He was already richI, Ive seen people get black balled by him..now the shoe is on the other foot , Id like to know how long this s.. went on and the people who knew said nothing out of fear of losing their job. ( |o )====:::Convenient answer, ======= or whoever you are. I have trust issues and the thickest walls imaginable. My family loves Pastor Bob and his leadership and every week he led hundreds to our Savior. You didnt have the integrity and honesty to answer my question, and now you want me to answer yours! I also want to point out that Pastor Bob resigned, he was not fired. Michael, We don;t argue we chat from different view points. Sounds like you have job security then. Confession is step one. Im sure that everyone understands my need to be as careful and precise as possible. Also, your link article suggests that we ought not make a big deal out of it cause he stepped down. We wait until we know and can prove what we know, then we report. Jean- Yes it went on because I knew a couple that had dinner with BC and wife with only a few other couples. Get your own. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. With the latest revelations on child molestation, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale posted on Tuesday the following statementin response to the allegations: "Our church was saddened to hear of the allegations made against Bob Coy years after his resignation and departure as senior pastor. Please adjust your headline to resign. BE TRUTHFUL AND HONEST, OR YOULL NEVER EXPERIENCE TRUE HEALING! What happened at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale? I totally agree anon. I could see being gracious to a guy who practiced and modeled it and was truly privatebut the fact is Coy was a big time celebrity (and probably will be again) and he had a broad congregation and broad viewershipand its probably right to let everyone know what happenedwhich as usual the blogs are standing in the accountability gap. It should take time and healing. I believe it was originally 103 until those 2 donors backed out. Anyone know? Where did you ever get the idea that the millennium was to be disneyland?? Night all (everyone whos still up). I was feeling horrible.". I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. My thought when I was there was Doesnt the first person feel ripped off? Id wager something huge that Bob is not who they all think he is. Sorry that I crashed your little party! So, in this regard bravo to this church. . If his marriage survives and I hope it does Bob will have to spend the rest of his days on his knees begging their forgiveness and thanking God for giving especially her too him. I also know 2 large donors retracted their pledges. How can we middle aged women compete with an image of a physically perfect 25 year old? I have looked this for years, and I think there are several groups that are maintaining biblical integrity and calling. Decades of life wasted. In one case, victims claimed the church knowingly moved a pedophile to another city without warning parents. Abraham the father of the Jewish nation and subsequently the Christian as well was promised a son and became frustrated over time and slept with his wifes servant, regardless of tradition, which lead to the birth of Ishmael an illegitimate child and penalty was that Ishmael would become the father of the Muslim nation. Sounds typical. An open church service on Sunday at 4 p.m. included worship, reading of a letter from Coy and the reading of a statement from board, followed by honest sharing of a reminder that Jesus is leading and that the church will move forward together. Did he leave the country? Although Bob was a pastor of a mega church and held to a higher standard, he is still a human being, and human beings are flawed sinners. Am I Chuck Smiths disciple? Pride is something that could be seen from his pulpit for many years now. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; AND THEY LIVED AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND YEARS. With Bob Coy I immediately think of healing for him and the family as I didnt consider him as dangerous to the body. Bad part is that I had to sit quiet because there is no evidence. http://pompanobeachfl.gov/pages/department_directory/development_services/planning_and_zoning_division/pdfs/maps/city_map.pdf, http://www.city-data.com/zipmaps/Pompano-Beach-Florida.html. WIKI article is pretty good. he could always go back to Vegas as a comedy act. None of us are in a position to throw stones, judge, or cast aspersions upon or condemn himonly God can. But the Bible tells us to care about both. To "avoid substantial injury" to Coy's former employer Calvary Chapel according to the court file. Red herring. Yes or no. I empathize with those of you who have have called Bob your Pastor. I wonder how many were out there defending Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker when they fell into sexual sin? MLD #681. Kate Forbes: Would a Christian be permitted to lead Scotland. Always til Eternity. