The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana was first awarded the TRiO Student Support Services grant in 1997. A grantee must maintain participant records that show -. In total, 43 proposals received perfect scores. Target schools are the focus of UB and UBMS program services that grantees deliver. (2004), Questions or Comments? In the 1970s, student support professionals who staffed these programs began to form associations to pool training and ideas on how best to serve the students. TRIO SSS supports these students as they pursue an academic certificate or degree and transfer to a four-year . (a) In the case of an application described in 646.20(a)(2)(i), the Secretary -. The goal of SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants. (6) Assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). TRIO Talking Points. Plan of Operation: SCC staff, administration, and faculty members have collaborated todevelop a comprehensive plan for the colleges SSS program. The average score obtained from the second peer review panel is the final peer reviewer score for the application and will be used even if the second review results in a lower score for the application than that obtained in the initial review. (1) These classes are not otherwise available at the grantee institution; (2) Are limited to eligible project participants; and. U.S. Department of Education grant. This grant cycle, NEC developed or reviewed 48 continuation Student Support Services grants, all of which were funded. Different population means a group of individuals that an eligible entity desires to serve through an application for a grant under the Student Support Services program and that -, (1) Is separate and distinct from any other population that the entity has applied for a grant to serve; or. The Director for TRIO SSS will take a lead role in ensuring the successful implementation and renewal of our approved 5-year federal grant which includes two projects; Student Support Services and STEM Student Support Services. (5) (10 points) The applicant's plan to ensure proper and efficient administration of the project, including the organizational placement of the project; the time commitment of key project staff; the specific plans for financial management, student records management, and personnel management; and, where appropriate, its plan for coordination with other programs for disadvantaged students. (2) Understanding credit building principles to meet long-term and short-term goals (e.g., loan to debt ratio, credit scoring, negative impacts on credit scores); (3) Cost planning for postsecondary or postbaccalaureate education (e.g., spending, saving, personal budgeting); (4) College cost of attendance (e.g., public vs. private, tuition vs. fees, personal costs); (5) Financial assistance (e.g., searches, application processes, differences between private and government loans, assistanceships); and. How does the Secretary decide which new grants to make? The cost principles that apply to the Student Support Services Program are in 2 CFR part 200, subpart E. Allowable costs include the following if they are reasonably related to the objectives of the project: (a) Cost of remedial and special classes if -. What is the Student Support Services Program? The program propels students at Michigan State University towards academic success and graduation. A student is eligible to participate in a Student Support Services project if the student meets all of the following requirements: (a) Is a citizen or national of the United States or meets the residency requirements for Federal student financial assistance. contact the publishing agency. 646.22 How does the Secretary evaluate prior experience? Pressing enter in the search box Program Type : Discretionary/Competitive Grants The U.S. Department Education implements competitive grant programs that provide funding to colleges and nonprofit organizations to assist veterans in enrolling in and completing a program of postsecondary education. If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. Designed with first-gen students in mind, this program supports students in their transition from high school to college and beyond. (e) Transportation and, with the prior approval of the Secretary, meals and lodging for participants and staff during approved educational and cultural activities sponsored by the project. Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. About Us. project that serves the institution or school that student is attending or the area in which the student lives. TRIO Student Support Services Grant 2015South Central CollegePROJECT ABSTRACT, Project Title: Student Support Services Program at South Central College. (b) For each grant competition, the Secretary designates, in the Federal Register notice inviting applications and other published application materials for the competition, the different populations for which an eligible entity may submit a separate application. (1) The Secretary's determination of whether the applicant has met the requirements for a second review and the Secretary's decision on re-scoring of an application are final and not subject to further appeal or challenge. Programs | News | Competition Info | Reference Documents email confirmation that we successfully received your application and pending your formatting. For purposes of this section, the approved number of participants is the total number of participants the project would serve as agreed upon by the grantee and the Secretary. NOSOTROS Education Center Announces Successful Results for Student Support Services Clients with Over $86 Million in Grants Awarded, Company to Offer Expanded Services This Year. The goal of SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants. TRIO Student Support Services at River Parishes Community College is a federally funded grant program committed to helping first-generation students, students who are low-income (individual or family), as well as students with disabilities. (1) A grantee shall determine the eligibility of each participant in the project when the individual is selected to participate. The topics covered in the trainings include but are not limited to legislative and regulatory requirements; assisting students in receiving adequate financial aid; the design and operation of model programs; the use of appropriate educational technology; and strategies for recruiting and serving hard to reach populations. TRIO/SSS serves all program participants regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, or age. (2) Advice and assistance in postsecondary course selection. This grant will support the success, retention, and graduation of first-generation students, students from low-income families and/or students with identified disabilities. Headquarters Office: Office of Federal TRIO Programs U.S. Department of Education, OPE Higher Education Programs 1990 K Street, N.W., Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006-8510 Or call: 202-502-7600 You may also email: 202-502-7600 Each scholar in the program is assigned a peer and professional coach to work with during their entire undergraduate career until graduation. (2) (4 points) Postsecondary retention. Instead, the grants are distributed to different educational institutions, such as places of higher education as well as community-based organizations and private agencies that help disadvantaged students. This symposium broadly supports TRIO and other first-gen, low-income, and underrepresented minority students by giving undergraduate attendees the opportunity to: Present research in a supportive learning environment. 