researching information on the occult and the hidden supernatural world inspires you with wisdom and knowledge of spiritual laws. Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House means your purpose is to be the boss, authority figure, and ruler of your own kingdom when it comes to your career. You will feel like you are not the best parent to your children until later in life. The birth of children brings blessings into your life. Only Ketu is not an Atmakaraka among the nine Grahas (planets). in addition, you are a spiritual soldier and deeply passionate regarding your religion and spirituality. How Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope Determine Your Career: Importance and significance of amatyakaraka planets in career and profession:- Amatyakaraka planet is deals with ones action, karma, deeds. You have natural leadership abilities, and you know how to delegate tasks and assignments. There are two types of Atmakaraka (1) Fixed Atmakaraka (2) Movable Atmakarka. You will have a creative surge and will invest your time in a creative project and pursuits. Birthstone for March What Birthstone is for March. Because you love searching and finding you can be a collector of many rare and hard-to-find items. Your Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in your birth chart; the root word Atma translates into Soul and karaka means significator, so Atmakaraka is the significator of your Soul. You are mentally intrigued when investigating the laws of man and the divine law of the universe. You are very good when it comes to communication, writing, and dictation. You are very competitive when dealing with other people; therefore, Atmakaraka Mars in the 7th house can make you a lawyer in which you battle out legal agreements. Because of this, you are a natural handyman: any test involving fixing something with your hands comes naturally to you. The eAstrohelp platform is the bridge between you and some of the best astrologers. You will have a mesmerizing aura, that will draw people to you who will help you fulfill your life purpose. In your Bharani Nakshatra Mahadasha you experience many changes and transformations. You often put up a hard exterior because you are very sensitive, and your feelings can get hurt easily. Sun is the general atmakaraka for all, but the planet with highest degree in your natal chart is considered as your personal Atmakaraka. On the other hand, you have a very logical and calculative mind and are good when it comes to mathematic, statistics, numbers, and data. Profession and Career as Per Different Amatyakaraka Planets. You are calculative when managing personal wealth and income. Natural atmakaraka is sun but according to jaimini system of astrology chara atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree shows your life purpose You have a natural gift for stage performance and can be an actor, in theater, cinema, musician, singer, etc. Nevertheless, you feel invincible and unconquered; because of this, you will always rise above your competitors. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Atmakaraka in Anuradha Nakshatra means you have a very friendly and warm nature. You like to dive into a situation headfirst which makes you very adventurous and often impulsive. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 3rd house means you are born to use your communicative power to preach and to teach. Saturn represents old age and maturity in the second house is your face; Therefore you have an old-looking face or you often appear overly serious. Once identified the planet, then open Navamsa chart to see where it is poised. Atmakaraka Mars means the nature of your soul is aggressive, assertive, driven, motivated, courageous, athletic, and technical. Atmakaraka Saturn in 4th house means in your early childhood there was a lot of restriction. Because of this, you have a very inventive mind, however, once you start implementing your ideas, they could take time to manifest. Moon as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. when Venus becomes Amatyakaraka in a horoscope, Venus can provide a profession associated with Acting, Singing and all kind of inventive discipline. The planet with highest degree [excluding Ketu] becomes Atmakaraka Planet. Atmakaraka in Hasta Nakshatra means you a skillful with your hands. Atmakaraka Venus in 10th house means you are passionate about your career, authority, government, achievements, and interacting socially with society. Nevertheless, you can go through many ups and downs in life; however, you can balance this energy by practicing Yoga or tantra, or occult science. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. However, if the Moon is debilitated in the 8th house, which is the original House of Scorpio, your mind can often go to dark places and your emotions can fluctuate. In other words, you have big dreams and goals, so big that others may tell you that they are unattainable. This is because when asked about something you must give the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Optional: Tropical/Sidereal Zodiac. You feel confident, powerful, and authoritative being in the safety of your home environment. Atmakaraka Sun in 8th House means you have a deep interest in mysticism and esoteric knowledge. Amatyakaraka Significance in Jaimini Astrology. You love the company of other people; therefore, you enjoy socializing in your social network and spending time with friends and family. Copyright 2021- 2023 M/s. Nevertheless, you are passionate about society and help in creating balance in the world. Nevertheless, Jupiter in the 8th house can indicate a rich or financially secure spouse for both men and females; however, Jupiter has to be in good dignity (exalted, friends sign, or own sign). Atmakaraka is important in finding the role