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. They are always the main arrows in the enemy quiver that are fiery darts. this Calvinist preterist teaching is a rotting festering leaven in the body of Christ today!, Wow Ill let my reformed friends know that theyre not really saved because Hugh said so. Thats right, his own church leadership did the judging. The church won't say, though a spokesman says the chapel was "saddened to hear of the allegations." people need to vent, to be angry, to feel betrayed and to weep. Loss of respect. He didnt repent of his wrongdoings when he hurt children or their parents. Than how can the others be? You got that right, MLD is probably 300 lbs., sitting on a big leather sofa eating popcorn as he writes, with three cats purring around him, while his wife yells from the other room, get off the computer and take the trash out as he answers in a moment, I gotta write one more thing, I have no sympathy for adulterers, may they rot in hell! And then he prays to himself, Thank you God that I am not like that Bob Coy!. #472, anonymous.. how are you related to all of this. Well said. Before leaving each church, we shared our research with the pastors who made excuses, denied the facts and questioned our right to find fault with their church doctrine and leadership. No one is denying that grace, forgiveness, and redemption are available to him and all of us who are sinners by birth and by choicebut lets focus on the wounded before the wounder. thoughts? Im not too concerned about Bob Coy right now. The church clearly did not think this. Thank you for the correction. Contrary to what is being said, we have not found many churches that are both Biblical and socially minded to help the hurting. Hugh said @10:31pm Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, . No there are not. and someone from the OUTSIDE. Because the whole reason to deal with this kind of sin in the community is what it does to the community. Again, shout it to the masses when its other peoples sins like gay marriage etcor make assistant pastors go before the church and confess (Bob Grenier did that stuff)but grace and mercy and lets give the family their privacy etc when its the Senior Pastors turn to face the music. "They have been at war ever since.". Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! is the 1000 years? Bob Coy may not have been a good pastor but he was a great Bible teacher (amalekites, perizzites, canaanites OH MY!) Baptized ! Thats just the sad reality of sin I forgive you. I dont find that in the NT you will need to show me. Prayers for restoration and healing of the flock and his family. And I have a sincere question about him. I dont understand the part about bringing pride into this in some of the comments. He soon became known for building unique hot rods and in 1977 he opened his own shop, Hot Rods by Boyd, in Stanton, California. And continue to be fed where you are but continue to ask God to show you where you need to be. He loved having yes men around him. It was more of a suggestion, like getting in an office. Oh did I spoil your little party, are your dirty little garments full of ulterior motives showing as you point your self righteous little finger at others and relish in their fall! We have confirmed that Coy has admitted to at least . No one will recognize him on the beaches of South France or strolling through Florence. For one thing if you had accountability partners and people that youre answerable to like you claim, then you would not have this blog as a tool of Satan, accusing the brethren, you are just a discontented wannabe pastor who meets in a living room with 10 people, criticizing and begrudging the work of God because youre not part of it! It will be interesting in this post-Coy(tal) era to learn the truth as it comes out. Some who have been mistreated by Coy will rejoice and have an I told you so attitude and I understand that. A look ahead at Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 15. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. Wait, what? In other words you are fighting for a literal 1,000 yr period for a non existent kingdom. It would also give her the opportunity to stop worrying as much. Did you answer the questions? I especially loved Pastor Bobs teaching. The Asst Pastors are pretty weak with the exception of Bill Schott BUT he is a teacher and not evangelical. did you see me talking to myself all afternoon on the other thread? 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. I hope the best for you Mr Coy God can still use you; after all Peter outwardly deigned Christ (3) times and was lifted up to be the one appointed to feed the sheep and , excuse the analogy, you will need to be willing to be crucified upside down. Jake and his mother were like her own sons to her. Recognizing we serve a God of second chances and that our hope is in Him, the statement concludes, the leadership, staff and members of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale have joined together in prayer for Pastor Bob and his family during this time of healing.. I agree. I still have the cassette tape. one more bad guy to add to the never ending. Nero was certainly anti-Christ though I personally would not ascribe the definite article. Dustyno issues, sishugs right back to you. This is a Christian blog? If you answered yes to all 7 questions you are a Preterist Scripture denying Calvinist! Let the body of Christ refuse to sever a member. RiBo @ 145 Yes, all the more evidence that men are still sinners after they are savedthere is no transformationmen still sin in the same or different areas as before they were saved.. