They take your money and dont pay you. everything that is written about the artists on the homepage is created by the artists and not the employees of EAP. If you were running a clean operation why would you need false names and photos? Please refer to this article "Beware of Vanity Galleries" and read the suggestions offered to determine if the gallery in question is legitimate or not. Thanks for letting us know. All of my emails and Instagram messages went unanswered. I have been a member for almost a year and yes at times I found it difficult to get through. I will not be spoken down too, or grilled over utterly ridiculous questions. Without a contract, staff debt is a non-criminal matter. Like someone said in this platform earlier it is most likely that just one or two people running this whole thing with multiple fake ids and made up story about having this well organized team of ART FINANCE MANAGER, MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, HEAD OF MIDDLE EASTERN MARKETS etc. I have asked many questions which simply were never answered. This is where you make a claim for any money that the emergingartistplatform has stolen from you. It seems to me there is something seriously wrong with this organization. This is probably why Kelley found it hard to answer your questions and has directed you to me. this is a homepage for people who want to find out more about galleries in advance. And I cant believe it but Ive sold a piece of work even though Ive only been live for less than 2 weeks. Its despicable how she talks to you and tries to make you feel like your the one in the wrong. I do not recommend them at all, please avoid getting embroiled in such mess. There is my name and link to my Instagram. . The direct quote is: Your libellous and slanderous comments online are a cause for concern and it is at this stage we are wondering whether to take legal action against you. Their professionalism is terrible, I doubt they are even a real business, it all just seems like a MASSIVE SCAM to be. They are giving a false picture about who they are. They are very hard to reach even with email. Hi, could you please share your webpage or Instagram I would love to see your work. I am signed with them, have a solo exhibition lined up and a virtual exhibition and I havnt had a problem with them? Im ashamed to say that I used to work for this company. Ive suffered the same. They will lose their money too. I simply wrote my story and now it is up to the authorities to decide what to do with this. YOU WOULD THINK THESE PEOPLE HAVE ASKED YOU FOR HUNDREDS OF POUNDS, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF TALKING ABOUT INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE LIKE THIS AND IT WOULDNT SURPRISE ME IF EAP REPORT THIS BLOG. The platform has her money and right now I am asking them for turning it back to her. The art market is exploding and so is criminal activity. If you know a lawyer, solicitor, celebrity, MP, anyone of influence who can stop these criminals and make them pay up for the amount of money they owe artists, ex staff and everyone else who has come in contact with them, PLEASE REACH OUT TO THEM and ask for help. The director of the company attacks artists who complain. dont think im going to be! Not for me but for people who are reading this and maybe are considering to join the EAP. Thank you for taking the time to write and leave this message. I have now reported EAP as well to the police. I only know it had been sold because the person who purchased it contacted me curious as to why it had not been received. they dont seem to be real people the quality of the photos could just as easily have come from photoshop or been generated by other websites. The more of us that call, hopefully something will be done! This is interesting, they have reached out to me regarding my art and their gallery. Your page has been created and hard work has gone into it, you will NOT be provided with a refund for this reason. He took government funding to help the business during corona virus and put it straight in his pocket. thanks for the caveats. Giu 1, 2022. deutsches kaiserreich regierungschef. I think it is very important that you share your experience so that people get to know what kind of people and organization they are dealing with. Therefore I decided to quit all the interactions with the EAP. Have you noticed that Hansford and Sons Instagram account has disappeared? Money grabbing vulture. I can only agree with the previous comments. But should be better to include all this messages in their IG profile. I recently sold a painting and a month later the website said it was still available. Wish Id found this link first. First of all, dont do business with this company! Bullying people (calling people names and such) is absolute no go for me. We were fooled! 4. they (Jazz) have not taken any responsibility what so ever for her disgusting behavior towards people and serious lack of service what people have paid for. The Hand - Plogix Gallery The Hand Artwork Size & Ink Base: 9in x 12in Watercolor Select an Artwork Style: Abstract Digital Art | NFT Animalistic Expressionism Figurative Impressionism Landscape Minimalism Mixed Media | Pop Art Realism Select an Artwork Size: Less than 50cm Up to 1m50 More than 1m50 Select a Painting Technique: Acrylic Chalk I cant find anything on them.. I thought Id share my experience because Im quite new to all of this. FAKE FAKE FAKE. Her is a statement you can use on your sites to warn other artists about EAP. They have well earned all the criticism they are getting. i have had much better experiences with keeping myself fully on instagram and etsy as a sales platform. The reason for this is that they set up annual payments in advance (when you initially pay) BEFORE I changed my card which gives them annual access to the new cards details. Online Art Gallery showcasing