The Phoenix Force is a massively powerful sentient entity that roamed the cosmos. Thor keeping Loki alive even after he rips out his head would've been somewhat impressive hadn't Thanos done what he did to Deadpool, where he all but makes him immortal. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, High And Mjighty: 20 Of Thor's Most Ridiculous OP Feats Of Strength, RESISTED THE GRAVITATIONAL PULL OF A NEUTRON STAR, THREW A PLANET OUT OF ORBIT BY ARM-WRESLTING, DESTROYED THE SILVER SURFER'S FORCE FIELD, PUSHED OVER THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA WITH ONE FINGER. Galactus is on par with some of the most powerful beings in the known universe, tricking him with illusion was no small feat. In The Mighty Thor series from 2011, a giant geyser of power has erupted from Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Throughout the battle, Odin decides to take on Galactus, while Thor takes care of the Silver Surfer. He actually helps Surtur reach Asgard. Discord is even worse than Comicvine, People on discord create true forms for almost every character out there. They are mistaking really that with DC's Ares and Darkseid. This includes not just universes but higher spatial dimensions as well and theres multiple statements besides the ones you posted confirming that it contains infinite realities of each dimension, Midgard is clearly referring to the the 616 universe where humans reside so the totality of Midgard realities alone is a multiverse on Yggdrasil, they just focus on planets and lands of other realms to simplify the diagram and give you an idea of the terrain since thats where the locals reside, they wouldnt just be floating in space now would they? Thus the nine realms are simply special nine planets/worlds. Instead he destroys that which apparently fed their power. Using Mjolnir, Thor divides the timestream (which is itself an impressive accomplishment) and attempts to travel to the past. Odin banished the creature to the bottom of the ocean, but of course the Midgard Serpent came back, hungry for some sweet revenge. Physically stronger than either Odin or Thor, its a miracle anyone has stopped him. During his frog adventures, Simon meets Thor, who has also turned into a frog. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. RK Thor himself claims that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow were simply a race of celestial beings that fed on the cycle of Ragnarok., Morg, another herald of Galactus, sought to kill the Surfer. Old King Thor is the new All-Father and ruler of Asgard. Has quite a few multiversal feats. >TWSAIS aren't Celestials, Celestials aren't so weak that they will let Thor do his thing. This is not anywhere near multiversal, tbh. Oh, I just wanna know if He has some because Cough Wank Cough people think He can beat Superman. With neigh unlimited power, the Silver Surfers abilities and powers are nearly unparalleled amongst mortals. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. it would be difficult to actually draw 9 to 10 entire universes on a tree especially since we have no real word perspective of what the whole universe looks like from outside of it, its not meant to be exact similar to the dragonball macrocosm map so dont take everything literal, Asgard is a pocket universe, your confusing the Floating Land of Asgard with the entire dimension, theres visible stars and other celestials bodies throughout the Asgard dimension and again its been stated to be a pocket universe. Special worlds without a doubt but they are still part of the universe at large. beating a well fed Galactus who doesn't have any multiversal feats. And funny enough this was again shown when Thor became Rune King Thor. In an event featuring the Avengers battling the Defenders, the two teams chase after pieces of a mystic artifact called the Evil Eye. You could also perhaps scale to Odin, who has at least one multiversal outlier. And unlike what some have made it seem, what he did was simply open a path to where the kingdom of Asgard lies. Originally a mongoose that was experimented on by the High Evolutionary, Mongoose (as hed come to call himself) was turned into a human-sized, bi-pedal, fully sentient creature. He also has resisted Mephisto tier sound destruction,or Mephisto tier magic. Beta, with Stormbreaker, wields the power of Thor and often helps or steps in for the God of Thunder. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. But then again, mental gymnastics is the entire OP, so like Good job ignoring everything Loki said outside his self-admitted bluff, where he postulates them being Beyonders. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Having been an Avenger and also knowing many Asgardian warriors, the thunder god had many powerful allies to call for help. Long story short, Loki tricks the two heroes into doing battle and as two of the strongest heroes in Marvel, there battle is as epic as youd imagine. And from the union of Ouranos and Gaia came the Titans. Pure adamantium is so powerful that beings like the Hulk can barely even dent it, much less break it. Thor may be one of the Marvel Universe's strongest characters, but these OP acts are absolutely ridiculous. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Still the universe kept on going. A mutant of sorts, he was born with the deviant gene, which not only made his physiology unique, but also granted him with powers far above anything his people were known for. Volstagg is a member of the Warriors Three and a friend to Thor Odinson. That planet went through a billion years of evolutionary cycles within mere moments just because Silver Surfer letreleased alittle too much power. It was intended for him to be the protector of not only Asgard, but also all the Nine Realms and true to form, Thor Odinson proved mightier than anyone anticipated. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. Thor and Simon help the local frog king fight off the rats they were at war with. In his many journeys, Norrin Radd has proven to be an extremely powerful hero. In the mini-series Secret Invasion: Thor, Beta Ray Bill crash-lands on Asgard, warning that the Skrulls are about to invade. To those unfamiliar with the Silver Surfer, he is the herald of Galactus and imbued with the Power Cosmic. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. The Space Phantom says that Thors hammer is likely on the formers homeworld and that they must journey to the center of the planet to retrieve it. people wouldn't nit pick to high heavens and harass writers on Twitter about some dumb shit like scaling lol xd. That he couldn't simply end Surtur and end the madness of Ragnarok. After becoming a doctor, she later met the God of Thunder himself. Still that tree is back. The weird things is that the Mind Valkyrie is actually the manifestation of Thors subconscious given form, which makes things peculiar as Thor kisses the Mind Valkyrie later on. Here are the top ten reasons Silver Surfer is the most powerful Marvel character. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Come here to talk about fictional characters, fictional events, concepts, objects, etc. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. RELATED:Valkyrie's New Costume In Thor Love And Thunder. Zachary also creates music, films and has his hand in any creative medium you can think of. Thor and Volstagg fought side by side in the battle that initially made Thor worthy of Mjolnir when they fought the hordes of Hel. Yggdrasil holds infinite universes. In this comic, we see an amalgam of Thor and Superman. Kinda like a self fulfilling wish, where they made Those Who Sit Above In Shadow become real. In issue #25 of Guardians of the Galaxy, Silver Surfer waited for Galactus to be on the brink of hunger. Lol Nice downplay, Yggdrasil has been confirmed multiple times to be an all encompassing, extra-dimensional Cosmic structure thats connected to all planes of reality. Rarely do we get to see the outcome of their battles. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. After Beta defeated Thor, he found that he was able to wield the hammer Mjolnir. The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. [/QUOTE. One of their weapons is a bunch of wraparound rockets, made of adamantium, which ensnare Thor like snaking cables. Finally the heroes are able to free Hercules, with Thor using his trusty hammer to break the chains that hold the demigod. They didn't let him destroy the Loom, they tried to apologize and offer Thor a place among them to change his decision. If you followed the ancient Greek ways then in the beginning there was only Chaos. ~ THor fanboys, Yes, so every ghost u see in background of night sky means it merged with cosmos ? Volstagg was the only survivor. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. Galactus survived the death of a multiverse, but failed to do the same at Thor's hand. Caused a Planet's Life to Evolve in Seconds. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. However, it should always be kept in mind that, although Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some of the most . However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. Strange and is as powerful as Loki. Sure Jan. there's no context of the death of a multiverse though.. And he isn't multiversal because Yggdrasil unlike what some claims have been made. The victory is short-lived, as the Phoenix quickly recovers, and moves on to Earth. Every universe in the Multiverse manifests itself as an anthropomorphic being called Eternity. Thor opens a chasm of earth, which Loki falls into, only to then literally pull the earth back together again. RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Cope? Goes double for the depictions of Yggdrasil. The Black Winter devoured the sixth iteration of the cosmos, leaving only a single survivor - Galan of Taa, who it chose as its Herald. They would've simply obliterated RK Thor out of existence. Thus we arrive at a simple but factual conclusion RK Thor never had universal power less alone multiversal. However, this distracts Thor long enough so that when his hammer returns, it hits him in the head. What past are you talking about? The son of Zeus, Hercules is a demigod and practically the equal to the God of Thunder. Same for the other realms. And so he does. They are part of the universe and don't exist apart from it. Their battle grows fiercer with each passing second until Umar catches Thor in an energy field that has the constricting strength equal to the weight of 20 planets. Justiceleague1 . In the meantime, Spider-Man does his part, constructing some makeshift support columns, which then allows Thor to let go of the skyscraper. Thanos, the Mad Titan, is one of the most feared beings in the Marvel Universe. The nine realms to which Yggdrasil is linked to refers to nine special worlds/planets. The biggest superhero rivalry in all of Marvel Comics is unequivocally Thor versus the Hulk. Their battle raged on for some time, leading them to an uninhabited planet. Old King Thor is one of the most powerful variants of the character. Like Thortards can't prove me directly that Thor "merged" with cosmos. Towards the end of the battle, it appeared as though Cable was going to win. I won't be going that detail onto scalings but I'll show feats worth mentioning 1.Stunning and KO'ing God of God Hercules The same Hercules has access to powers forbidden to Gods and Mortals Gods in Marvel are Jungian Archetypes Here is . And God saw that the light was good. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. Meaning its actually smaller than a planet. The Skrulls invaded Asgard, which happened to be floating just a few feet above the ground of Arizona, realizing they needed to defeat the gods if they wanted to conquer the planet. Thor does retrieve it, but it doesnt take long for Odin and Asgard to realize that another wants it: Galactus. Thor's strength is matched by few like Hulk and the Sentry. As if it had been undone. Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. In order to learn the true nature of the Celestials, Thor makes the choice to travel back in time, so that he can witness their origins. Once there was even a kind of map given about it. Where you can see in the map shown above that the map in the previous scan was still valid. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. Mangog likes the plan and teams up with Thanos. True. The witch then turned Simon into a frog as punishment. As for the Worldengine, it was a device connected to the World Tree that could trick the World Tree into thinking Ragnarok had already occurred. The Eye explains to Thor that the Axis Mundi (Celestial Axis) is a multi-layered system, and that it appears symbolically for every plane, and its the might world tree, Yggdrasil. After getting wind of whats happening, Thor steps in -- though hes actually in a weakened state at the time the events are unfolding. Enraged, Thor breaks free of the restraints and defeats her. As Thor went to check on the fleet, they saw him as an enemy and began to fight with the son of Odin. For more information, please see our In a fight where Thor uses every ounce of power, he performs such feats as beating Mangog by ramming Mjolnir down the monsters throat and unleashing a massive energy blast, withstanding a blast from Thanos capable of destroying a planet, and then going on to defeat the Mad Titan himself. If even Thanos can grant immortality to this degree then what RK Thor did was actually nothing of notice. Yggdrasil is infinite in its complexities and Heimdall sees all of space and time in it. Thor is injured during the fight and when he regains consciousness, hes in Asgard, but things seem peculiar. Realizing hes about to lose, Mongoose flees and destroys a couple of the skyscrapers support pillars while he escapes. Piercing the Chaos King with lightning, forcing Galactus to fall back with God Blast and maybe scaling to Hulk's outliers, as far as I know. Mangog is the physical embodiment of an entire race that was killed by Odin and channels the strength of a billion billion being. Born in Sparta, Kratos was a respected soldier and General, up until he lost his wife and daughter when he killed them, albeit by accident, under Ares' command, earning him the nickname The Ghost of Sparta, after which he renounced his service to the war god, eventually killing him and later on ascending to Godhood before exacting revenge . @mama7: They're free to counter this