of your Ishtadevta. You enjoy moving and being on the go, therefore you enjoy short trips to the grocery store, gym, running errands, or visiting a family or friend who lives close by. On the other hand, because two faces is one of the symbols of Purva Bhadrapada you can have two sides to your personality. It may also derive yield profession related and associated with internet designing, the creativity of fine arts as well as performing arts. You are extraordinarily creative, and you are gifted with visual artistic talents. You must ask online astrologers for an online solution for knowing which planet is your AK. These natives can expect a job in the government and administration. You are emotionally attached to your children and your feel good when your children are happy and at ease. You are highly ambitious and put in the effort to manifest your goals. Since the main symbol of Jyeshta Nakshatra is a Round Talisman or Circular Amulet, you enjoy wearing rings, circular earrings, medallions, or amulets which symbolize your great power. Atmakaraka Moon in 7th House means your mind is focused on your significant other or business contracts. In your Nakshatra Mahadasha you experience many changes and transformations that will help you manifest your soul purpose. Nevertheless, part of your personality you keep private and hidden from the world, only those close to you can truly know who you are. Atmakaraka in Krittika Nakshatra means you have a critical and sharp mind. To clarify, a personal relationship can end then restart again with a stronger foundation. In your Ashwini Nakshatra Mahadasha things happen fast and at rapid speed and you realize your purpose in life; You can experience healing to your physical body and may travel a lot. It is your Amatyakaraka that is the driver of your life purpose. Mars is the warrior and Army chief among the many planets. However, since Hasta Nakshatra main symbol is an open hand, and your hands are used to grasp items: you have the mental capacity to easily grasp concepts and ideas. You have a competitive spirit and the valor, willpower, and strength to when challenged. However, if other planetary alignments indicate a boy your n is very handsome and gifted in creative pursuits. Most people are worried about their careers and future. We do not consider rahu and Ketu degrees in calculating atmakaraka. You have good communication skills and can start a conversation and keep it going. Position of the Amatyakaraka planet in D10 chart should also be studied. This is the planet that represents your spouse, husband for woman, and wife for a man. The planet with the 2nd highest degree in the birth chart (except Rahu) is known as Amatyakaraka in Vedic astrology. However, personal relationships can be uprooted then replanted. Atmakaraka is the king of the horoscope. You are very nurturing, caring, and have natural maternal instincts, you love taking care of things especially the people in your life. Your purpose in life is to express yourself through the 9th house. Atmakaraka Saturn in 10th house means your purpose in life is to put in the hard work needed to succeed in your career. As a result, youre often thinking about work or giving your service to someone or something. You are mechanical or skillful with your hands. Atmakaraka Moon in 2nd House means you can accumulate a large number of resources. To clarify, you must connect mentally before intimacy. Youre able to calm others raging emotions with the power of your words. This is because the Sun is debilitated in the seven house which is the original house of Libra. When you speak you have a very pleasant and sweet tone to your voice. Nevertheless, you can be pessimistic at times and see the glass half full. Since you have such a sweet voice you may have vocal talents which give you a sweet singing voice. You like to be active and move your physical body. Nevertheless, with Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House, you can have a career in which you give you a service to the government. Nevertheless, since Venus is the karaka of marriage you can have many ups and downs in your marriage life. With Atmakaraka Venus in the 1st house, you feel a sense of connection when you are around other people. because of this, you like to give your support from an authoritative role. Atmakaraka Mars in 6th house means youre very active in your work and your day-to-day routine. The nakshatra you Atmakaraka is placed in defines the characteristics of your soul. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 6th house means your wisdom comes from dealing with the everyday mundane life. This is because Mars is debilitated in the 4th house, which is the original House of Cancer. On the other hand, the 4th house is an indicator of your mother and home environment growing up. The planet with the highest degree is Sun at 16:20 degrees. You are all about results, and making things happen in addition, you put energy into things to create a manifestation. Your Karakamsa can provide additional information about your destiny and soul purpose. Amatyakaraka Mercury means that the natives may flourish in education, business, and the finance field. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. As a result, you can be an athlete, bodybuilder, physical therapist, police officer, or perform any type of physically intensive job. This is because the moon is constantly waxing and waning and so do your feelings. Therefore, you can be a talented painter, artist, Skecher, poetry writer. Nevertheless, you can lose your ego or identity when you are in personal relationships. What is the most powerful planet in the universe? When you write or communicate it can be a social effort. You are highly intuitive and can sense the energies of an environment. Rulers of Sun/Moon/ASC/MC. Your profession and career are very dear to you. Because of this you do not like falseness and are truthful with others and expect the same in return. However, since you are so authoritative, you can be controlling and dominating which intimidate others. This is because part of Uttara Ashadha is in the ambitious sign of Capricorn. With Sun in the 9th house, your father is very authoritative and a natural-born leader. