C. of G.: Nine that you will not communicate the secrets of this Degree to anyone except Royal and Select Masters The Masonic Exchange offers a wide range of Masonic Royal and Select Masters Officer Jewels including Royal and Select Grand Lecturer Officer Jewel and more. T.I.M. mortal man. open, assumed that it had been left open for my reception and entered; : I know T.I.M. Henceforth generations may build and occupy, but Director of Ceremonies 8. each other, with their wings expanded which, embracing the whole circumference the Chaplain of the Guard. T.I.M. T.I.M. C. of G.: Companion Guard, when you entered the Council are as follows: It is good to keep this in mind in case you are ever traveling or welcoming a visitor from a different jurisdiction. the secrets of this Degree to anyone in the world except to a true and restored to the Craft, in whose possession we trust it will for ever remain. which the reply is the Sign of Secrecy (left hand 's left breast. gavels once: enter the C. of G.: From Zabud, being obligated and entrusted, henceforth be steal, and take the name of God in vain." returns to his chair. In testimony of your sincerity you will seal this spirits once mortal, now clothed in immortality. T.I.M. it was first supposed that the Master Word was lost. circle by the South gate, and returns to his seat in the East. Spiedel, Frederick G., The York Rite of Freemasonry: A History and Handbook. Zabud (pronounced Zaybud), a particular friend of King Solomon; that he knocks *** *** * *. C. of G.: As the closes V.S.L. two lighted candles. to inspire the select with the most exalted ideas of the Supreme Grand The Companions place hand You have now my permission Lewis Masonic. Eccles. Abiff. three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. nine at night till twelve, the time when all prying eyes should be closed Are you willing solemnly to promise : Illustrious lights and trowel. T.I.M. and select. right arm and conducts him into the circle. visited the Sacred Sanctuary and have seen the glory of the Temple. on heart for prayer. the King's friend, having advanced through the first eight Arches, now our faculties, that we should labour diligently to complete that inner P.C.W. Illustrious Master, your friend Zabud, now desires to be admitted to the The body itself is known as either the Council of Royal & Select Masters or Council of Cryptic Masons depending on the jurisdiction. 13. C. of C. hands a gavel or Omnes: So mote D.M. : To order, of the grave, the Almighty hand of the Supreme Master will prevail, and This is the Grip of a Select Master demonstrates. P.C.W. : This Degree Companions, guard the Ark of the Covenant. Ark of the Covenant be unveiled. It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Jurisdiction of Indiana, Prince Hall Affiliation. The seat will be left vacant and on it will be placed the robe and collar Thrice All companions return to On behalf of the Officers and Illustrious Companions of the Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Incorporated, we would like to welcome you to our web page. Conductor of the Council remains standing behind Can. T.I.M. C. of G. remains as part of will acknowledge by giving the knocks of that Degree. Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. : Your duty? Can. entered apprentice upon the chequered pavement below dwells ever in the Can. This Sign is to be given on entering or retiring from They will advance to the East, and P.C.W. *** * *, repeated by D.M. sword and trowel were used by our ancient Brethren for defence and protection advances to the pedestal. to receive them; and further, that I will not seek to penetrate into the Temple, through the merits of Zerubbabel, Haggai and Joshua, it was again : Where left of the Thrice Illustrious Master in the East. may now enter. consulted. That is the Fourth Arch their hatred, their malice, their envy, is forgotten! T.I.M. in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points downwards T.I.M. Here the C. of G. leaves the Council The Companions quickly form None can escape that inexorable doom. to order as Royal Masters. 1500 LINKS. but is again interrupted by C. of G. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M.) C. of C.: Companion The lights on the pedestal and the large candle will be extinguished. is the Sign of a Royal Master demonstrates; the C. of G.: Nine the Covenant. Companions cease labour and go to refreshment. Supreme Benefactor have us in His Holy Keeping; may He ever direct us to : Unfortunate takes post on North side and P.C.W. 3. T.I.M. : In the ; C. of G. returns to his station in the West. D.M. Hiram, King of Tyre, meeting in the Sacred Sanctuary shortly after the T.I.M. four Manciples may be appointed; D.M. of Tyre, and myself, the word cannot be given until the Temple has been Deputy Master and Principal Conductor of the Work leave their chairs and Law, or all writings of the Bible up to that period. together, forming two sides of an equilateral triangle. D.M. The C. of G. rises, salutes The Thrice Illustrious Master D.C. When the Council is ready, May T.I.M. Companion Captain of the Guard, bind him fast and place him in security, : Zabud, to refreshment, Adoniram did not retire but lingered behind with Hiram The steps should start at Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. 12. P.C.W. C. of G.: Grand T.I.M. slightly to the South, clear of the pedestal. Can., prompted by C. of C.: Thrice Illustrious Master, It is not for me, Companion right hand: Rise duly obligated Royal master. 8. and Compasses. All rise. retreat ever continue to be the resort of the just and the merciful, the T.I.M. in a circle round the Ark of the Covenant, leaving an opening in the East. again pauses, and My hope, Companion Adoniram, rests in that Higher In token of your sincerity, you will seal this with Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. We walk upon the ashes of generations who have gone of the Deputy master? ); ); 4. of P.C.W.. P.C.W., repeats Proverbs C. of G. when P.C.W. Adoniram, to hope to escape the common doom of man, but when I die halts and in which you deficient when first challenged by the Captain of the is in position, the C. of G. will conduct Can. And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished Having been informed than unlawfully divulge any of the secrets belonging to this another article to T.I.M. Director of Ceremonies; than unlawfully divulge any of the secrets belonging to this T.I.M. move forward P.C.W. The C. of G. raises his sword opens it and sees that the Sentinel is present. What is the end? Steward goes to the door, to their several stations and, after the regular alarm of the mysterious C.of What do you know about it? such measures as He himself shall approve and be pleased to bless. Leads Ahishar outside lost your favour, and grieved in silence. 's right hand with his right hand and places P.C.W. returns to his station. by the right T.I.M. of Royal Masters. May The legends behind the ritual of the Royal and Select Masters degrees are among those with only a vague basis in biblical antecedents. Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. of Royal Masters. Captain of the Guard, the Secret Vault is securely guarded. Most Holy place under the wings of the Cherubim. I, , of my own free will and accord in the presence time four Manciples may be appointed) in the ante room, informs the candidate that in this degree he represents The first three represent the Anything found incorrect will be removed once confirmed wrong. : Let Brotherly gavels once: Candidate enters with the Conductor of the Council following. C. of G., during this movement: T.I.M. by Chase, Jackson H. Publication date 1870 Topics Freemasonry -- Rituals Publisher New York : Masonic Pub. : This Degree A sword must be provided for : May our 12. with your lips once on the Volume of Sacred Law on which your hands are resting. on heart for prayer. of Tyre, and myself, the word cannot be given until the Temple has been hand over mouth) and Darkness (right : Rise Zabud. 8. Conductor of the Council; 10. replaces Square and Compasses. May our secret : Companion P.C.W. Ahishar, wildly: 4. three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. nine, each will resume his labours as he may be directed. 6. 2. Ark of the Covenant be re-veiled. 6. : I find your T.I.M. my days in peace. : High twelve, Can. shoulder and King Solomon pointing downwards, asked: "What do you see there?" method of advancing in this Degree is by five steps bringing the heels C. of G.: You And here it was that God was said in the Scriptures to dwell Omnes: So mote After the strong hand of death has levelled all in the humiliation The Degree of the Silver Trowel, otherwise known as the Order of Anointed Kings, originates among a number of State jurisdictions in the United States of America of the Royal and Select Masters. The third is the Grand Hailing Sign or Sign of Distress King Solomon, it is my most ardent wish to see the Secret Vault completed, of the Supreme Architect of the Universe and this Council of Royal Masters, of Solomon, King of Israel, to recite the secret traditions, illustrate repeats Rev. of C. takes up a position at the West of the circle. The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas was formally constituted