2020-2021 Training opportunities coming soon! full text search results In addition, TRIO-SSS may also provide Supplemental Grant Aid to currently enrolled TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs. To be a TRIO-SSS Scholar, a student must be a citizen or permanent resident of the (4) (4 points) Degree completion (for an applicant institution of higher education offering primarily a baccalaureate or higher degree). Subpart D - What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee? SCC currently servesapproximately 5,400 students by traditional credit programs. All Rights Reserved. Eligibility Information. TRIO Student Support . Examples of Work Performed 1. Since 2007, NEC has had a successful track record (90%) of securing funding via new and continuation grant proposals, including Student Support Services, Talent Search, Educational Opportunity Centers, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math and Science, McNair, and GEAR Up. (2) Maintaining the loan burden of each student in the project at a manageable level. 1070a-11 and 1070a-14), [61 FR 38537, July 24, 1996, as amended at 75 FR 65790, Oct. 26, 2010]. user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent The TRIO SSS Program is for first-generation college students, those students whose parents have not completed undergraduate studies at a four-year university. (c) If the total scores of two or more applications are the same and there is insufficient money available to fully fund them both after funding the higher-ranked applications, the Secretary chooses among the tied applications so as to serve geographic areas that have been underserved by the Student Support Services Program. | Newsletters. The Impact of Regular Upward Bound: Results from the Third Follow-up Data Collection (2004), Upward Bound Math-Science Program Description and Interim Impact Estimates (2006), The Educational and Employment Outcomes of The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program Alumni (2008), A Study of the Effect of Talent Search on Secondary and Postsecondary Outcomes in Florida, Indiana, and Texas (2006), Implementation of the Talent Search Program, Past and Present - Final Report from Phase I of the National Evaluation (1) (3 points) Retention in postsecondary education. (3) The Secretary waives the requirements in paragraph (d)(1) of this section if the applicant demonstrates that the project director will be able to effectively administer more than three programs and that this arrangement would promote effective coordination between the program and other Federal TRIO programs (sections 402B through 402F of the HEA) or similar programs funded through other sources. (2) While sharing some of the same needs as another population that the eligible entity has applied for a grant to serve, has distinct needs for specialized services. (2) To the extent practical, the grantee may share staff with programs serving similar populations provided the grantee maintains appropriate records of staff time and effort and does not commingle grant funds. Provides leadership, planning, and supervision to the federally funded TRIO Student Support Services program, a federally funded grant designed to support low income, first-generation, and students with disabilities in reaching their academic goals including college persistence and graduation. Whether the applicant met or exceeded its objective regarding the participants served during the project year who continue to be enrolled in a program of postsecondary education from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year or who complete a program of postsecondary education at the grantee institution during the academic year or transfer from a two-year institution to a four-year institution during the academic year. How does the Secretary evaluate prior experience? The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. (6) Activities designed to assist students enrolled in two-year institutions of higher education in applying for admission to, and obtaining financial assistance for enrollment in, a four-year program of postsecondary education. (3) (3 points) The quality of the applicant's plan for employing personnel who have succeeded in overcoming barriers similar to those confronting the project's target population. Search & Navigation TRIO SSS has moved to the 3rd floor of the NEW Student Success Center (located between Old Main and Memorial Hall). 75 FR 65791, Oct. 26, 2010, unless otherwise noted. Also, 14 new grant proposals were submitted with 12 gaining funding and one placed in the funding band with the potential to receive funding later. Individual with a disability means a person who has a disability, as that term is defined in section 12102 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. While individual students are served by these entities, they may not apply for grants under these programs. (2) 34 CFR 75.253, for the second and subsequent years of a project period. For more information, visit the TRIO student support services website. The recipients of the grants, depending on the specific program, are institutions of higher education, public and private If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve the website or have questions about using, please choose the 'Website Feedback' button below. The Talent Search program aims to improve the college enrollment rates for middle and high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds.Target schools are the focus of Talent Search program services that grantees deliver.. (1) An applicant whose grant application was not evaluated during the competition may request that the Secretary review the application if -, (i) The applicant has met all of the application submission requirements included in the Federal Register notice inviting applications and the other published application materials for the competition; and. (5) Securing temporary housing during breaks in the academic year for -, (i) Students who are homeless children and youths or were formerly homeless children and youths; and. TRIO-SSS is a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters the holistic Building on this years success, Retamozo. (9) If the Secretary determines that a peer reviewer made a scoring error, as described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the Secretary convenes a second panel of peer reviewers in accordance with the requirements in section 402A(c)(8)(C)(iv)(III) of the HEA. (a) General definitions. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1840-NEW10), (Authority: 20 U.S.C. The Director is responsible for project development and implementation, fiscal management and Federal reporting. Whether the applicant provided services to no less than the approved number of participants. These entities plan, develop and carry out the Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. Student Support Services at the University of Mary is committed to creating and maintaining a supportive environment for program students and encourages academic excellence and . the U.S. Department of Education stipulates that scholars must fall into one or more No changes found for this content after 1/03/2017. TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) provides academic services to students who are traditionally underrepresented on college campuses, such as first generation and low-income college students as well as students with disabilities. The maximum score for each criterion is indicated in parentheses with the criterion. TRIO Student Support Services. Students who actively participate in the program every semester are eligible for scholarship funding at the end of year academic year. 646.20 How does the Secretary decide which new grants to make? TRIO Student Support Services is a supportive academic community working together toward academic excellence. (ii) The maximum score for all the criteria in 646.21 is 100 points. SSS was created precisely because Congress recognized that financial aid alone is insufficient to ensure college completion. To complete the application, students must submit a copy of the most recent tax return (IRS Form 1040, 1040EZ, or equivalent) of the parent (s) or guardian (s) who claim (s) the student. This web site is designed for the current versions of TRIO Maps TRIO Footprint Project Sites Map map | training TRIO Project Explorer map | training Talent Search Target Schools Lavelle Wright, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Room 268-24, Washington, DC 20202-4260. (8) If the Secretary determines that the Department, the Department's agent or the peer reviewer made an administrative error that relates to the peer reviewers' score(s), as described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, the Secretary adjusts the applicant's peer reviewers' score(s) to correct the error. [61 FR 38537, July 24, 1996, as amended at 75 FR 65791, Oct. 26, 2010]. of the following categories: Selected students must also be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled at the The proposal need TRIO programs provide services to students throughout the education pipeline, as early as middle school, as well as undergraduates interested in pursuing a doctorate degree. (iii) The Secretary evaluates the PE of an applicant for each of the three project years that the Secretary designates in the Federal Register notice inviting applications and the other published application materials for the competition. 646.21 What selection criteria does the Secretary use to evaluate an application? Our mission is to provide academic assistance, advocacy, and individual support to eligible undergraduate students. 646.4 What activities and services does a project provide? Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants Education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy and assist students in applying for admission to graduate and professional programs; and assist students enrolled in two-year institutions and applying for admission to, and obtaining financial assistance for enrollment in four-year programs. Project Need: South Central College (SCC) is a comprehensive community and technicalcollege with campuses in North Mankato and Faribault, Minnesota. After building our team during the past few years, weve been able to consistently deliver for our clients, and we couldnt be happier for them. 1995 - 2023 Scholars in maintaining good academic standing, successfully persisting in college, Additionally, in order to be served by one of these programs, a student must be eligible to receive services and be accepted into a funded Parkland TRiO is funded to support 180 students each school year, and has served well over 3,000 students since its inception in 1997. Increasing retention, GPA, graduation, and transfer rates of SSS eligible participants. Retamozo said, Our success rate is a sign of great teamwork between the schools and our team. TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) is a Department of Education grant-funded program committed to increasing the retention, graduation, and transfer rates of its participants. (b) Is enrolled at the grantee institution or accepted for enrollment in the next academic term at that institution. The Secretary evaluates the quality of the applicant's plan of operation on the basis of the following: (1) (3 points) The plan to inform the institutional community (students, faculty, and staff) of the goals, objectives, and services of the project and the eligibility requirements for participation in the project. Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally-funded program hosted by Emporia State University. (g) Professional development travel for staff if directly related to the project's overall purpose and activities, except that these costs may not exceed four percent of total project salaries. (b) A Student Support Services project may provide the following services: (1) Individualized counseling for personal, career, and academic matters provided by assigned counselors. (ii) The maximum total score for all the criteria in 646.22 is 15 points. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. (1) (8 points) A high number or percentage, or both, of students enrolled or accepted for enrollment at the applicant institution who meet the eligibility requirements of 646.3; (2) (8 points) The academic and other problems that eligible students encounter at the applicant institution; and.