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. He shucks at the power of the blood of Jesus, he basically says no problem regarding the mark of the beast the list goes on and on. 8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adders den. It's still not clear how Coy's sexual indiscretions came to light in 2014. It pains me to see the enemy has won this battle, but know he will not win the war! Agree with BDs #775. The case was thus closed and made "inactive" in October 2015 pending the victim's cooperation. Find a church that could use your contribution of time and talent and let the mega house worry about itself. Many members expressed disappointment, encouragement, and hope on the church's Facebook page. MLD, again, Acts 2 isnt speaking on the truth of a literal 1000 years in Revelation. The devil is a liar and trickster but God is the truth and his will shall be done. The last thing we need to do is turn on each other over this because first, There is nothing new under the sun Second, we have a whole unbelieving world out there that will be looking for an explanation and answers and we are focused on discrediting each other and being right??? Total identity loss. Not only of church/pastors in my past, but unfortunately, I know too well the pain Diane Coy is feeling having been there myself. The point is that sin is a type of adultery against God, if we are the bride of Christ, lying, lust cheating or anything that puts something in front of Christ is an adultery because it violates that covenant. Since you have only been taught the CC line yes, Satan has been bound for the past 2,000 years. Please try to have compassion and understanding for those who struggle with sexual sin. And they are legion. Let me also say this. The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him through the process of full repentance, cleansing and restoration, the statement reads. Yes, all the more evidence that men are still sinners after they are savedthere is no transformationmen still sin in the same or different areas as before they were saved. One of the many reasons I left. If that board doesnt see evidence of Bob relinquishing his power over this injured and vulnerable group of people in Ft Lauderdale and beyond, then they will have no choice but to release enough of the details to protect the Body from a fallen pastor who has no idea how dangerous he is to a people he claims to have loved. You will have new people to blame for the fact that your pastor couldnt keep his pants on. Did Pastor Fidel Gomez know anything? Now he was locked up in jail. TV ACUTE is a full entertainment site where you find tv series related press releases , promotional photos tv news and movie updates. Dont over react to what you see here. I should have welcomed you to the site and clarified your thoughts before firing one over your bow. Christians must never, ever put their faith in the created, only in the creator (Romans 1). Can you please point me to the confession of these women? I pray that Bob Coy hasnt left decades of bodies in his wake, and I will be praying for them (nameless as they may be to me) and for his church and family to recover. Barbara. 11 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. This blog has been around for many years, and many of the screen names you read are actually people well known to one another in the regular community here. On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. Social Media Links-Reddit Facebook. Robert Fountain SENIOR PASTOR CALVARY CHAPEL MIAMI BEACH | LinkedIn. While you are rejoicing in the fall of another you should do your home work and renounce you idol worship of your anti-Jewish god Luther, along with the gracious burn them at the stake unrepented Calvin. Michael can you confirm the involvement of Bob Barnes as someone who was instrumental in all this coming to light? # 8. To make my last post clear, the amillennial position is not from God, and the true position, that takes the Bible literally and believes in a literal 1000 year Kingdom when Jesus returns, is the original position that the first believers held. "If you're broken, Jesus will be gentle with you in your anger and disillusionment," Sauder said. episode has aired, viewers are eager to find out what will happen in the Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 15: You know that each episode of Blue Bloods consists of multiple storylines that all somehow relate to each SWAT Season 6 Episode 16 [Blowback] Luca makes a major decision, Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 15: Meet the newest Cooper. THAT pastor contacted the board. Lorenzo, My lying mouth? Yes or no. MLD, you have the right of it. Whoever is talking about pride ? Vince hated that Sharon wasnt thinking about them, but he couldnt stop thinking about them. anyone check this in the greek? But it appears extramarital affairs may have been one reason. Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. What kind of God would we serve if he chose some at random to go to hell and some to go to heaven. And if you read June one of the comments I believe she really got it right. Restoration is made as one is able whether its money or whatever. But there is a big difference. Nobody handed him the keys, he built this church. In 1996, the church paid $21 million for a 75-acre campus just east of Florida's Turnpike off Cyprus Creek Road, where Coy often dipped into politics to guide his massive flock. ", "Moses was the leader appointed by God," Smith told Christianity Today in 2007. So here is the text. Nada. @ 395 I posted a link- Please read it. Coy's church won the suit plus $81,000 in damages and fees and the city, which organized the event, stopped offering sponsorships out of concern that hate groups might take advantage of the ruling. Nearly 18 years on and there is still so much for the Lord to heal. