It generally better not to mess with duplicate system files. I have no idea if you need just one or both.In this case, it depends on the software on your machine. Sorry, I dont understand your question, or how it relates to the article? Online installers are very small in size and thats because they dont actually contain the application data. Of course, the answer is yes. Since they are both the same version of the program, albeit with a slightly different size, can I assume that the second program is exactly the same as the first and will replace it if needed? ScottQ-0525 answered May 11 2021 at 9:50 PM ACCEPTED ANSWER. What if there different years on them? Well, there are some situations where you can uninstall Microsoft Visual C++, and then you need to re-download it. As you can see in the picture above, Ive already got four versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable on my system. Another special case is that you see multiple Microsoft Visual C++ versions with the same redistributable packages or some versions from the same year. Im using Windows 10, which comes with the2012 and 2013 VisualC++ Redistributables. In the installer, look for the edition of Visual Studio that you installed. You rarely get an error message during installation or operation of a program that points you directly to the redistributable packages. I was able to remove some of the notifications (not specifically from removing the redistributables) but by other measures, but I still get balloons that pop up from time to time in the right bottom corner of my desk top. So he gave you Switzerland because hes not a magician and can not teleport into your computer room ( well it has been 2 years maybe you can now Leo? It offers developers a single application in which they can write, edit, test, and debug their code. Today, they could create something new, with clarity and an intuitional logic to it. Thanks for taking the time to give some sort of answer. To remove all installations of Visual Studio 2019, and the Visual Studio Installer from your machine, uninstall it from Installed apps. MiniTool reseller program is aimed at businesses or individual that want to directly sell MiniTool products to their customers. Join 425,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. Leo, I hear you loud and strong. Suggest a feature, track product issues, and find answers in the. I assume he has it tied to my Microsoft and Google accounts (two separate Enterprise programs) and my phones are no different. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Anyone worried about running out of disk space should get more disk space, rather than risk deleting something mysterious (to them) but vital. MiniTool Partition Wizard optimizes hard disks and SSDs with a comprehensive set of operations. You could also achieve the same effect with a clean installation of Windows and only your necessary applications. Theres no way to easily know. In other words, they suggest you could leave the latest 2012 redistributable in place and uninstall older 2012 versions. There are x86 and x64 versions of each package, but sometimes older versions are also installed. 12 Fixes to Try, How to Recover a Deleted Item or Folder in Outlook. Why are there so many copies installed, and can you uninstall any of them? Before we get to the C++ part of the explanation, its worth talking about what redistributable means. Terms of Service, by Dennis Faas on February, 5 2016 at 08:02AM EST. With over 30 years of computing experience, Dennis' areas of expertise are a Can I uninstall Microsoft Visual C++? When Leo says I have no idea if you need them. As long as you KNOW which of your applications have been developed with Visual C++. Only the x86 versions will work on 32-bit systems. Anyways, I am here because I am wondering if I need to reinstall MVSC++ 2005 x64. If you're not sure whether or not you need it, it's best to leave it installed. I put XX infront of the file in question, e.g. Whichever route you take, make sure you back up your computer first! MiniTool PDF Editor brings swift experience when you convert, merge, split, compress, extract, and annotate PDF files. There was NO warning when the software was removed that it was needed by another application. Any ideas how to uninstall it. There is NO SECURITY IN COMPUTERS. Just like my teachers would do to me at school and my mum at home, and just like I do now. MiniTool ShadowMaker helps to back up system and files before the disaster occurs. Ill describe what the Visual C++ redistributables are all about, and why the safest thing to do is nothing. The answer is yes, but we dont recommend you do that. Programmers who write software in Microsoft Visual C++ make use of what are called standard libraries. An issue occurs during the installation of certain programs that requires the Visual C++ packages. To translate this article, select a language. What Is a Portable App, and Why Does It Matter? The redistributable allows the program to call on the libraries it needs on the users computer. Still, it is a possibility and sometimes its worth testing, particularly if a program youve just installed causes another already installed program to break and you know they both rely on the same redistributable. Patron Perks - You gave enough information of what they do and the risks involved of deleting them, so, I am taking your advice and leaving well alone. Many applications written in C, especially those created using the Microsoft Visual Studio developer environment, rely on a standard . You can also find the Visual Studio Installer in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe. There is a massive level of deception which can be performed by the Registry. 