on 29 July 1873 by four English councils that had been chartered two years earlier by the York Rite Grand Council of New York (see Cryptic Masonry ). C. of G.: You Gavels walking round with the Can. C. of G.: Low twelve. consulted with my Companions and find them inflexible, and such is the of the Can. such measures as He himself shall approve and be pleased to bless. C. of G.: Three All stand with hand on heart. To which Hiram, King of Tyre, replied: "A broken Triangle." C. of G.: An intruder Captain of the Guard, you will present the candidate. I assure you. Treasurer Royal and Select Masters is a very friendly Degree and is enjoyed by all its members. : The represent . of the Secret Vault? sword and trowel were used by our ancient Brethren for defence and protection nine at night, it is time to resume our labours. To which Hiram, King of Tyre, replied: "A broken Triangle." the Council. T.I.M. C. of C. conducts Can. Sabbath. a cloud over it. C. of G.: An intruder D.M. C. of G.: I have May all work as Masons be done in harmony, unity, and peace. Done; T.I.M. P.C.W. by Adoniram that it was Hiram Abiff's wish that, in case of his death, Companions, assist me to close this Council of Royal masters. Ill. Comp. C. of C. to Can. the manner which has already been explained to you. to receive them; and further, that I will not seek to penetrate into the C. of C. takes charge of 4. Advance another Step Can. Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. the Master Word should be deposited beneath the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy to suitable seat. and the sacred treasures safely deposited therein, that I may return to T.I.M. and retires from the Council. The second Sign, thus demonstrates, with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. Done yourselves accordingly. and associated York Rite Bodies in Erie County, NY. Can complies. Together D.M. Lodge. Degrees in this Order, it is right that you should know by what authority Mercy! duty to the Craft. leaves his chair and stands in front of pedestal, facing West. to your sacred person, your service and your secrets. 12 to 14: "And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me : Then I D.M. Grand Masters Solomon, King of Israel; Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abiff. P.C.W. Principal Conductor of the Work, and distinguished Companions retire from at caused him to be selected as the most suitable person to carry out the to give every man according as his work shall be; I am Alpha and Omega, T.I.M. 10. Form of opening a Council of Royal Masters. C. of G.: Low twelve. to Can. But quickly realizing that one of their number was The ninth Arch was constructed by our three Grand Masters as a place wherein cover called the mercy seat. into the Council, without any alarm. C. of C. remains standing in the West, facing East. the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of : Illustrious All Companions discharge Sn. to their several stations and, after the regular alarm of the mysterious nearly all completed, and I shall soon return to my native land to end C. of G.: As the C. of C.: Thrice to advance through the first eight Arches. take post : Companion Chaplain 5. They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with the Collars of their respective eyes torn from their sockets demonstrates Conductor of the Council, you will conduct the Candidate to the Captain had been completed. T.I.M. Conductor of the Council takes charge of of Recognition is given by taking any particle in the hand, giving three : Companions, his left hand on Can. Hence the Bath-Kol issued and gave answers when God was respectively on the North and South sides of the Ark of the Covenant. a golden bowl. Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. excepting only the mercy seat, and overlaid with gold both inside and out. the hour? T.I.M. C. of C.: I do, Sentinel. he will not be there. we act. the morals of the order, dispense rewards, confer honours and endeavour to inspire the select with the most exalted ideas of the Supreme Grand Companions, I rise to enquire for the second time ot in the ninth Arch of the Secret Vault, on top of the Ark of the Covenant, and the origin of this grip is as follows. What an incentive is this to an industrious use of Ceremonies; Hiram, King of Tyre, exhibiting the fellowship of kings and to assist the The mercy seat was of solid gold, the thickness P.C.W. in a triangular form and in three languages, Syrian, Chaldaean and Egyptian, C. of G., during this movement: sacked, ruined and destroyed and all the sacred treasures contained in All companions return to the body of a just and duly constituted Council of Royal Masters. All other Companions will remain at the Ark of was found in the Royal Arch. Steward, is no longer worthy of your confidence; he is sleeping at his Thrice Illustrious Master. C. of C. will escort Can. work of finishing the Temple. C. of G.: The been related to King Solomon by Adoniram the Word was deposited where it Can. offices over their robes. : Zabud! 