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This is all speculativebut something I know all too well. I cant find it on the backend. NONE. I dont think any men are really qualified to be put up on that sort of mega-church pedestal. It is my hope and prayer that you find healing and peace. Andy, your gravitar is a New Age symbol (Ill bet you did not know that) so what does that say about your comments? There are a multitude of reasons why this is important information and depending on when you ask me, youll get a different answer. Even more reason the transformation gospel is a myth. We need to have discernment these days otherwise many shall be deceived. He was the son of Joe Gibbs, a five-time NASCAR Cup Series championship winning owner and Pro Football Hall of Famer. Hooked on porn for years. There are multiple known affairs. I know a lot of Jews who have self hatred! Wake up to the day's most important news. Just go to Benny Hinns website if you want that ? You have left the building. If they see him go to the offended and attempt reconciliationregardless of their response to himand maintain a gracious patience with those offended. John MacArthur has been and is a great man of God and a faithful servant of the same. He had other associate pastors go publicly in front of the congregation after their infidelity. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the basilisks den. Your cognitive dissonance is kicking in. Unlike many Protestant churches, which set up powerful boards of elders to oversee ministers, Calvary used a management style Smith called the "Moses method. I have absolutely no sympathy for the adulterer. Everybody sins. The detective told her that he couldn't destroy the files, but he closed the case that day. As planned, Jake was going to donate a kidney to her. fllynn, when you describe their teachings as garbage and nonsense, it isnt the truth it is your ungracious interpretation. Which is precisely why Im questioning you. Just think if David was removed as king for his indescretions, his adultery and then setting up the killing of her husband. The fact that this is a family-oriented show is one of the aspects that contributes to the shows overall depth, and we dont want to see that aspect altered in the least. You have been well shelterd if you are so unaware of what happens in the real world. Whats the big deal Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa is not in Costa Mesa. Lets go after Bob and not let him go from our love in Christ! Then non believers wonder why Christians are the only ones to kill their wounded. Anon, I cant really say how I know. She'd never even told her family about the crimes. It also seems to be an across the board thing crossing doctrinal and denominational lines not limited to one type of church governance.. I am not telling them to let him keep his job. vimeo.com. Although, he DID go before the congregation and HIS troubled marriage didnt lead to a sexual encounter. Why? I suggest you would be considered a loving person for doing the same. I will remind all in this blog that Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart. With that we end another day of broadcasting. I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? . I personally experienced an unfaithful fianc prior to the wedding and she was very involved in the church so I can sympathize as well as empathize on this issue. This becomes a learning lesson that the bigger the church the more safeguards it has to have and the less pastor-centric it has to become. It was like everyone was in a daze. They did for a while, but after she SWAT Season 6 Episode 16: Now that the new S.W.A.T. In other words, let the church handle the churchs business. Kassanndra Cantrell a lady from Tacoma, Washington, disappeared in 2020 without leaving behind much evidence. I dont think it was ever told. donny, I asked politely. What about their families? Check out any of the Reformers on the anti-Christ, Michael wrote: Dispensationalism was unheard of until the 1800s. Bob chose to do that.. Pride paves the way to infidelity and/or sexual indiscretions. As well as Pastor mark left but Im sure everyone feels that is because of something Mark did. Fidel has mentioned cheating on Theresa several, several times during his sermons. Power and money corrupt, and NO ONE is exempt from the temptation to cross moral lines. Much of that lashing out has been accusatory against the facts of the article, calling them lies and slander, with plenty of personal insults to the author. You have brothers and sisters in the world that are not able to mention their faith without fear of loosing their freedom or life. Andy, did you get your 691 out of a Chick comic book? Psalm 34:17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.18 The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I have to agree. Bob, Anons #472 is absolutely true. i heart sheck wrote: And, I dont see anyone coming to the defense of his co-sinners. Phoenix Preacher 2023. Also, I notice Chef is no longer listed as a pastor. Founded in 1985 by Bob Coy and his wife Diane,. He quit the cocaine and strippers, met his wife, and moved to South Florida to preach. In another, he called adultery "the ultimate betrayal of trust in human relationship" and cautioned that "repentance is not just being sorry that you were caught.". Can the congregation recover? He is a human that, if I may point out, has transformed MANY MANY MANY lives over several years and has grown CCFL into an amazing place of worship. Michael, come on now. What did the church do in the Middle Ages? "Our former pastor was caught in sin," Lowe said April 16, according to the Sun Sentinel.
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