You will become aware of many details you would not previously have paid attention to. For example, at low speeds it has the same difficulties in holding altitude precisely when rolling into or out of a turn as some of its big colleagues. No attacking of other commenters (including insulting, threatening, trolling, baiting, flaming), 2. Here, the developers blundered! This, too, is a credit to the developers: Consciously crossing the boundary of what had been thought possible to date and pushing it out true to the American pioneer spirit of bigger, faster, further. In my view, PMDG has made clear advances here. Which of the implementations conveys the most realistic feeling of space? WebPMDG Failure Name in FMC: PRESSURIZATION -> PRESSURE HULL INTEGRITY Note 1: Trigger this failure above 14,000 feet Note 2: The Cabin Altitude warning horn is your It just doesnt work. The bottom line is that PMDG has released a truly excellent product! Includes the the 737-900ER in passenger configuration with both blended winglets and split scimitar winglet configurations. After all, every animated object has to be calculated dozens of times per second light incidence, reflections, shadows. It issued a directive ordering that airlines check them for faults. Things will remain interesting, my friends. Each configuration can be tuned further to ones hearts content. There, I dont have these problems. My specs are: Intel Core i5-2400 CPU 3.1GHz, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 64-bit and nVidia GeForce GTX470 with 2 displays or one display for the 2D panel and a projector for the external view. Fully customized flight control systems with normal, standby and reversionary capability. If there is something to find fault with in comparison with a real autopilot it would be that turns are sometimes initiated a bit harshly in normal LNAV cruise. If we want to count all of the lateral and vertical flight guidance by the FMC with LNAV and VNAV as part of automatic flight, we have to begin noting the first imperfections. Frank Schmidts review of the Diamond Katana might have something to do with that I now have an i7 Sandy Bridge processor (2600K) that runs at up to 3.8 GHz. Here's an adaptation of a two pilot job for the sim: 1. After this review, we will write a comparison between PMDG and iFly. Doesnt seem that hard. Oski: Objection, your honour! But the thing that really amused me slightly was RSRs explanation for why the throttle quadrant was left out: He said it was due to lack of time. At this point I do not want to enter into the tiresome discussion about different V-speeds, for instance between TOPCAT and FMC. Stefan: Another example: The elevators have trim tabs with their own animations at extreme deflections, they move in opposite directions. We do so because we feel that forums in which users must engage one another personally are generally warmer, more collegial and friendly. Made me wish I had already migrated to FSX. Includes the 737-900 in passenger configuration with both blended winglets and split scimitar winglet configurations. To me, the 737 NGX is by far the best and most innovative and so the most significant aircraft add-on in a long time. OP is talking about a warning horn that sounds continuously. Be sure to click the "Show Signatures" box. What is clear, though, is that even the NGX is not immune to such errors. The basic concept takes some getting used to at first but should for the most part be familiar from previous PMDG products (particularly the MD-11). I suppose a cockpit is anything but a quiet place. Fully customized system simulation for all major and minor aircraft systems and components. With winglets or without. In the real world, after all, engineers go to incredible lengths to create a human-machine interface that is as optimal as possible this is true in many fields, but particularly in aviation. We do this in order to keep conversations personal and familiar. This is not what the FCOM describes. have a look here: They are normally turned off for take-off (because they use bleed air which in turn Well, in direct comparison with other 737 NG implementations I have to say that overall, the VC in those implementations is noticeably lower, making the view through the forward window less high and wider. In the PMDG, the whole panel is somehow less wide, everything in the VC seems more confined. After starting engines set the top three switches to auto. However, it said that in September, an unnamed airplane operator reported that both switches had failed on three different 737 models it tested. If everything is set correctly, there should be duct pressure in the gauges. I really took the system to its extremes here. It is reassuring, though, that the developers are hard at work on a solution, and we are sure that PMDG will soon be able to offer such a solution. I have good frame rates (20+ for instance at Mega-Airport Zrich) when in the VC and even better frame rates (30+) with the 2D panels. And during the subsequent autobrake 1 deceleration I had to intervene manually to leave the runway in a reasonably sensible fashion. Stefan: In PMDGs forum, Robert S. Randazzo, the head of PMDG, confers the highest accolades on his sound designer, and I would like to echo this praise. An unnamed operator reported that the switches failed in tests on three different 737 models. I was landing at a high elevation airport (10,900 feet) and the cabin altitude warning came on. You will find the signature editor on the ACCOUNT tab, about half way down the page. In principle, it does not take particular effort to fly. Which of the implementations conveys the most realistic feeling of space? There would be an audible alarm, though not cabin alt horn, but master caution alarm, if UNSCHED DES is present. To me, the acoustic environment in the cockpit is tightly woven and convincing. I hope no one is going to claim that they use the VC to carry out the complete initialization of the FMC, for instance. You've got a bleed trip off annunciation. I had something similar happen today, it was a pressurization problem. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Holger: Are there systems that are particularly innovative or that deserve particular attention? Yes, MLD Scenery develops payware products for sale at SIMMARKET, when is this gonna be launched, it is gonna cost money? In the PMDG, the whole panel is somehow less wide, everything in the VC seems more confined. I, too, was affected by this on several online test flights. To guarantee some ahhhs and ohhhs from the FSX community, PMDG has collaborated closely with Boeing. I went to my doors page on the fmc and found that cargo hatch was left open and was unable to close it in the air. So we should really assume that everything runs normally. Problem solved. PMDG recommends the use of a 64-bit operating system. Reddit's Official home for Microsoft Flight Simulator. We do so because we feel that forums in which users must engage one another personally are generally warmer, more collegial and friendly. PMDG has currently released the third hotfix for this issue, but some users continue to experience problems. NOW WATCH: Why in-flight WiFi is so slow and expensive, Amazon's Prime Air drone delivery team has had higher turnover than the rest of the company as launch delays and internal tensions roil the division. And at this point, I again need to make an important digression: As usual, I have read the whole spectrum of assessments in the PMDG forums from too sensitive to too sluggish. But before we can award the reviewers choice to this add-on, PMDG needs to fix the CTDs for good and then we will follow through. You cant improve on perfect syntactically maybe, but not semantically. CRZ alt and DES alt was set correctly in the pressurization panel so what else should I be checking? The depiction is clear and has very good performance within the limits of the available data after all these do come from the FSX terrain model. This is very inconvenient and detracts from the overall impression. Each Boeing plane has two pressure switches on board as a safeguard in case one fails, following a 2012 FAA mandate. The FAA said it doesn't have enough information yet to explain why the failure rate of the switches is "unexpectedly high" and recommended that airlines return any failed switches so that the switch manufacturer, which it didn't name, could investigate the issue. This really applies to all of the working space of the captain. The investment has been worthwhile; with very high display settings, MyTraffic, ActiveSkyEvolution and REX2 clouds, the PMDG flies absolutely fluidly at a Mega airport with a good 20+x fps; at the gate, frames may dip to 12-15 on occasion. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. In my view, PMDG has made clear advances here. No political discussions, go to for that, 6. Numerous user configurable options from throughout the global 737 operator fleet. PMDG 737 Cabin Altitude warning. No, on the contrary: To start the engines, you. In the real world, after all, engineers go to incredible lengths to create a human-machine interface that is as optimal as possible this is true in many fields, but particularly in aviation. All they do is allow the packs to run at a lower airflow rate to improve fuel economy. . Oski: I would indeed make this recommendation in those cases where this experience has been gained with older FS aircraft. My solution to this has been the VRInsight MCP combo on one hand and a touch screen on the other. From what i can remember L and R packs were set to auto, ISO valve auto, bleed 1 & 2 on and APU bleed off and no illuminations out of the ordinary. You should welcome the existence of a 2D panel, I assume? Holger: Oski, we really expect an exact systems simulation from PMDG. The FAA requires every airplane with a pressurized cabin to include a system that warns the flight crew of cabin depressurization. PMDG 737 for MSFS. In such conditions, a flow experience will never come about. There is no perfect add-on! By the way: This is the second part of our three-part 737 NG review special. Once you start to achieve your first successes with this, you should be ready to hazard a step into a real Level D simulator and try your hand at the real thing. i just diverted my flight after 30mins so i could shut the aircraft down. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Thursday warned of a risk that pilots and other crew members could lose consciousness if the cabin altitude switches Be sure to click the "Show Signatures" box. Three companies are currently competing for the implementation of the best Boeing 737 NG simulation: iFly and PMDG and strictly speaking Ariane, too, though the latter product has been on the market for a few years and can no longer keep up with the other two. Hey I managed to taxi to the runway with an open L2 door in the 777 just noticed it Ok thanks, now I know where to look. Look for "Edit Post Signature." What use is the most detailed systems simulation if I have to click through three sub-panels in critical phases of flight with high workload? What this means in practice is evident to the customer the first time they load the 737. Another example: The elevators have trim tabs with their own animations at extreme deflections, they move in opposite directions. Since 1997, we have asked users to sign their real name, first and last, to all posts in the PMDG forum. Any modern flight guidance system can handle it though only of course if the initial situation is correct. Wonderful! From the extension of the flaps to the wing flex on takeoff! Holger, on the other hand, has already been unlucky several times. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You simply need to know the standard procedures. After commenting, please wait until your comment is approved. Holger: Oski, you fly with a multi-monitor setup, right? For FSX, this is a real quantum leap and the system is perfect for the PMDG 737 NGX. Obviously, at least Im not the only one with a preference for 2D panels. There is one thing you simply have to realize today: Given the high memory requirements of complex simulations, youre simply better off with a 64-bit system because, as a rule, the address space is large enough in contrast to 32-bit systems, where you quickly reach the limits. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. And if the nitpickers now go searching for non-functional switches or panels, they will quickly find something in this area: The radar image, which can also be overlaid on the ND, does not exist. What is essential to me as a lay person is the overall atmosphere, and that is definitely believable. But an expert in the sense of the question you certainly dont have to be that. This is an extreme feat, and to us lay people, it is hard to grasp that it is even possible to execute such a procedure many times a second without a hitch. As a result of this, the A pillar in these airplanes is more inclined, and the bulge does not remind me as much of the nose of my former Latin teacher as the one in the PMDG. endobj No doubt there will always be some room for discussion whether the trim sound, say, is too quiet or whether the spoiler extension on landing sounds quite so or a bit different. You took the time to be here, we want to get to know you. Just two questions: what do T/C and T/D mean in the plan map? Also same horn that doomed a helios airways flight one time! Should the autopilot control be realistic or simplified? The Boeing 737-800 and -900 simply look incredibly good, too! No doubt there will always be some room for discussion whether the trim sound, say, is too quiet or whether the spoiler extension on landing sounds quite so or a bit different. Customized sound package that leverages advanced sound recording and playback technology for incredible realism. This was a release that the community has spent a long time waiting for after all, the airliner was initially announced for 2010. You can also use the RESET in the event one side falls down. In the final evaluation, though, my opinion is that the NGX is still comparable to other complex aircraft add-ons. There are a lot of things happening in the flight deck that can cause a warning. {[O `Zfh=Ie;Aup7fQV"+. In this respect, the NGX is a new benchmark by which many future developers as well as future alternatives to FSX as a platform will be measured. And after all, the community is made up not only of pilots with virtual type ratings and hardcore simmers who plan and execute their flights with great dedication and knowledge, but also of many with an aesthetic inclination who frown at sludgy textures or mushy pixels and complain if exterior features such as pitot tubes or antennas are missing. PMDG should really have deserved this distinction, which unlike the simFlight awards is awarded by the reviewers. I think I just forgot to turn the L and R recirc fans back on after engine start. The US aviation watchdog has instructed airlines to inspect a pair of pressure switches found on all Boeing 737 airplanes over concerns that their failure could cause onboard oxygen levels to fall dangerously low. Or if the FMC crashes completely because sloppily programmed clickspots cause me to flip the wrong switch on the overhead and power down the flight computers? Exterior values: Model, performance, and sound, First impressions count, as they say. To what degree the data conversion performed by Navigraph is responsible for this cannot be determined. You will never be able to learn to fly using a computer simulation, but you can certainly operate a B737 using correct systems procedures this add-on proves that beyond a doubt. Currently studying Aeronautical Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University (UK). Precision Manuals Development Group (PMDG) has followed suit and recently released their interpretation of the Boeing 737 NG. Is the first impression misleading? The aircraft they have delivered this time round, however, is really quite beautiful and modelled in great detail; it even features a cabin that is visible from the external view, which is not really typical for PMDG. Did you set your cruise altitude on the overhead? By default its at 10,000 and if your cruise level is going to be 35,000 feet for example you need But I do know a number of autopilots of other airliners that have precisely this problem. In addition to the performance problems on older systems, which were to