Modern, Abstract & Contemporary Art The young girls keep changing. Each time an artist has asked a person with positive feedback for a link to their page on EAP they have not supplied. There are two sides to this group: a light facade with a dark background. I see the comments that have been posted but I think they are real? So so rude. They have had other companies in the past that have been the same. I literally had to annoy them to put up my page. EACH INDIVIDUALS PAGE CLEARLY HAS THEIR FACES ON IT AND MOST OF THE PEOPLE CAN BE SEEN IN THE GALLERY OR AT THE EXHIBITIONS THEY THEY HOLD? Go for it! Also, they stopped responding to my emails and messages and their chat is always offline. the company didnt do anything for me. Its a shame your small mindedness has prevented you from experiencing the same, Jaz I will not be going back and forth anymore. No sales or anything. I hope the EAP will get what they deserve. They took the money, and then stopped answering my emails, they didnt comply with the promised services, and charged me a few das ago for contract renewal even though I had cancelled my subscription (by mail) several months ago. I might book one to talk to them and see. It took over a month for my profile to be up and there were artwork missing from when I sent them in. Established in 2018, we have an immense network of art enthusiasts where we share art work, network with art collectors and organize a series of art events all over the world. It is horrible to hear that they took the money and the buyer hasnt heard from them since. I know I wont get my 30 pounds back. Your subscription will be cancelled with immediate effect. SCAM SCAM SCAM. Different opportunities arise at different times, it all really depends, this makes the when side of it hard to confirm, The questions you are asking cannot be answered head on because there are many different opportunities and chances of features and exhibitions. I think it is a scam. Not in LinkedIn or elsewhere what so ever. They havent filed any accounts, the business contact address is a PO Box in Cardiff, and the business thats built the website owned by the other business partner has also applied to be struck off without posting accounts. All the best. Secondly The EAP ignored the messages that my collectors send to the EAP when they asked after their paintings they had purchased over a month ago. They do not publish their terms and conditions or refund policy online, only when you end your agreement they magically appear. This company (the emerging artist platform) has nothing to do with him. People are angry because they feel cheated and scammed. That simply isnt true. Several people have already written to me telling me that they are scammers. This is despicable behavior from these people. We sat and worked from home just messaging as many people as we could they wanted as many people to sign up so that they would get more money when the payment automatically renewed after a year. If nothing shows until 25th, Ill call my bank, stop the transaction, and report scam. Im so pleased because then people will have a really good insight. It is not great how they organise everything. I have already presented my experiences in a long text above. Their experience has been awful and they both think they have been scammed by the EAP and are obviously very upset. So unprofessional! Cant help but feel at this point that I have been scammed and that they are good at keeping up appearances online and will continue to use that to keeping scamming artists. How a Vanity Gallery makes its money: I personally do not write my experiences in here for any hateful reason. You do not need to pay to be promoted. Its very easy to navigate the site and I extremely unsure why you are searching for an answer to a question that is unveiling. Maybe I will try the same. Jade has a team of rats working for her. Thats got to make you feel comfortable knowing a struggling actor is checking out the artwork. Do you by any chance have any suggestions of what I can do to make this more public? Seems like a scam to me. They take 0 accountability for their actions and ignore requests to cancel subscriptions to their fake art promotion service, thus continuing to charge users against their will. they still will not take down my profile. Ive been trying to cancel my subscription with them for weeks but the keep ignoring my requests. What more do you want from us? Thats my question !!! What I am saying is you keep asking for artists names. They told me that my page will appear when someone searches my name (unfortunately i am not famous). I paid 50 pounds and did not recevie any kind of confirmation that I had paid. Their account is in Luxembourg. They dont give contracts to their staff in order to get away with not paying wages (in spite of promises). I have an show lined up in September in one of their galleries this costs me nothing but commissions. Hodooi ERC721. Your email address will not be published. In my educated opinion The EAP is not giving you anything you wouldnt get somewhere else and you dont need them to have your career flying. Hi Jazz. It was just beginner art. They just want as much as money as they can when the year is up and your subscription re news. Again no answer. We support all device platforms. I have zero tolerance for bullying. Grow up and learn how to run a business properly then there wont be so many complaints about you and your terrible company. Exactly the same as me, they never promoted or added anymore of my work when I sent it in yet debited for an extra year, I tried to contact them and the bank. Twitter. Again you are just being spiteful. Hi, Crystal clear. Please report your expeiences here:, And here:, Report them, they seem to be doing this to hundreds of people. I paid the fee and then all the interaction stopped. You have a good day and hopefully things get better for you, Im doing fab Hun you neednt worrry about me. Same here! 1. the EAP and its representatives have offered very poor customer service if any by not responding to emails or requests for phone calls which has OBVIOUSLY cost distrust and doubts among the artists and the buyers. Action Fraud: A fast-growing online art gallery based in the Netherlands, internationally known for its rich art culture, prominent design and expertise. I worked there. I am self taught artist, if I can call myself this way. When I told them al of this I had no answer. People are not writing these reviews for fun. Your answer is very rude and not professional at all. Warning: file_get_contents(index.