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 4th house means you have a heart of gold, peace of mind and, love tranquility within your home; however, if Jupiter is afflicted in the 4th house it will give opposite results. You have books that stimulate your mental curiosity and books on a variety of subjects. Your soul purpose is to take the leadership role to make things happen in your life by putting in the time, effort, energy, and work. How do you get to know when it will be the peak point of your career? You may feel uncomfortable in your home or homeland; therefore, you can leave your birthplace to find your purpose in life. Because you are kind to others the Brihaspati (Jupiter) blesses you with prosperity and abundance. The spouse (husband or wife) its very intelligent and good when it comes to negotiations. When Saturn Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Kundli:- We know that Saturn signify jobs associated with laborious work, repetition, service to the society and so on. Your purpose in life is to bulldozer through any challenge that stands in your way. If Atmakaraka is the king, Amatyakaraka is the kingmaker, the minister who does the running around obeying all orders as destined for you. As a result, your self-esteem and confidence can take blows because you feel people do not respect your authority. You are a natural group leader and take the leadership role when it comes to gatherings of large groups. when you serve society and groups of people this empowers you with strength. Signification of the Moon are highlighted in a native being nurturing like a mother, intuitive, imaginative. This is because the wound is the main symbol of Bharani Nakshatra. You can retain and process large amounts of information. You can determine which planet is your Darakaraka by figuring out which of your planets sits in the lowest degree on your chart. This is because Indra (King of the God) is the ruling deity of Jyeshta Nakshatra. Growing up your home environment was a pleasant place to live full of comforts, joy, balance, and social. Atmakaraka in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra means you are law-abiding, righteous, and truthful similar to Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individua. Nevertheless, you are very hard-working and will not shy away from hard work; you put in the effort needed to succeed in your goals or objectives. Different planets as amatyakaraka result in various different career life.. ones affinity and skill towards a particular profession is determined by amatyakaraka planet. therefore, you stand your ground when you believe in something; you will not let others sway you from your beliefs. Atmakaraka Mercury in 6th House means your life path is about the daily routines of everyday life. Atmakaraka Moon in 4th House means you are emotionally attached to your home. You enjoy agriculture and growing plants and herbs. If we apply the 8 Jaimini karaka systems or approaches, Rahu can be considered Atmakaraka. Because of this, you can get others to do what you want. The 5th house is known as the house of fun and entertainment; you feel emotionally balanced when you are in a divine moment of fun and enjoyment. Atmakaraka is the significator of the soul's desire. You absorb information like a sponge and have the intelligence to logically look at problems and create rational solutions; you can process this information quickly and retain what you have learned. You are very intelligent and have visual creative talents. Your mother or a motherly figure inspires you with creativity. He was born in a traditional Brahmin family in India West Bengal near Kolkata, The City Of Joy, one of Indias major cities. 7 Jaimini Chara Karakas The chara karakas are part of the Jaimini system. Continue with Recommended Cookies. It depends on the natal chart of the individual. If Moon is in good dignity, you had many comforts in your childhood home: however, if the moon is afflicted your home environment went through many changes and ups and downs. Saturn in Different houses suppresses the house Saturn is placed in. This makes you highly intelligent because youre able to process information rapidly. You have a very beautiful face that shines like the moon and gets attention. To clarify, on the surface, you do not show your emotions, however, if watery a planet like Moon conjunct or aspect Saturn you put on a hard exterior, but you are very sensitive and emotional inside. as a result, you are a natural entrepreneur and business person. Politics will also interest the natives and thats why we have classic examples like Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi. Your intuition is strong, and you can often feel the energy of an environment. Why Is Your Atmakaraka Important? The first attempt at accomplishing a goal can often fall short of your expectation; however, once you try again you will succeed at the things you desire. Therefore, a womans destiny is to meet her husband in foreign lands, isolated locations, online, or in spiritual centers. It is your purpose in life to deal with the mundane world but from an intellectual perspective. You have clairaudience experiences; that is to say, you can hear voices and messages from the spiritual world. You can know more about your personality, personal power, interests, character, and nature of your soul by knowing the nakshatra your Atmakaraka falls in. This