debunking. And then we already know the story. Before they part ways, Thor and Hercules, realizing they need to close the gateway, each deliver a punch to the portal, their blows impacting upon part of the universe itself, closing the rift. Look at y'all trying to be funny. I just check in from time to time (create a thread or two in a years out of curiosity) and all I see are salty kids. No. Thor Odinson is a superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Pretty much, yeah. While there, Mephisto's power grows exponentially stronger. In fighting against the wheel of the Worldengine, Thor would be fighting against the combined power of the Tree and the Engine itself, but Thor does not care and fights against the impossible. The powerful beams obliterated Cable's arm and knocked the mutant unconscious. RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Yggdrasil is not a multiverse. Yggdrasil is not a multiverse. They refuse and Silver Surfer relays the message to his master., More so the Silver Surfer himself points out that Asgard is simply part of Universe 616. Eventually, Thor comes across the villains and knocks them out of the sky. Yggdrasil is simply a structure. So RKT is above all that. However, when it was worshipped by a magician named Feron, it took the form of the Phoenix from his daydreams. Made completely invulnerable, the Destroyer became known as being capable of destroying anything, gods included. Though the feat is impressive, it doesnt even faze the Destroyer. The Silver Surfer has come quite a way since his time spent as the herald of Galactus. Also referred by as the World Tree, it maintains the appearance of an actual gigantic tree, but is in fact the cosmic pillar that guides time, destiny, and nature for not only Asgard, but all the Nine Realms. The presence calling him was a Mjolnir from an alternate universe. Though Thor gets top billing when it comes to godly superheroes in the Marvel Universe, hes hardly the only divine champion on the planet. Each culture has its own lavish story about how the world came to be and how their god(s) were the makers of everything. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. It isn't like Ewing fails to outright imply that either. RK Thor essentially discovered their Kryptonite and used it to end their hold on the fate not just of Asgard but apparently the nine realms as well. every site has BS tbh, be it CV, Quora, Spacebattles, Instagram, Youtube etc. great thread so far hopefully this whould clear misconceptions about this version of thor, as for discord no its arguably way better than the entirety of debating forums if you actually look for good servers (obviously not ones that focuses on arguing), >Surtur hesitates to reforge Mjolnir because he thinks Thor's gonna murder him with it. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. They are simply ten worlds. As life throughout the universe dies, the Tree of Life also dies. Almost every being in the galaxy would die in such an environment, but the Silver Surfer thrives just as he would anywhere else. Yggdrasil is simply a structure. I'll entertain your stupidity no longer. So what Odin lavish story comes down to is this: When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew. Thus we arrive at a simple but factual conclusion RK Thor never had universal power less alone multiversal. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. Goes triple for you straight up lying about the Galactus Seed. Disney+'s Loki featured many Easter eggs and one of the best was Throg, a frog version of Thor, who appeared in episode five of the series. And from his own light He created all the angels. Written by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz, the tale featured Thor and Hercules standing high atop a plateau on a far-off planet, where they would arm-wrestle one another to finally put an end to the question about who was stronger. And from that light he created the firmament, the stars, the Earth, and everything from highest to lowest. Imagine thinking any skyfather could be multiversal to begin with. If you're actually saying this then you clearly haven't seen the Celestials in action, either. He simply brought down the walls that kept Asgard safe. And unlike what some have made it seem, what he did was simply open a path to where the kingdom of Asgard lies. First appearing in 1962's "Journey Into Mystery" #83, he's initially the alter ego of Dr. Donald Blake, who finds Mjolnir and . The explosion knocks out Thor and goes so far as to throw Galactus, one of the mightiest beings in the Marvel Universe, off-balance. The Avengers bring back many former members to aid in dealing with the threat. The Incredible Hulk is one of the strongest beings in the Marvel universe. No, it wasnt any kind of mind-control that convinced the God of Thunder to fight for the Nazis, but it was Hitler manipulating the thunder god. He even says: The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor. Thor is immediately bombarded with the force of a neutron star, the gravity of which is 200 billion times that of Earth! I'm tired. In one instance, Thor gets to the top of a temple and leg-presses a million-ton arch of solid rock down onto his foe., Press J to jump to the feed. Stark Odinson, son of Howard Odin, combines the powers and might of Thor with the sharp intellect of Tony Stark. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Knowing that anyone and everyone with a hunger for power might be attracted to the light, like moths to a flame, Odin sends Thor into the portal to retrieve the Worldheart, a kind of seed that was born from the power and holds incalculable energy as it is the soul of the All-God. Because their first words are about Thor's strength as well as his wisdom - they know what he's capable of, and if they could have stopped him, he wouldn't be capable of such, and they would have never acknowledged that so freely. The event "Secret Invasion" featured the alien shapeshifting race known as the Skrulls, and how theyd infiltrated nearly every branch of superhero team and government. Thor immediately goes to rescue his brother, while all of Asgard, including Odin, realizes Thor is bewitched but cant do anything about it. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. Still the universe kept on going. RK Thor himself claims that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow were simply a race of celestial beings that fed on the cycle of Ragnarok. And from his own light He created all the angels. So if he wanted to free himself and Asgard from the cycle, he needed to destroy the Loom. When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew, RKT said that Mangog's "magic fails him" because he was drained by Loki, implying that Mangog would have been a trouble for RKT if he was at full power, The Yggdrasil isn't very durable from what I have seen: it could be penetrated by the human machinery and its roots were eaten by some dragon which got beaten by Thor, I've seen some people argue that Yggdrasil is multiverse or even high outerversal, but Thor cut it open with a Mjolnir strike, apparently Mjolnir must also have high outerversal or multiversal durability gg. If you are a Christian or Catholic, then God created from his own light the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, Cyclops wants Hope to be possessed by the Phoenix, as he sees it as a chance for mutants to prosper. Their battle continues into Journey Into Mystery #119, and Thor is becoming more and more desperate. And so he does. Galactus is a massive cosmic being that consumed planets to sustain his powers. Which obviously was not the case. Follow 17364. . During one of his stints as a god-like mutant, Cable found himself at odds with the Surfer. The 9 realms being merely a part of land of Asgard separated by water and mountains rather than being complete planets or universes is a nice debunk, I haven't noticed that part before. This would be neither the first nor the last time Thor would accomplish send Galactus tumbling. At this point, Hulk is nearly stronger than ever in his savage mode. Beta and Thor formed a rivalry over Mjolnir and got the attention of Odin himself. The two heroes quickly overpower the villain. Depends on how strong phoneix force is as Thor definitely held his own against the bird. The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. The Silver Surfer appears and instructs the Asgardians to hand it over. Bestowed upon him by the world eater Galactus, the Power Cosmic is the source of all the abilities of Silver Surfer. Its most famous host is mutant Jean Grey but has inhabited many characters in the Marvel Universe. Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. This universe is seen as one of the darker timelines introduced by Marvel. Moondragon is known as one of the most powerful psychics in the universe. A character so abstract, and awe inspiring, that you cannot possibly determine his limits. Yet still, neither Thor nor Hercules relinquishes their grasp and continues to arm-wrestle as they plummet to the ground. Thor appears in 8145 issues. The MCU may have many believing Thanos to be the most powerful Marvel character, but here are 10 reasons why Silver Surfer deserves that title. The Black Winter is a cosmic entity that fulfils a similar purpose to Galactus on a far larger scale - rather than simply devouring planets, it consumes entire universes. Nothing happened to them. Without the help of his board, Silver Surfer managed to defeat the Red Shift within the Black Hole, proving not only is he a powerful being in his own right, but also that he is one of the most powerful heralds of Galactus.