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c05/h03/mnt/79130/domains/ . Hello jazz. receives approximately 676 unique visitors each day. I am literally a hairs breadth away from signing with these people. And obviously the buyer hasnt received the art as I never received the shipping information. They contacted me recently via instagram, looks good, thought id do a bit of research before jumpping in! Maybe we could start some type of petition to put an end to them? Im in the process of getting my page created, there was just one correction that the curator is fixing for me and I should go live tomorrow. Shame on them for preying on emerging artists! This is my experience too. Hi, I would love more info about your experience, do you have a art page to follow you ? EAPs explanation was that this page is being written by only one person a liar named Anonymous. I would probably be on edge too if I had to keep up with all the lies, dual identities ( many different Instagram accounts with different pics and names however its all the same person) and running a scam operation. I was cheated of my money too. I hate bullies!!!! Thank you. She promote me once and I didnt really get enough audience. The last blog post was from August. I signed up last month after being approached by a young girl called Lauren, great and chatty. I dont know why. First of all I never cancelled anything. I am an artist and I would appeal to any artist or art purchaser not to work/ Buy or to be associated in any way with this company. There is s good spirit of solidarity and Ive appreciated reading the comments and not feeling alone in having got caught up in this. What happened to you? I agree with the previous speaker inform yourself well about this gallery and do not unsuspectingly bind yourself and your name to any company! I told them first i would be happy to join the platform and since then, they literally harass me by e-mail and on instagram !! Who did you have the conversation with? Their FB page has vanished. Ive just heard someone talking about this scam on radio 2. Plogix Gallery Artist Summer day - TimTaj. Please share this information widely. Just post it anywhere you can. parabola del figliol prodigo attualizzata; regolamento pesca lago d'iseo 2021 So far so good. Lauren contacted me on instagram offering me the artist platform. I too received abusive text messages. Thank you for letting me know just in time. I am based in Sweden and have never had any issues with them. Me too. Please see, Did you manage to fill out that form she sent? Seen it? They all post on their stories and you can meet them- Iv had a video chat with one and that helped. only one person is active as an actor on twitter. ARTISTS- Have you been approached bythe #emergingartistplatform run by #Hansford&Sons? I have done a sale and they didt even notify me. Yes are you implying there something wrong with this? to go back to the issue of money: its not about whether its 30 pounds or 300. its about you paying for a promised service. Ive had all sorts of abuse and threats shes audio messaged me, she mentioned my children, vilified mocked and generally bullied me. At least it was not a lot of money to join, but is this how they make some of their money? Shes vile. Dont fall for this and dont advise your collectors to buy from them. I will be posting our conversation on an online forum. She has caused so much inconvenience for the buyer and we have now cancelled the sale and refunded the buyer his money. It isnt what they tell you and there is clearly something very much wrong with it. And is this how the EAP wants to treat their clients? I CAN SEE MANY ARTISTS WHO SELL PIECES. Full platforms supported. The exposure on their Instagram page brought me lots of DMs and new interest. You will have access to the other artists via our member portal where we will also provide you with credentials so you can discuss and collaborate with each other through a number of different channels. I too have been contacted by Lauren. Sadly, they are run by amateurs for amateurs and artists who have problems with them are attacked and threatened. If we all report to the relevant bodies they will be investigated. Anyone who does not think this is a total scam needs to wake up. I never got an email that confirm payment. Chancers are everywhere too. Especially in contrast to all the other galleries out there. It wasnt until I threatened EAP to make the whole story public that they finally got in touch very quickly. This has to be reported!! Thats my question !!! I hope you can learn to be kind. It seems to be a secret form, like the Terms and Conditions form:, She also said: Good Luck! Absolutely run as fast as you can away from these thieves! I logged into my Instagram account but could not find the person, who convinced me to sign in with them. Their Instagram account is now set on Private, though I unfollowed them weeks ago and removed all links to the site from my social media and website. I think they should also be reported to instagram and facebook, to try to reduce the number of new victims. No email, no phone numbers, nothing. Once money is paid it is usually impossible to get hold of them, or diverse excuses