is because the Moon relates to the masses, and the 10th house is where the Sun is the highest in the sky. You have healing powers and an interest in alternative medicine, herbology, or growing herbs. Atmakaraka Venus means you are creative, artistic, poetic, social, and passionate. This is because you are very serious which makes you appear detached from emotions. Take this as a reference, but make sure you put in all the effort and hard work into the profession you choose. Atmakaraka in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra means you believe in truth, justice, and fairness. The Atmakaraka is also called Atmeshvara and is the final authority in all matters. You have an interest when it comes to learning ancient texts such as scriptures. So, Sun is her Atmakaraka and is used to understanding her purpose in life. They play a specific role in the horoscope based on their degrees. To clarity, that everyday work routines, running errands, and performing tedious tasks are how you burn your karma. Atmakaraka Sun in 1st House means you are a born leader and have a rulership personality. This is the energy of Mrigashira Nakshatra of being on a never-ending chasing quest. Atmakaraka is the planet in the birth chart with the longest longitude. Therefore, you have the characteristics of Indra, powerful and authoritative, and the characteristics of Agni (fire God) which gives you an unquenchable thirst for life. The easiest method of identifying the Atmakaraka planet is to find the Degree of each planet [longitude] in a particular sign which can obtained from any free birth chart calculator from the Net. You must put your energy into developing technical and mechanical skills; even being a professional writer and communicator requires a technical approach. You are a natural athlete and have an assertive nature. Ketu is not used since Ketu is not connected to form, being formless, it represents moksha and is no longer earth bound. You enjoy socializing, entertainment, and parties. You are very beautiful and have a magnetism that draws other people to you. When you look at Karaka, you also come across Amatyakaraka which affects your career and profession. In addition, you are passionate about overseas travel, and you can have a permanent residence in another country. You enjoy religious or spiritual studies it will invest your time learning spirituality, reciting mantras, praying, practically any type of religion or spiritual belief you have. Therefore, you must always be in a seat of power this is because you have a hard time taking orders from others. In addition, you enjoy writing about secrets, mysticism, and stories in which clues or secrets must be uncovered.However, you can go through many ups and downs with friends, relatives, and people in your immediate environment. The D9 can be studied as a chart with the Karakamsha as a Lagna. Many eminent personalities in spiritualism Sri Prabhupad, Aurbindo Ghosh, Sai baba and so on do have Amatyakaraka Moon in their chart. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! According to the Vedic philosophy, a soul has rebirth to fulfill all the unfinished desires of the past lives. Your Karakamsa is the sign your Atmakaraka is placed in your Navamsa (D9) chart. You are emotionally connected to your spouse (husband or wife) or significant other. Since the planet signifies justice, so a judicial officer or lawyer can also be a fruitful profession. Venus is one of the most cherished planets. Because you enjoy being in social environments and working with people, you are naturally talented when comes to mediation and negotiations. Your Dharmas (Purpose in life) is to be involved with the mundane world. Atmakaraka Mercury in 2nd house means you have a natural talent for managing finances and resources. A combination of all important rules will help you to know about someones career or which career the person should go for. So Amatyakaraka mars relatively try to carry that power in Profession and Careers like Engineering, Police, Military, Surgeon, Investigator and so on in other security forces. You find it difficult to communicate freely and put your ideas in words. Your youngest sibling or people in your immediate circle (friends, Coworkers, neighbors, coworkers,) support you and your path in life. In a birth chart a planet with the second highest degree except Rahu is called Amatyakaraka. This is because the roots of a tree are the main symbol of Moola Nakshatra. From the first house Jupiter aspects the 4th house, 5th house, 9th house, and 7th house. To calculate your Darakaraka find the planet with the lowest degree in your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart Report. When Sun Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- When Sun becomes your Amatyakarak planet, it will provide a profession related to Government Job &service Administrative officer, Magistrate, Doctor, Politician, Teacher, etc. Nevertheless, you have a very communicative relationship with your friends, eldest sibling, support system, and social network. As a result, you do not like to take the leadership role in certain aspects of your life. On the other hand, the 6th house is related to the mundane world and the work environment, and Venus is the significator of women; therefore theres a lot of feminine energies in your work environment; that is to say, you could work with a lot of females. There are seven karakas in Jaimini, each of which reflects a distinct aspect of your life. On the other hand, you are skillful when it comes to using your voice as an instrument. Karakamsa show whether or not you will fulfill your souls purpose in life. Jupiter is the significator of husband in a female chart; therefore, a female will meet her husband at work or in a business environment. Venus is also the planet of romance