be expected, there were also reports of inexplicable crashes CTDs and freezes. I checked failiures since i just wanted a routine flight and there was none, however it the horn was sounding. They were set to 38000ft cruise alt and 150ft landing alt on both occasions. I think I just forgot to turn the L and R recirc fans back on after en Holger: Performance is a good key word. But it is also the add-on that has had to contend with the highest level of expectations. There is an Alt horn shut-off button its on one of the pressurization panels, if you press that one you will get rid of the alarm sound for the rest of the flight. To date, PMDG has not necessarily been known for eye candy; an accurate rating for the external models of previous years might be solid work. Holger: Nick Collett from Angle of Attack has published a walkaround through the virtual cockpit on Vimeo that shows not only design-specific details but also introduces some of the systems. Ive had to wait a long time for this convenience the last payware product that offered this luxury was the Super 80 Pro by Coolsky/Flight1. It added: "Addressing these failures requires immediate action.". To me, at least, part of the fun of simming consists of flying different aircraft types. But these are minor points, and moreover they depend on subjective perception. PMDG Customer Forums. By is there a way to increase the max cabin altitude setting that is allowed before the alarm is triggered. Cabin Altitude Warning - PMDG Simulations. I was landing at a high elevation airport (10,900 feet) and the cabin altitude warning came on. Rigid body physics for wing and tail surfaces. That horn is the same as the takeoff config warning. The deeper you are prepared to involve yourself with this simulation, the more demanding it becomes to fly the beast realistically. For my taste, the NGX feels very good. This New Generation has a few years under its belt now, and the overhead panel really doesnt look exactly super-modern to put it mildly. Maybe even too precisely? In the first few days after the release, there were also some slightly disappointed comments from time to time. With a bit of practice, the FMC can be programmed in 10 minutes at most. A marketing and sales director in real life, he is also a beta tester and project consultant and has been with simFlight for ages. Boeing had said earlier that the reported issues with the switches didn't pose a safety concern. On one of my test flights from Munich to Palma de Mallorca I had made an error in the fuel calculation and still had quite a lot of fuel in the tanks during the approach. Great review, a pleasure to read. The directive applies to 9,315 Boeing 737 planes worldwide, including around 2,500 in the US. And of course there are also pilots such as Oski who have not experienced a single CTD to date. My experience with real world autopilots has been consistently good and definitely on the level of simulator autopilots if I may make the comparison in the reverse direction for once. But it is only natural that the cooperation with Boeing which has been stressed time and again and the use of original plans and blueprints should also have its effects here, and not only on systems depth. The commitment that this requires in terms of cost and time should not be underestimated. Can the PMDG be flown by the numbers? Whereas only a few months ago there was talk in forums and magazines about of a crisis of flight simulation, new developments are now coming thick and fast in the shape of high-quality releases. HiI have just done two flight in the 737-800NGX Winglets aircraft and on both at one point or another in climb i got the cabin altitude Your engine bleeds aren't on. Or if I adjust the bank limiter instead of the heading bug? This also implies that single engine flight is simulated quite well at least in terms of performance. If there is sufficient customer demand, the ER variants of the -700 and -900 may follow, but a final decision on this has not been taken. And this is something I dont really understand, because if you do have a little systems knowledge, you can quickly prepare the airplane for flight, and you will definitely have a more profound experience. WebHow to align irs and fix cabin altitude warning (Zibo b738) - YouTube 0:00 / 3:06 How to align irs and fix cabin altitude warning (Zibo b738) FSimSpotter 5 subscribers 2.7K If it werent for the CTDs! "A latent failure of both pressure switches could result in the loss of cabin altitude warning, which could delay flight crew recognition of a lack of cabin pressurization, and result in incapacitation of the flight crew due to hypoxia (a lack of oxygen in the body), and consequent loss of control of the airplane," the agency said. This is accomplished without overly large rudder deflections and is easy to stabilize my feeling, as I have already mentioned, is that it is a little too easy! You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. For my taste, the air conditioning is a bit too loud but unfortunately I dont know the B737 from practice. Did we ever figure out what caused the dual bleed trip? 2 0 obj I tried pressing the master caution and warning buttons, but the alarm kept going off. As I have already indicated, the visuals of the 737 NG exterior model are as a whole correct and feature many details. In the first few days after the release, there were also some slightly disappointed comments from time to time.
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