are given. Could you please share your Instagram or webpage? I believe I will not get my 29.99 back although my page wa alive only a day or 2 before i experienced the unprofessional service and verbal abuse from Jaz. 5. Now I will send a letter to my credit card, in order to avoid payment. EAPs explanation was that this page is being written by only one person a liar named Anonymous. We should let everybody know they are scammers. Seriously ?? More young girls. It seems there are many many artists that are unsatisfied with the service or the lack of it. I will wish you the best of luck with your future. Jazz and lucien are nasty. A genuine artist who had good feedback to provide would have nothing to hide, Does anyone have any further advice on how we can take this further I feel enough of us have been scammed and it would be great for them to deal with the consequences of treating artists like this, Do you have an Instagram page that you would be happy to share, What your insta name, it would be nice to see everyones like you say so we know whats real and what isnt. I would simply like to make sure other artists do not get duped into this and also wnd up receiving unnecessary abuse from them. Maybe you could collect an email list of all the artists (very hard work though) that are involved with the EAP and let them know how you have been treated. Same here! However it tells a lot about this person and her anger management issues., All nice! EAPs service just does not work. Does not collect and does not ask for any personal information. We trust you will make smart and intelligent choices. Has anyone ACTUALLY recieved payment for paintings that were sold?????????????? If there was only one person behind it all it would explain a lot. Within the art scene I am just a regular person making art and trying to sell it as all the artists do. I was also ripped off to the tune of 49.99. But what could the petition be about I wonder? Thank you so much for your help. Go see it yourself people! I can confirm jazz is a bully. Please continue reporting to the authorities in the UK and reach out to people who can get this matter published so people know to avoid these absolute con artists. Im excited to share the link to my page when its ready as well. If a petition is created, then I will participate. See here for more: I am surprised that you have had this experience because they have always been so great to me! Contact with jazz ended with her insulting me as a stupid liar. They dont share their real address or phone number. Statement for us to circulate to warn artists: Artists, have you been approached by the #emergingartistplatform run by #Hansford&Sons? . Doesnt seem like anyone there wants to as the messages have been seen. Thanks for the advise. You would find them in social media and they would post about this company? Jazz was kind to begin, she talked the talk and then over time became aggressive when I questioned their practice. Ive not been in contact with anyone names Jazz, Ive been dealing with Lauren who seemed to disappear when I asked for a refund. The gallery being legit, though completely unprofessional, is the front of the business, everything else is dodgy, especially Jazz Jade. . The people who I have been communicated with (at the EAP) are either playing it or have absolutely no idea what they are doing. I have many artists that are truly satisfied with the service we are providing, they are exhibiting, selling and gaining new exposure and clients. I agree- I have seen their exhibitions and met a couple of them & they are lovely people . Established in 2018, it has an immense network of art enthusiasts who share artworks, network with art collectors and organize a series of virtual art events all over the world. I bet staff wrote that nice review..they are nothing but a bunch of rats! How long were you on the platform? When I paid they told me that in two weeks they were going to put me on their page and two months have passed and they do not appear. A company established a year ago, minimum capital, claiming to be a leading specialist on the market with odd organization structure and multiple fake ids Sounds curious and worth investigating for sure. Plogix Gallery is a made up of the finest modern artists from all over the world. I agree with the previous comment of bombarding their pages. At least one of them is an actor not an art specialist. I THINK THE SMALL PRICE I PAID FOR THE AMOUNT OF EXPOSURE I GET IS NOTHING AND IF ANYONE SENDS ME A DM ASKING ABOUT MY EXPERIENCE THEY ONLY HEAR GREAT THINGS MAYBE THATS WHY YOU HAVENT MENTIONED THIS ON HERE BECAUSE I GET MESSAGES FROM ARTISTS LIKE YOURSELVES DAILY. I have an exhibition lined up with them in a couple months too and I have never had a problem with them? I just had a videocall with Hattie from EAP and she seemd really nice and trustworthy but reading all of this comments I dont know what to do. Dont feel like a fool. So many cases open on this horrific company keep sharing over social media so that it stops others from having the same experience as us. Ive had nothing but great experiences and feedback so far with EAP and I was starting to worry after reading this. Still owe them Thousands !?! 