmic Law to sustain it. Therefore when reading the aura, you can determine the state of consciousness if you know what colors correspond to particular states of consciousness. I have had blockages recently that i could not identify. It revitalizes and invigorates our bodies and changes negative energy into positive energy. Violet Flame is Gods Sacred Fire Energy and it will transmute per your calls negative energy. Read More. You may see these flames burning through karmic debris. Repeat your mantra as many times as you feel is necessary for your mind to find stillness and serenity. I hope you will sign up for the Violet Flame Challenge. Peace indicates that you are living in the present! The green, or emerald, fire comes forth from the third-eye chakra and indicates a manifestation of truth and abundance. There could be a burst of fear from the solar plexus, accompanied by feelings of butterflies and extreme tension. So you still have blockages there and they are emotionally and spiritually based and the Chiropractor is not the doctor to clear those items only your Beloved I AM Presence and you! Yes, but he also teaches that the tone of the divine aura is an extension of God, just as the mode of thinking and feeling is the extension of the human consciousness. I meditate morning and night doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga, and the rest of the day I am doing Sacred Fire Decrees and Mantras which are like Japa Yoga to me. St. Germain notes about the requirement of protection while using these purifying tools is that you are still atomic and not yet full embodying your I am electronic garment. Sword. I hope to explore these ethereal retreats in the coming months. If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. more in depth teaching and opportunity too. The Violet Flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of heavenly alchemy, and a special spiritual solution for our time. 23 comments Gail valley says: July 12, 2018 at 6:20 PM. Color the flame violet in your imagination and step into the flame. Call to Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection before you give the Violet Flame decrees. My pendulum says its a Heart Expansion issue and tied to the Merkaba activation of some kind. NT$ 756 - NT$ 1,017. Its all energy. Welcome! Thank you so much for adding this great scientific and Aquarian teaching on why we need protection. Always rememberthat those who fall in the swamp may come up covered with mud; for the quicksands of life, by their very nature, always seek to drag man down. Not only that, but the color violetstimulates our openness to divine wisdom, promotes selflessness and speeds up our natural healing process. Start here . With every beat of our hearts, energy is flowing to us from our Higher Source. The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. I saw a being fly into or through or by my third eye while interiorized and I asked my pendulum if it was St. Germain and got a yes! I get better sleep too. NT$ 5,800. Saint Germain is the head of the Aquarian age, together with the Goddess of Justice, the ascended lady master Portia. Saint Germain is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as the voice of the Seventh Angel that is teaching our souls to come up higher. I am taking the challenge this is my day 1. I then visualized it reuniting with my physical body. Things have improved. I was doing the decrees inside me throughout this event. Just today 11:11, 1:11, 2:22.kind as crazy. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. Since doing them I am now at 10 with all 3 plumes balance per my intuition using the pendulum. When I do these decrees for an hour I do feel blissful tingly all over! The violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes to us under the sponsorship of Saint Germain, lord of the seventh ray and Hierarch of the age of Aquarius. It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. I have entered into the 30 Day Violet Flame Challenge and I am feeling very happy to do so, all my life i have felt there was more meaning to life, now I feel i have found it. But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. I particularly love the devotional one Violet Flame Thy Love Divine. Think of a problem that youve recently discovered and would like to focus on. Although this is a theoretically possible explanation for spontaneous human. I do feel loved and safe with this wonderful gift and know that I will eventually come to grips with this. Thank you for another tool to add to my meditation toolbox! I thought Kriya Yoga was pretty high energy but my pendulum is saying the Violet Flame is higher because its not just a technique its the Heart Flames out of Creation out of God I AM That I AM. Be Inspired. Sometimes I hear loud buzzing noises and feel indescribable intense fear. My email is if you would like to connect! We dont have Gods kingdom on earth as yet. Once you start, keep on going. There is always this force of the negative energy being attracted to the positive energy to bring it down is one way to look at it or another way is that the negative energy wants our positive energy and will steal if from us if we do not have the protection of the invisible saints and angels beyond finite creation. I bless you all with Pure Love, Light and Om Source purifying energy and the violet flame transmuting power! I just started the Violet Flame in February this year after I think St. Germain trying to get my attention via healing energy modalities that mentioned it. As I mentioned ,I think I went to hard to fast with decrees Last year I did Christie Sheldons Intuition Course and learned how to use the pendulum answering questions and also clearing and transmuting my subconscious bank of false beliefs. Reading the aura will always tell us where there is mastery or attainment in the use of the chakras and where there is a perversion or a willful misuse of the chakras. So by removing calcified emotional debris and other substances, the violet flame may allow our bodies to reconnect with their natural healing mechanism. PK. I had just lost my job due to injury. I have read your books and followed this path for years. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. One step begins the trek of a thousand miles. But both together definitely a plus. Be Empowered. The color violet-ray has the highest vibrational frequencies that stimulate spiritual growth and has ties to transformation. I am fast when i decree the mantra & I hope its OK. This is a beautiful way to connect with healing on all levels, dimensions and aspects to fully transmute anything thats making us unwell. Be Empowered. They have to response. If there is a purple fire flecked with gold and ruby in the aura, we know it comes forth from the solar-plexus chakra. The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages we carry, and it makes use of two important tools: the healing properties of color and sound. Why did I do, what did I start ? I remember thinking Okay, this is actually real, but what is my power?. Something felt wrong about it. Thank you for this, the mantra really hit the spot for me! The fear only made my symptoms worse. You were never created by God with Fear only Love! So as we do the spiritual work and these spiritual tools but not yet in the perfected state our frequency energy increases in positive energy. The trek to the top of the mountain is worth the inconvenience.-EM. . Denise Kane 61 Paperback 13 offers from $3.27 Editorial Reviews About the Author Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. Like they were more experienced. My body is still covered over to some degree, but I go into the Sacred Fire and meditations daily. Rubidium chloride, rubidium hydroxide, and rubidium iodide are water soluble. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God. So for over a year I had this tightness in my ribcage. In this theory, the Violet Flame is a technique to help you purify your life. Anger indicates that youve become your story.fear indicates that you are living in the future. Was the man in human form or a vision? Remind yourself to always have that violet flame available for someone in need. We can treat illnesses with proper medical care, but spiritual energy also helps balance our physical, mental, and emotional health. 100+ Journaling Ideas For Deep Mental & Spiritual Healing, Deep Listening For Suffering Souls (3 Paths), 21 Profoundly Healing Meditation Practices (With Videos). Now that your physical energy and conscious awareness are centered, you will begin transforming this white light into a violet flame. Sorry for long response . Has anyone doing the violet flame experience that? Thank you. Are you a spiritual traveler? What is this magical violet flame we hear so much about? We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. The use of this spiritual energy is taught by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. The Violet Flame is here to assist the energetic transition of Gaia and humanity into the fifth dimension of consciousness and higher. The positive energy of the violet fire helps you recover from the ill effects of negativity. The Violet Flame is an energy of transmutation. Also do not judge appearances (ie this good and this bad) in this world because if you do you give them power to manifest more! My pendulum does say that I have no Karma now and that Yogananda has taking it all away. I never forgot this and I always wanted to share with a group try to understand this experience. Where your attention goes energy flows so watch your thoughts and start immediately clearing it into the violet flame for transmutation when you think fear thoughts! "I AM a being a violet fire" - that means it is the nature of our being! Hello Lin can you give a little more information on the experience? Saints and adepts of East and West have long used the spiritual energy of the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development. When you are conscious of your energy field and you zealously guard it as the habitation of God, then you are able to retain your reservoir of light and not constantly be like a cork bobbing upon the sea. My Guru Yogananda said that if we have dreams that makes us feel negative emotions then it is not coming from the Divine as the Divine would only come in the energy of Love! My intuition gets richer. Now the book may have a 4th part with the violet flame! It just gets better and better. This beautiful, blazing, singing flame is truly the wine of forgiveness, the wine of the Holy Spirit. These books are Unveiled Mysteries and the Magic Presence by Godfre Ray King ( Guy Ballard) These concepts are truly revolutionary. You don't have to worry if you are just beginning to practice the violet flame of St. Germain meditation. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now Color is a manifestation of frequency, and frequency is a manifestation of consciousness, or one's state of consciousness. The 20th century and our own, is the doorway between different spiritual ages. It can take as little as six months of concentrated violet-flame decrees to balance the karma of one past life. I was enjoying my morning decrees. If you are just beginning to study and practice the violet flame, there is a 30 day introductory series called the Violet Flame Challenge on this site: Take the Violet Flame Challenge. Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. You may want to use a visual aid like a photo or magazine cutout in front of you. To people who have developed their spiritual sight, the violet flame looks like fire, in colors ranging from dark indigo and brilliant amethyst to violet pink. For instance, the aura of someone who is in a state of contemplation, study or meditation might have the presence of a yellow light, a violet light and even a blue lightthe blue indicating faith in God. I took Christie Sheldons INtuitive Course and can clear peoples subconscious imprints that are still affecting them today and during the course cleared a lot of my own remaining baggage. When I started the Challenge I asked my pendulum from scale of 1 to 10 where was my violet flame in being balance with 10 being the highest it was at 5 and the weakest plume being the blue power one. I am so very happy for you! All the best, Paula, What do you mean this 4th dimensional energy into my space. Let me know if you would like to talk or email each other. But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. I am sure I will in the future be working with St. Germain in some way and possibly writing a book together as I have an incredible spiritual journey to tell. For example, any time we lose our temper, get annoyed, or spend our time judging others, we are negatively qualifying that energy. Of all colors, violet has one of the highest vibrational frequencies. The muddying of the pure colors of the aura occurs whenever there is a mingling of the emanations of imperfect thoughts and feelings with the pure colors released through the prism of the Christ. Your email address will not be published. These Be the first to rate this post. It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. For our ancestors, fire must have seemed magical: it brought us together, encouraged us to share stories, reflect, and enter deep meditative silence. the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. It is the energy of transmutation. I was a little stressed, but I didnt think it was anything unusual. We are in constant contact with news and crisis situations around the world. Hama, the bloodbender from the Southern Water Tribe, escaped her imprisonment and moved to the small village in the Fire Nation. Saints and adepts have long known how to use the violet flame. The Violet flame is the powerful symbol of the spiritual fire of self-transformation. The violet flame works in microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds and is the key to individual and world transmutation. It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light and those who have open spiritual sight have seen it as a beautiful violet aura or flame. The Violet Flame is a magnificent healing tool. Spiritual Healing - Various Spiritual Healing Methods, How to Get Spiritual Power Through Meditation. He teaches us to Sing the New Song. If you think about it, all spiritual teachers talk about having protection as we pursue the spiritual path through prayer, affirmations, reading, practices etc. Receive a daily email with inspiring quotes from the masters and archangels of the seventh ray! My pendulum says its was St. Germain each time. My I AM Presence is moving my pendulum as someone said she saw white light go into my Crown when I asked a question. Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation. This Violet Flame materialized through the 4th dimensional energy into my space and made its way into my third eye. The violet light is a coalesced healing energy of love, mercy, forgiveness, and transmutation. You will not be milked of your light and your energy. I too do other healing energy work. This interaction sets up an oscillation, a vibration that dislodges the density. I do not have much practice in spirituality and have not tried this meditation but two days ago I meditated. excellent post, very informative. I have been doing Ascended Master Yoganandas Kriya Yoga for 19 years and already one with Divine Mother in the sense of feeling Her or the delicious I am presence every day and that I live for. Violet Flame not only cleanses you, however, it also helps accelerate or enhance one's spiritual development also. Comment below! Bathe the earth in violet fire. To help you establish a sense of oneness with life and make yourself receptive, begin reciting a mantra. Saint Germain continued to reach souls of light through the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and The Summit Lighthouse from the 1960s through 2000. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? Each color has its distinctive divine qualities. So yes I had some stress but I personally thought I was relaxed. This is only one Tree and its the Tree of Life which is Perfection based on Polarity of Light and Love! God is giving us lots of amazing tools now to help us realize our true selves our beautiful, loving, peaceful and blissful souls! Dear Friend, We generally begin our decrees by saying, In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and include our favorite masters and saints. Actually, you are not the first person that has been giving violet flame decrees and then led to an inner or outer healing. She chose a non-bender with a mysterious past and a strong connection to the . How did he leave you? help me! As the Archangel of the first ray, Archangel Michael embodies the qualities of faith, protection, perfection and the will of God. Then there is the pink fire of divine love that comes forth through the heart chakra. Great question. Everyone needs to do this individually and collectively as you . The name of God, I AM That I AM, as taught to Moses, is the key to manifestation. with no assistance. Only one cause and that cause is LOVE the secret tone! Once you have memorized some of the violet-flame decrees, you can close your eyes and try this visualization. Hi! Some repeat them diligently for months before they have any confirmation that the decrees are working. Im healing. It's important not to feel burdened by the negative record of a past life. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings,. No votes so far! I am so afraid of meditating and not being completely present and aware, allowing my mind to be open and vulnerable to this.