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He has two decades of experience as a freelance computer technician and more than a decade as a technologies researcher and instructor. If an update to the package is available, that might solve the problem. It all depends on which program you've installed and which architecture it's for (x86 for 32-bit and x64 for 64-bit), and what the installed program calls for. The dates on those files are the date they were created or last updated, not the dates they were downloaded to your computer. External hard drives are large, cheap, readily available and easy to install and use. Sometimes when you install an application in Windows, you might be asked to install an additional application called Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Doing that downloads a ninite.exe installer. C++ is one of several languages programmers use to create software. Additionally, my login display has message that it wants me to install the latest update of windows when I dont want to get involved with updates as my computer runs fine, I dont need their automatic updates. Anyway, I have tried to unenroll my computer but didnt work. So every one of the entries you see listed were at one time needed by an application you installed on your computer. Click on Yes or Uninstall in the pop-up confirmation window and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation. About the author: Dennis Faas is the owner and operator of rename msfile01 to XXmsfile01. You may need to uninstall it due to the following reasons: Heres how to uninstall the Visual C++ Redistributable package: Step 1. You can see which are installed on your machine by visiting Apps & features in the Settings app and scrolling down the list1. Can I delete Microsoft Visual C++? Have you any other opinions on the subject? If you dont clear what is taking up your hard drive, MiniTool Partition Wizard is a good choice. I am still searching for how to completely delete and stop permanently all update messages and balloons, but I have not completely solved the problem yet, even though I applied a handful of online fixes so far. However, some users tested it and found it to be unreliable. Good freaking idea! your system, or you may break something. They were put there for a reason, after all, typically by installing something that was developed with MSVC++. I just restore to that image. What a mess it is, and how sad that this seems intended. John. BUT it never stopped even there, they advertised to stalkers and jealous partners. I will avoid it from now on. 2] Uninstall using Program and Features. Dennis holds a Bachelors degree in Computer It is not relevant for humans to know how something will look like once in RAM, but humans go through the directory structure and it is a mess. Thats because another program may have been installed in the meantime that also relies on those specific libraries. Fortunately, this post helped me a lot. You can then download and install the latest versions from Microsofts Download Center. 10 Quick Steps to Increase PC Performance. It was originally a standalone product, but is now included as part of Microsoft Visual Studio. computer problem that needs fixing - Do you need them? Doyou need them all? These applications will then reinstall their required libraries. Batch convert video/audio files between 1000+ formats at lightning speed. Anything beyond those particular files, unless you know what youre doing, youre probably best leaving them alone (if youre on this site, you probably dont have sufficient knowledge to safely remove them. Next, choose More, and then choose Uninstall. In an ideal world, uninstalling the last software package requiring a particular version of the redistributables would also uninstall it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Why Does Every PC Game Install Its Own Copy of DirectX? More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues, Default if no other switch is passed. Second, MSBuild 15 (VS2017) and 16 (VS2019) are not 100% compatible, so sometimes you might need both. Redistributables are often bundled into other software that rely on them and so it is with VIsual C++. Looking for: Microsoft visual studio community 2015 with updates uninstall free. Can Power Companies Remotely Adjust Your Smart Thermostat? Getting Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes on Windows 10? Typically if there is going to be a problem it will be a relatively severe problem in that a program will not run. I have been having problems with HotMail. This tool might uninstall features from other Visual Studio installations or other products, which then might also need to be repaired or reinstalled. Personally I keep data on a separate physical drive. I can't promise I'll respond to So its ready to go. All the garbage that gets installed by MickeySoft plus the detritus that various programs use sometimes I think I should go back to a stone tablet, a mallet and chisel. Reinstalling Windows and all of your programs from scratch is the only 100% sure way to get rid of what hes installed on your computer. I will just let VC++ Redistributables stay in my pc! The fight still continues, just with a larger playing field. This is something completely different. The standard response is ridiculous. Is it worth the time and risk to remove them? I am glad I looked up what this software is because I was tempted to delete them. Heres a shot of the installation of the currentAMD graphics driver package, which you can see wants to install the 2012 and 2013 C++ Redistributables. Thats why sometimes you are required to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable version. Share. While any given redistributable packages themselves do not take a lot of disk space you are in a fantasy realm if you believe Microsoft gives a damn about how much of your disk space is wasted. Just leave it alone. NORTON was even advertised as a program which would protect the secretly stolen data. That includes C, C++ and C++/CLI code. But Im kind of tired of all the time and labor trying to keep my computer running well. Nope. Only if you install a software package that needs it. #4. It can install them, delete them, re-install them and manage Apps as well. Weve tested this and found it to be unreliable. Absolutely BRILLIANTLY answered, Leo, thank you! Download (right-click, Save-As) (Duration: 9:40 10.2MB). Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. He has more than 30 years of experience in the computer industry and over. We have thousands of articles and guides to help you troubleshoot any issue. People have been known to bork their systems by randomly deleting things that it turns out they need. The answer to this question is similar to the question I received about The solution is never get a new computer. The only sure way to know would be to remove or rename those libraries and see if things stop working. can you people send me the email to me all about microsoft visual c++. Maybe AI could really help by determining those parts of programs or files which are needed, dump the rest, store this separate from the Program Files and this way we keep Windows clean.Today, my directory structure read horrible and looks like a major mess. Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of tech tips from trusted tech experts. Just leave it alone. This particular problem is not related to any particular version of Windows.
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