Well by then Microsoft will either have a new mobile phone system ready or be irrelevant in the mobile business. That's all MS can do now anyways. They cut down every interesting product. Coolwill do. Mobile is not the biggest software market in the world. The excitement, expectation, thrill, is just not the same).. By sticking with the current project he not only earns respect from consumers, he also makes his loyalty a rallying and starting point for everyone. Im not going to pretend that I have enough insight or experience to tell Satya Nadella how to run Microsoft. So I have to bring an extra MP3 player when traing next year? I will never trust Microsoft again in the mobile area. I know because I still have one. All business end-users are consumers. I agree with much of what you said.and then Befiores comment.he must never have gone into any of the phone storesbecause during MOST of windows phones life (regardless of iteration), you could almost never find them in the storesor they were relegated to the back tiny corner with next to no supportand most of the folks in the store would either tell you bad thing about the phone (not truly knowing the truth or having any experience or training in the phopne whatsoever), or push you to either android or iPhones. why microsoft could not do it? Not true. They had huge volume of insiders giving them feedback for free. He has not changed his mind of that, just regretting that he did not pay closer attention to the phone base. I cancelled my xbox one X preorder..Good Job Microsoft. They dominate in search and Android, maybe IoT, but that is questionable. Tech billionaire Satya Nadella 's recent conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI) software proves the future ahead looks bright. Any good "global survey experts" on this thread? I dont think that anyone expects Microsoft to beat that number in the current quarter. Windows Phone was the middle ground between the jungle of inconsistency and trouble that was - and still is - Android, and the pretentious, fake shiny, limited walled garden of Apple. Yes, I am a disgruntled Microsoft phone owner who paid a premium price for a premium phone and is getting shafted by Microsoft once again. What would have stopped him from saying "you know what, we need a mobile platform. Strengths come from positive aspects of five key resources & capabilities - physical resources such as land, building, financial resources, past experiences and successes, human resources, and activities & processes . - Increasing Standardization Nadella Satya can leverage this trend to reduce the number of offerings in the market and focus the marketing efforts on only the most successful products. Besides it offers some features copied in the latest iPhone x. I fully expect Amazon to buy MS..sooner than later. When this is cut off thre is no real reason to stay with MSFT and all of a sudden a laptop with Chrome linked to a Google account and an Android Phone becomes a possibility or a Macbook with Apple account and an iPhone also become a possibility. Just bought an Idol 4S - beautiful phone - might be sending it back. Let's go back to Windows Millennium - remember how it was a new exciting release and that, even though it sucked, they had service packs coming that would usher in a whole new user experience. Not much progress for all your efforts! Android and iOS are, right now! The mobile division was a money pit that was unlikely to turn a profit anytime soon (ifever); Bellifore even said that they had a PAY developers to make WP apps. Thank you for speaking the truth about Ballmer & Satya pushing things Ballmer already implemented or on his product roadmap. So the Surface and tablets can use Android Apps like an Android tablet would do. Phones arent't he new shiney objects anymore but that doesn't mean they're not relevant. Frankly, he does not understand the "Consumer Space" AT ALL (at least now he admits it.) Speculation does not make sense, taking into account your erroneous articles concerning Microsoft mobile strategy. As a buyer of a Microsoft phone and a user of Win 10 on 4 systems I feel shat on by the company. NOKIA X was by NOKIA and not Microsoft. It's far easier to hold on to customers than it is to acquire them. So when it comes time to launch a new category of devices they can draw from that loyal consumer base to use their new product. It limits the ability of the firm to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Satya Nadella - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Amy Hood - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Alice Jolla - Chief Accounting Officer Keith Dolliver - Deputy General. If the goal is a unified platform and therefore only on OS shared by all devices, then developers need not develop for "mobile." That flips and Nadella has a new problem on his hands. I guess I hold a mobile phone and NOT a smart phone in my hand within long when all apps are discontinued. So Nutella just let down windows phone to focus on developping a bunch of Skype bots that nobody talk with? That just doesn't look true to me - WP had significant market share and was growing for several years. Window phone was dead 2 years ago when it wasn't making enough profit for too long. Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. basically anyone on Windows was using MS services, so transfer to new product which would not be compatible with old system would be easy for them. Belfiore was/is incompetenthe is the harbinger of doom for anything he touched including WP Yeah it was pretty much over when he was caught with an iphone on vacation with his family a few years ago lol. The fact that it was hard enough to get a 920 din't help. Why did they move to Windows 10 mobile, when they knew the Windows 10 OS was not good to go? But well meant I change to LG V30, or S8 plus or note 8, but in this moment I cancel office 365, cancel groove, in the future cancel Xbox live, ea access , I cant belive, now I selling my Surface pro 3 to, my angry is to extreme I know, but I'm very angry. But what really happened? Oh well. This approach can lead to poor public relation and customer backlash. It is hard to believe but we are almost there. I think you only make money if you are number 1 so hence the Spotify alliance. I don't see a long term future even for windows if this idea fails. So he admits it? No vision equals no company. Then just like Centennial, allow Android apps to take advantage of UWP features (live tiles, etc) this is the 'extend'. But developers need to be seriously wooed back to the Windows platform. It faltered because MS failed to release any new compelling hardware to entice new buyers. According to global executive survey done by Harvard Business Review & Brightline Initiative Only 20% of the strategic targets set by organizations are realized. Seriously, Nadella is an example of the Peter Principle and MS needs new leadership that can harness the enthusiasm of their devs and customers to re-introduce Win phones and improve their offerings & quality across the board. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, Nadella Satya can use this trend to expand in adjacent areas Leadership, Organizational culture. Some of them will barely break even, and some may lose money in any one quarter, but if you focus on the cloud and enterprise customers only, you will quickly become irrelevant. It helps him to spend time appreciating life's blessings. Nadella is an Indian-American business executive. Thats where therolling-up-the-sleeves partbegins. Infinidim. The Windows store is full of *****. Obviously this has to be asked and displayed PROMINENTLY. - First Mover Advantage Nadella Satya has first mover advantage in number of segments. I see very very dark days ahead for Microsoft and guess what YOU DESERVE IT! The few million people who owned windows phones I guarantee were Microsoft's biggest fans. I was a young father of a little girl when I left and she's almost ready for kindergarten. We as consumers are being misled by Paid Media(In India, we call them Presstitutes) regarding Microsoft. Nothing is cast in concrete anymore, but that goes in both directions. But those users and developers aren't going to just sit around. I have 40k worth of their stock, my vote will be to give his butt the boot. And theres progress in the cloud as well. HP would have felt the love and support they want and continued to develop the line in conjunction or beside the mythical Andromeda device as a more "phone like" iteration and a solid OEM partner would be there. It is a crying shame that MS keeps coming out with innovative products but fails to follow up on developing the products. sell high end phones at mid range prices) in an attempt to encourage adoption. Apps were coming over fairly regularly and MS put a lot of energy into its Xamarin purchase and development. It's a given Nadella will continue to push Windows Azure and Office 365, where hes been instrumental in their impressive growth so far. Certain apps were noticeably missing, but it remained a viable platform for many people and was even quite popular in a number of countries outside the US. Cheers to all! noun Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. They will not be visible to the average user and that most of their existing devices will become not-so-profitable in a few years. Windows rules the desktop and laptop marketatthe moment. Let native APK to run on Windows Mobile and Windows desktop. Roll your sleeves up and put in some work Nadella/Microsoft.. Because if you can't make windows phone work..Then I wonder.. what cat was riding a fire breathing unicorn? Hi All In his own words, he needed to change the rules of the game. It helps to feel less foolish and disrespected by MS for their actions towards consumers. Remove that potential of growth and you lose your major developer incentive. Microsoft, you used to plant the tree. For example, more will start use google docs and storage (due to integration with phone etc.) Your phone would become a Windows Pocket PC running UWP apps with the ability to make phone calls. I think any decision he made was going to cost Microsoft something. Hope in one hand s h I t in the other. How likely are you to continue to believe and trust the Microsoft ecosystem"? Thats not an enviable job. Could the future hold the possibility that the CPU, RAM and personal data is to be find in the smart phone and that the docking stations holds GPUs, extra hard drives etc. I don't blame Nadella as much as I blame Ballmer. Great person.not a great person to push microsoft forward. Satya Nadella wakes at 7 am, three hours after Apple CEO Tim Cook. The synchronization between the 3 is important to me. Microsoft should build its own variant of Android in same way Amazon did with Fire OS. If only HP had its own mobile platform. There has been a presumption that XP users would make the switch. Tried that twice actually. Bigger than the US obviously. As a famous man once said, "the evidence is incontravertible." Are you kidding!?!? Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. It isn't the guy digging for gold who gets rich, but rather the guy that sells the shovel. But there are certainly opportunities to paint a brighter line between the two sides of the house than weve seen so far. "I did not get why the world needed the 'fourth' ecosystem in 'Cloud Solutions', unless we changed the rules." The highest sales were 10.5 million with 2.7% of the market. And it looks to me like a huge mistake. HE SHOULD READ ALOT OF BOOK!!! I wonder if windows 10 will have same demise?, I'm still on 7 i don't like it, I think that MS has developed (pun intended) a reputation which will not be shaken. Always keep learning. PC? Related stories. I get that MS makes lots of money from providing software and services that only enterprises can buy. Your best so far. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! And my guess is that these items are all high on Nadellas to-do list. There's no reason in the world Win 10 phones couldn't compete against iPhone & Android. Nokias hardware division drags on Microsofts margins and net income. Every professional is consumer but not every consumer is professional who builds, design something. What is he planning to do to correct this? By Antonio Planas. Without mobile they will dissappear in years to come. My windows phones were always stable and reliable (except when I got on preview builds). I am going with Nokia 8 next year. Laptop, Tablets and network Servers. > How many toy manufactures, production companies (film/tv), IoT. Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. People hanging about in a burning house while walls fell down around them and ash filled their lungs, smh. A new concept is really not going to do much because just like a new car/ blanket/ cone of ice cream/ new love.. etc.. doesn't replace the very first (the excitement, anticipation, thrill, vibe, energy can never be thesame), a new project won't replace windows phone in the hearts consumers, no matter whether it fails or succeeds.. Keep the hardware division growing fast. In this (WinPhone) case, hitting refresh is a good thing imo. You arejust wrong. He will destroy MS. Even in AR and AI MS is posed to fail! According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this can lead to inability on part of the organization to increase prices that its premium prices deserve. If people aren't using Microsoft in their personal lives, it won't even enter their heads to use it in their commercial lives. @JaimitoFrog.Yeahthats the ticketMS would be bankrupt in 6 months. I am staying with my April 2017 Lumia 950XL (UK) till it no longer works. I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. Microsoft must rethink its business looking for a leadership with strength in marketing to achieve strategic agreements that allow the company to recover its level of competition. As you rightly point out, Jason, "eradicating" Windows phones and their ngegative perception was paramount to "hitting refresh". WP is not OneCore so RIP WP, as announced. From high hopes to seeing what a low life he really is. So if an Apple/Google competitor offers a competitive product then I will give it a good look, if not my first right of refusal. But neither has Windows on PC, albeit some can run it. Windows 8.x fails to garner significant tablet market share, despite updates. Satya Narayana Nadella became Microsoft's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2014. As more consumers are familiar with Android - it will get into the business place. The Surface Phone has been promised for YEARS! Too little too late for me. Dongles on the TV ( Firestick anyone ), Handhelds..etc.. ), but remove a mobile device and much of what we use is stationary. MSFT seems to be telegraphing very clearly that they feel Windows will be dead in less than 10 years and they are moving the company in the direction to ensure survival in a post-Windows world. I can't imagine Nadella doesn't realise this will happen he's the CEO after all. With the former, you'd have a stronger infrastructure but higher lead time. I get the abandonment of Windows 10 Mobile, but MS seemed to have had pushed really hard the Continium feature. They sat on the old Windows Mobile WAY too long with no innovation after the iPhone and Android had taken off, established their stores and ecosystems for apps. He only cares about the income statement today and his bonuses. such a device would be better than what Microsoft has now . I think MS does have plans for Mobile (probably in line with Zach's overall vision) but they don't like to show devices till they are ready. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. Nadella Satya has tried to diversify first using different brands and then by adding various features based on customer preferences. I am confident they have something truly amazing in the pipeline (presumably 2019). My whole family is on Windows Phone because of me,I have lost friends defending and aruging overWindows Phoneand itsaddens me that this CEO has dragged Microsoft down to this point and yes I blame him. I still think Windows Phone/Mobile was a better OS on the surface, and on iOS 11 and iPHone 8 I'm finally getting some features that I had on my 920 (wireless charging and email transcriptions to name a couple). But what was the point while Microsoft was sending contrary and mixed signals all the long. Learn from mistakes and grow with concepts not with words.First and most important, build products/services for each and every person. Nadella will come out of this looking like a savior. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. Whether consumers are willing to buy those devices has thus far been a mixed bag. Windows phones were reaching 10% market share in some markets. Satya Nadella, in full Satya Narayana Nadella, (born August 19, 1967, Hyderabad, India), Indian-born business executive who was CEO of the computer software company Microsoft (2014- ). I always get good responses on my Idol. Then they get all defensive when the backlash is real. Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. Boy do I look like a fool now! So the future is going to be more difficult because Microsoft filed to develop a mobile OS market Having a mobile device would have kept them in the game. You won that battle because of the staple applications of Word & Excel, things people use everyday (like mobile phones of today), was a market you got into very early and stuck it out. Unfortunately Microsoft's lack of focus and inability to market thier own product made this deal seem like a precieved desparate move instead of taking full adavntage of this opprtunity. Jason Ward's influential writing might just be the snap of the fingerMicrosoft need to wake up out of the anti consumer mobilestate of consciousness. Satya Nadella is a CEO who was born in India. They should have just purchasedParallels and created a Parallels for windows phone that runs ios and android apps and we would not even be having this conversation. The article and lots of the comment said WP fail because lack of dev/app, people must realize W10 also use the same dam UWP. Satya Nadella, chief executive officer said in . As Microsoftenters the Nadella era, its a sprawling company with some tremendously successful divisions and some fundamental challenges. The weaknesses of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset are - Aligning sales with marketing - It come across in the case study Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset that the firm needs to have more collaboration between its sales team and marketing team. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this has provided Nadella Satya resources to not only thwart competitive pressures but also to invest into research and development. Even that company has the major stake in that segment of the industry? Lets see what happens. This is what happens in any company that has 80%+ market share in anything. Google and Apple are committed and welcome talent. Windows is famous for still being Windows even on a low end cheap as piece of plastic. I think they could have basically said, "look the X3 will not get win32 support but it will get as much else of Andromeda that the hardware can handle (essentially becoming W10S) so we can build the core experience on it during insider preview" that would have let HP market an X3 version 2 for the legacy win32 support and given Microsoft the loyal user base that would give them feedback on the development. Now all you do is to carve "Microsoft was here" in someone else's tree. I also felt pretty betrayed owning am Xbox One original. However, since I only have hints of what they are working on with Windows on ARM and CShell, I have to pick up something else. That was the finding of a survey on corporate attitudes by Microsoft Corp ., the workplace software giant and owner of LinkedIn. It's about new management practices and . Congratulations, Satya Nadella. I think it is a very intense business to do the digital "rights" management etc. - Increasing bargaining power of buyers Over the years the bargaining power of customers of Nadella Satya has increased significantly that is putting downward pressure on prices. You can create the worlds finished machine learning but if you are not getting the input from people on the most used devices then it will gradually lose traction to the devices people do use. They should have kept it going until they had something else to offer verus, "whelp we're pulling the plug, go give your money to someone else and we hope you'll like whatever we bring out in the future, IF we decide to bring it out." Then throw us a carrot and make Messaging Everywhere work. There have been leaks of Microsoft dual screen MINI TABLETS. There isn't a single company in the world that earns a dime by selling very cheap phones. Office 365 revenues fail to match declining traditional Office revenues. Good-bye MS. Good-bye Edge, Bing, Cortana, Groove, Office, Outlook, Photos, OneDrive, Skype, Store, etc., etc. I have not commented on an article here in such a long time! Consumers that nowadays exist around a mobile ecosystem. The successful organizations such as Nadella Satya are the one who able to predict market trends better than others, provide resources to develop products and services to leverage those trends, able to counter competitors threats, and meet customers expected value proposition. Yes. The 920,1020 were some of the most talked about sp(smartphone) on themarket during that time. What really hurt Windows Phone was empty promises that they lost interest on keeping. But, when you are a legacy icon, everyone wants to rip down your statue. But people are dropping their desktops, and why go for a Windows laptop when your mobile devices will play better with a different OS? How much would it really cost to provide support for some company to continue W10M on a phone that it could sell at a profit? ButI would prefer not to (always) support the Apple fan-club thing or Google's super focus on ads and selling private data. Unreal. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. I'm done with MS. Define the line between business and consumer. So, give them something they are familiar with but with a settingoption where they could useeither Live Tiles or Icons. I just got my android phone and my subscription to WPS office. If Microsoft is going to spend lots of money building iOS and Android apps to link Microsoft services to these OS, why wouldn't they do the same for W10M?
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