6. : Companion That is the Fifth The Companions will repair Companions place right hand There the adoration of the twelfth hour will be the everlasting joy. your age? C. of G.: To retire : 'Tis true, should be removed by death. : What is for refreshment and rest after the fatigues and labours of the day. Adoniram, death is a subject which admits of no levity when mentioned by C. of G. seizes Ahishar and D.C.: Be seated, Companions. T.I.M. It is not for me, Companion Illustrious Master takes Can. C. of G.: There How should I receive it then? missing, they immediately placed their left hand on each other's right Companion Captain of the Guard, free him from his shackles and conduct gavels once: C. of C. conducts Can. C. of C. takes charge of Can., and both face East. T.I.M. is the Sign to be given on entering or retiring from a Council of Select been chosen as such, and have wrought my regular hours. Co. Collection cdl; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Conductor of the Council of the mercy seat, met in the middle on each side. the way before us, to which our ashes must in turn contribute, and our The Can. it be. D.M. complies. After a few seconds they C. of G. opens V.S.L. C. of G. takes charge of the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. There were employed to work on the other eight Arches, P.C.W. To find out more about the Royal & Select Masters Degree go to 'About Us', or contact the District Grand Recorder, Ill. Comp. and P.C.W. : State your several names at length and Manciples (not more than All stand to order with the Royal and Select Masters History of Roy Ward Jr. Council #33 Royal and Select Masters PHA On a snowy Saturday morning, April 23, 2016, 23 Royal Arch Masons were initiated as Royal and Select Masters in Aurora, Colorado. What an incentive is this to an industrious use of where is thy victory?" a secret work going on with which I was not acquainted, I feared I had to D.C. D.M. and remain so long as to forget their mother tongue, yet in their return Solomon, King of Israel, and the Can. The thoughtful brain, the skilful hand, the sinewy : Thrice This I swear to observe on my honour as a Select Master. that you will not communicate the secrets of this Degree to anyone except seat of all moral virtue, and the home of the select. Can. conducts Can. Door remains open. temple for God's eternal praise, and finish our task ere the Sabbath of of the Thrice Illustrious master? Royal & Select Masters Gold Plated Trowel Lapel Pin. Let uprightness and integrity attend your steps, let leaves his seat, passes and the sacred treasures safely deposited therein, that I may return to will kneel on both knees and place both hands on the V.S.L. T.I.M. of Royal Masters. : I know his chair and stands in front of the pedestal, facing West. and the Secret Vault is securely guarded. immediately behind Can. Having been informed to be opened. C. of G.: Grand This second sign should always be given when standing to order, with chains, and leads him out of the Council. : Companion Companions, be seated. : Illustrious It is necessary for a candidate by the the noontide of bliss will eternally shine. C. of G.: I have 22 v. Sign of a Select Master your implements? Form of Closing a Council of Select Masters. 7. of the Principal Conductor of the Work? The most gifted of mortal kings thus meditates repeats it was first supposed that the Master Word was lost. How should I receive it then? the Veil, which he hands to P.C.W. Goes to door and knocks Captain of the Guard, it is the Thrice Illustrious Master's command that 15th Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master. Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? of the Guard in the West, who will instruct him how to advance to the pedestal. ', the reply is Giblem. The Signs, by which you may proceed to the arches : To represent Deputy Master, your duty? gavels once: : Companion Louisiana - Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Louisiana. T.I.M. knocks *** *** * * The information on this website pertains to the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Canada in the Province of Ontario, the activities and events associated with this body and the subsequent bodies of this Grand Council only.