3. they (Jazz) have behaved abusively, and bullied her customers in her emails (you can check out the emails in this chat). But throughout, they held that they had a buyer until I had enough of waiting and had another exhibition coming up and decided to go pick up the print. Like you, I initially thought how good the offer of this gallery is. Sadly it looks like many artists may not get their money back. We actually tried to help the artists and whenever there was an issue (for example artists wernt getting paid) jazz and lucien didnt care and brushed it off. PLEASE STAT AWAY FROM EAP!!! Please contact the police in the UK about this on 0300 30 30 159 or visit I almost signed on and you saved my butt. I will share this information with my cooperation partners and ask if anyone knows more about it. I believe this was all to hide the fact that the work had been damaged as I decided to leave the work there, since there was a buyer and then I could not pick up the work straight away due to other commitments. As soon as I paid the 30 pounds it went downhill. Jazz is a very disturbed and hateful woman. Bye Jaz. Dont know how she sleeps at night. FYI, they freak out when people leave negative comments on their Instagram pages, so they should be bombarded with them. Side note they have since requested a refund but to no avail. I was approached by Lauren on Instagram multiple times about selling my art through their online platform l I thought I had already researched the EAP and went ahead and paid the $49.99. Emily lists them at the end of her blog. I will be seeking legal action against them. Artists need to be made aware. In response, my art promptly went online. In my case they are also ignoring my emails. I have contacted the police who have informed me that they have had many issues with this organisation. The telephone number on their website does not work and google brings up the number as a nuisance caller. task manager startup program teams installer. I insisted and they told me that teh shipping would be soon. Her team are two very young girls with fake profile pic ; they put blond californian girl pic to be more attractive !! One way to build a gallery wall on a budget is to start with a small grouping and radiate out as more art is acquired. Lauren didnt answer them either, but quickly deleted the comments so as not to look bad. I have made great things happen for many artists and Im so Jolly because despite your claims I will continue to do so! 100% Safe and Clean. (Courtesy of Mike Van . Well, in my opinion, if you are an artist and good at it, stay local. YOU WILL LET 1 OR 2 PEOPLES PERSPECTIVE DENY YOUR CAREER THE EXPOSURE. According to SiteAdvisor, is safe to visit. She seriously needs help! DROP ME OUT! Ive had constant communication with her through email and Instagram and I had my page after I think it was about 14 days. Please supply confirmation of cancellation and full refund. The gallery is rented. When I ask them How they proceed the shipping, they told me i ask too many questions and do not to worry about !! if you look on the Companies House website for registered businesses, it shows that the company has applied to be struck off the register ie they are closing the business. Vultures? She is the ring leader and her trained puppets also have alias names. I doubt they are real people working for this company. 0300 123 2040. I am here to share my story. Hi , I was contacted via instagram and I would love to know if it legit. Only when I threatened to file a report with the police did she promptly write back to me. They need to be sorted. She took them very seriously and we had a professional chat about it. Could you please link it again. Online art galleries can be a valuable resource for artists, as they offer a convenient and accessible way to showcase and sell their work to a global audience. Im sceptical about the situation. (Same situation with Plogix but there I at least did not pay the fee and declined). Company is registered to Lucian Hector he has a fast turnover of companies I believe they are trying to get as many subscribers as possible in as short a time as possible. (The shipping is promised to be within 3-5 business days.) I was scammed by EAP too. Nobody sold anything. What is the best strategy to fix this? this should be a warning to all artists who are contacted by EAP. Similar thing happened to me. Supports all browsers and devices. it all makes sense, Jazz. I know for sure that I have sold work through there outlets and as yet I havent been paid. The people from Emerging Artist Platform wont be answering your emails and you wont be able to cancel the plan. The service is totally clean with no virus under intense supervision based on security database. Im going to collate every experience / bad review and do something about it! Well, this is my EAP link. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Yes! When I ask them How they proceed the shipping, they told me i ask too many questions and do not to worry about !! I just received a message from them on Instagram and wasnt sure whether or not it was legit. They make false promises. I also reacted to that the INstagram account @missartcurator suddenly changed name from Abi to Jazz and so I tested it and sent to Abi and Abi responded on the account now having Jazzs name on it. Plogix Gallery - Modern and Abstract Gallery Sign up Log in + Upload Artworks Menu Home Artist Application Member Portal NFT Marketplace Featured Artists Trending Works Art Collectors Feature Packages Social Accounts Outdoor Screen Advertising Contact us + Upload Artworks Create a new Plogix Gallery account Artists: CLICK HERE to APPLY! My page took around 6 weeks to get set up. Do your homework, do a very thorough background check and work only with true professionals. The owners are Awful AWFUL nasty people they deserve everything thats coming to them. I told them first i would be happy to join the platform and since then, they literally harass me by e-mail and on instagram !! They had girls working from home handling the social media. Nothing. People also do get angry if their time has been wasted, not only for the small amount of money they have lost. These comments are really interesting seems to be a mixture of reviews, I am really unsure what to do could you elaborate on the scam thing? is plogix gallery legit. Very disturbing to read such conversation. Got home, unwrapped it and an aluminium print was damaged and acrylic prints had smudges and cleaning marks.
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