and pleasure; therefore, you are romantic and sensually expressive. Nevertheless, you prefer to communicate with people in private and may dislike talking in large groups. Saturn as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Janam Kundli. Atmakaraka Saturn in 5th house means you have to be patient when it comes to your learning, education, children, and learning ancient texts. An Atmakaraka planet can help you decide the course of your life. Anyone with who you are in close contact can be a messenger of knowledge and wisdom. Atma means 'soul' and Karaka means 'significator'. Your Atmakaraka in Ashwini Nakshatra is similar to Atmakaraka in Aries, this is because Ashwini is in the headstrong and assertive sign of Aries. Atmakaraka Venus in 2nd house means you are passionate about your facial appearance, food, family, personal resource, and collecting luxury items. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 7th house means your purpose in life is to gain wisdom and knowledge from your interaction with other people. The 5th house is also related to stage performance; therefore, you could be a very skillful performer (acting, dance, drama, or being on a stage). You prefer a harmonic and well-balanced relationship and will work to maintain balance in your life. If its positioned in 10th house from ascendant or with 10 lords it creates a Raja Yoga of prosperity and fame through a career as well. Saturn is the planet that signifies jobs related to repetition, hard work, and service to society since its the planet of justice and karma. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). A native with Saturn as Amatyakaraka planet in their kundali can be a good clerk, social worker, or civil servant. Atmakaraka Mars in 12th house means your purpose in life is to take action to spend quality time by yourself and get away from your daily routine. This is because Mars the planet of technicians is the ruling planet Mrigashira Nakshatra. With Mercury in the 7th House, you enjoy having stimulated intellectual conversations with your husband or wife. Karakas[ edit] When Sun becomes your Amatyakarak planet, it will provide a profession related to Government Job &service Administrative officer, Magistrate, Doctor, Politician, Teacher, etc. Manage Settings Your soul inspires you to explore the occult and hidden subjects because this is your purpose in life. in other words, you have a strong appetite for realizing your dreams and desires. Free Birth Chart Calculator (below). Therefore, you have a natural talent for editing and proofreading. A female can marry a man who is a provider and supports her financially. Amatyakaraka _ the means by which we will reach that sole destination.. On the other hand, in-laws (your husbands family) are very social and enjoy parties. You exert energy and take the action needed to learn ancient texts, scriptures, verses, tantra, mantra, and spiritual interests. You attract attention and lure others in like a moth to a burning flame. However, if you are working for someone else, youre best suited to be the boss, supervisor, CEO, etc. therefore, early in life, you can have difficulties making ends meet. When Jupiter Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- We all know that Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, education, wisdom, Religion, and so on. Get a copy of your Vedic natal chart and look at the location of the planets. The sign, the planet need to be . Your Dharma (Karma) in life is to express yourself through the 5th house. However, when challenged you are a force not to be messed with. Therefore, you want people to live up to your high standards and expectations. The real meaning of Amatya is companion or follower of the King. Atmakaraka Sun means you are intelligent, inspirational, creative, powerful, authoritative, and have good leadership abilities. So the native with amatyakaraka Saturn can develop into good judicial officers or judges. Atmakaraka Mars in 7th house means it is your destiny in life to balance out your relationships and neutralize any unbalanced energy. For instance, if your Atmakaraka is in Purva Ashadha and placed in the 11th house of friendships you like being truthful with your friends and expect them to be truthful to you. Mars as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Janam Kundli. On the other hand, your marriage partner (husband or wife) is very beautiful, creative, loving, and charming. Everything that you said about me and my personality, my husbands personality was absolutely true. Amatyakaraka happens to be the most influential person in a hierarchy (the next most influential person after a king/ruler). Planets occupying the 5th house from Karakamsha will show you about your inherent talents and life path. You are also a natural adviser; you can give advice based on your own wisdom and knowledge. Atmakaraka in Pushya Nakshatra means you are generous, caring, nurturing, and you enjoy helping people. On the other hand, Sun relates to your energy and vitality and 12 houses relate to expenditures. You are a researcher, and you bring to light any information that is hidden, secretive, rare, or hard to find. Atmakaraka Saturn in 6th House means you work hard on your job, working long and exhausting hours with little breaks. In this section is the meaning of your Atmakaraka planet and how it relates to the house it is placed in. In some cases, I follow Jaimini also. You have very strong beliefs that help you identify who you are: you live your life according to your beliefs. So when Jupiter turns amatyakaraka in a horoscope, Jupiter can provide an excellent position in the Banking Profession or profession in astrology, gemology, intellectual sports like chess and progress in the path of meditation, yoga.
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